You Gotta Fight
The weather here in FOC has been fairly decent of late.
I was almost ready to go ahead and declare winter officially over,
but I knew Donnie Baker would flip shit, and then a surprise
front came thru and dropped about 3 inches of snow Thursday
as well. This coming Wed, we are looking at 60 again, which
will be ideal for a parade, but then a chance of snow again the
next day. With that, I am holding off for another week or two.
This town is absolutely nothing but Superbowl 24/7.
The local media has beaten every single dead horse
subject to death. The first time two brothers play in the
same game at QB. The first time two brothers play in the
same game w/ Momma Kelce sporting a very d-town'ish spilt
team jersey. It's time to play the damn game already.
Where are you watching? Home or party? I will be watching
from home w/ Vaghub and my son will be coming over as
is tradition. We will be enjoying some good old KC BBQ,
and watching the Chiefs prevail as I mentioned earlier in
another thread. 28-24. Odds makers are still locked in on
Philly at -1.5 and garnering 66% of the nickel and dime wagers,
but enough big (smart) $$ is being thrown at KC to prevent
line movement.
It seems kind of weird being the only Chiefs homer left in
this place .... back in the old days ... lemme tell ya now ...
I think the only reminder from the days of yore is the smiley
of Paul scarfing the Twinkie.
WAR - Defenders of the Red Faith!

Happy Weekend, Y'all.