13 day stretch of hell is over. Happy to have the weekend off.
Going to look at a Norditrack bike today. Still trying to decide between
it and the Pelly. Grill biz this afternoon and a few cocktails during the
Army vs Navy game. Army looking to regain possession of the Commander-In-Chief's Trophy.
An Army loss would = a tie between all 3 teams and the trophy would stay with last
years winner- Air Force. #GO ARMY!!!!
For you better's - the over and under is 17.5

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics ... f744&ei=16
I was scrolling thru some old pics on IMGUR the other day and
ran across this one .... I know it made an appearance at .net
but I am pretty sure this is the first time here ....
yours truly and d-town back when the Royals were still decent - '16

What up d-town? Did you fix your grill yet?
T1B seems a little more pleasant since that one asshole took a vacay.
Is this permanent, or just a dick tease?
Happy weekend, Y'all.