Not a fan of this tune. Sorry I watched the vid.
Bright and sunny all weekend in FOC but a strong NW
breeze, and falling dewpoints will put a little chill in
the air. With St Pat's Day coming tomorrow there is
a 100% chance of green beer and Jameson flowing this
Let's go ahead and wad screwloose's panties early.

The rest of this WRC will be taking a slight turn from the
norm .....
A couple of things caught my attention this week -
The local morning radio shock guy had the dude on that
sells sex dolls. The link may offend some, and is NSFW-
view w/ discretion .........
!!! !!!
I don't get it. Granted, these have come along way from
the glorified beach ball blowups that you would see at
frat parties back in the day, but come on. Who actually
buys these? Not everyone has a significant other, or even
a regular bootie call. Ok, whatever. But how do you get to
a place where you drop a G or more to pretend you are
fucking someone? Did Pornhub lose it's appeal or do you live
in a state that has blocked access? - More on that below ...
I see they offer male versions and shemale as well. Besides
screwloose, who is buying one of those? Are chicks buying
fake dudes, or just fags? I was disappointed that the host
didn't ask that question. I look forward to your comments.
As for the Pornhub issue ..... ... 30562.html
So many questions with this.
Do you live in one of these states?
How exactly do you prove you are 18?
Do VPN's eliminate this hassle?
What are horny teens doing in these states?
Have they found work arounds?
Teens have had it made for a couple of decades now with
the internet and fresh jerk off material a key stroke away.
They have no idea about the hassles their predecessors went
thru. Teens today have had endless, Playboy quality puss in
full, 1080 or even 4k. Remember squinting so hard to see thru
the snowy screen on late night, scrambled cable channels?
20 Minute work out on tv when the only tv in the house was
in the living room. If you were really lucky you had a friend
that stole a Penthouse from his old mans stash, or someone
that had an older brother buy a Hustler and was kind enough to
lend it to you, crusty pages and all.
I get that uptight, christian conservative kooks feel that doing
something to "protect the children," is better than ignoring
the issue. Funny that none of them see this way in any form
of sensible gun control, but that's a topic for another day.
But we all know the cow is out of the barn and horny teens
will get their jerk on no matter what. 99% of me thinks this
is horse shit. But 1% of me does see some good in teens actually
getting up out of the house and possibly looking for a real,
live girl to put their deeks in.
Happy weekend, Y'all.