The "Acronyms" are any of the following: FBI, CIA, NSA, DNC, RNC, DOJ, DOD and foreign entities too numerous to name.
There comes a time where advertising dollars simply do not move the needle anymore. There isn't much more you can throw at either candidate for president that the public hasn't already factored into their decision. Both are essentially incumbents. Both have been president. It is different than in the past when someone who had never held the office was angling to unseat someone who is actively doing the job or two people who never held the job were angling for the position. The public has lived through both of their presidencies. They know what they get.
There is a panic (not a word I chose for effect, but one I think seems to be accurate) among many of the Acronyms that Trump could be President again. I could post a shit-ton of links to support the assertion (and I will if Mikey or some other reality denier claims that it isn't true), but I think we've all seen enough of them. If the polls are to be believed (and I don't believe them, personally), things don't look so rosy for Biden.
I do not like to even consider the possibility. But if I were Biden and/or Trump, I'd quickly acquire a food taster and a Pope Mobile. I think these Acronym types do not dilly-dally if they think their fiefdom is threatened in any way. Biden is not bringing the numbers they want. And Trump is Trump.
I'm hoping for no bloodshed and smooth sailing. But I'm concerned, and have the following attitude about the next five months: