Florida Man Arrested For Battery After Attacking Sister With Fried Chicken
Too bad we can't have an amazing world of *edit* Black People thread in this place; no matter how warranted and overdue it really is.
nope, can't just grab whatever was in the bag and start eating. Need to do the sensible thing and start chucking them at your sister. That way, cops can be called (and I'm sure that's not the first time they've been to this house) and he can be hauled off to jail and get a court date and potentially do prison time AGAIN.20-year-old Khanye (don't even need a picture to guess the race with that one) Medley is the guilty party here, and he has a history of this sibling battery. Khanye lives with his sister in Clearwater, and if you've got a sister of your own you know how much of a mistake this might be (for both of them, I'll be fair).
Looks like Khanye is using the hangry defense for the chicken attack, because his excuse for his outrage is that he was really hungry and his sister offered him one of the worst pieces in the bag. I'll assume she told him to deal with what was one of those tiny drumsticks with barely any meat on it, so then he proceeded to grab the bag from her and just start chucking pieces at her.
"naw bitch, yo need ta get me da good ones. da good ones, you know-what-um-sayin?"
But I dindu nuffin!
Do these people EVER think????
Dave, bring on the memes!