Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

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Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by 88BuckeyeGrad »

First off, I should probably identify who "him" is. "Him" is either of Biden or Trump (or both, I suppose).

The "Acronyms" are any of the following: FBI, CIA, NSA, DNC, RNC, DOJ, DOD and foreign entities too numerous to name.

There comes a time where advertising dollars simply do not move the needle anymore. There isn't much more you can throw at either candidate for president that the public hasn't already factored into their decision. Both are essentially incumbents. Both have been president. It is different than in the past when someone who had never held the office was angling to unseat someone who is actively doing the job or two people who never held the job were angling for the position. The public has lived through both of their presidencies. They know what they get.

There is a panic (not a word I chose for effect, but one I think seems to be accurate) among many of the Acronyms that Trump could be President again. I could post a shit-ton of links to support the assertion (and I will if Mikey or some other reality denier claims that it isn't true), but I think we've all seen enough of them. If the polls are to be believed (and I don't believe them, personally), things don't look so rosy for Biden.

I do not like to even consider the possibility. But if I were Biden and/or Trump, I'd quickly acquire a food taster and a Pope Mobile. I think these Acronym types do not dilly-dally if they think their fiefdom is threatened in any way. Biden is not bringing the numbers they want. And Trump is Trump.

I'm hoping for no bloodshed and smooth sailing. But I'm concerned, and have the following attitude about the next five months:

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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Roux »

I hope not.

But if it does happen, I do not think that any entity of the U.S. government will be involved in any way.

Again, I hope it doesn't happen.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Roux wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:42 am I hope not.

But if it does happen, I do not think that any entity of the U.S. government will be involved in any way.

Again, I hope it doesn't happen.
We already know it's true.
There's been examples going back decades to prove that our very government is infiltrated with treasonous traitors.
Look at the 51 intelligence officials who signed their names to a letter FILLED with lies about President trump, RIGHT BEFORE the 2020 election.
We need a 6 - 7. Special counsels working together, along with Special forces, mercenaries, seals, etc...........
In other words, a SHOW OF SUPREME STRENGTH to weed out these insurrectionists from WITHIN our government, who seek to undermine not only the will of the people, BUT our constitutional republic as well.

During President trump's presidency,we actually witnessed treasonous insubordination NON-STOP during his entire tenure.

Both the inspector General report and the Durham report came to this conclusion, without actually saying it.

Anyone else in here understand all this?

I know I'm not the only one.

The left-wing press and media are crying and screaming that president trump is going to throw everyone in jail.

Not even close.

But he definitely needs to set up Special counsels along with the baddest Special forces on planet earth, to enforce these Special counsels, bring serious muscle to show Commie bastards like John Brennan, who's got the "cock and balls",


Our constitutional republic is done.

Say goodnight Gracie.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Mikey »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a joke.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Mikey wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:47 pm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a joke.

88 just told you all the agencies within our VERY GOVERNMENT who are treasonous and insubordinate.

Senator Chuckie schmuckie Schumer HIMSELF said on "meet the press", that if you fuck with the intelligence community, they can "DRYFUCK" you seven ways from Sunday!

THAT'S the very definition of a treasonous insurrection!

NO agencies within our government can fuck the President of the GOT DAMN United States, without it being insubordination AND an insurrection.

Are you aware of this?
ALL agencies answer to the president.
What we saw during the trump administration, was a series of GOT DAMN treasonous insurrections.

Anyone disagree?

Apparently, these left-wing sociopaths put into place by Barry Obama, are all guilty of insubordination at the very least, to the FAR MORE LIKELY, , treasonous insurrections !!!!

ANYONE with half a brain, understands THAT'S WHAT WENT ON for president trump's ENTIRE PRESIDENCY!

NO WAY can the constitutional republic withstand ANYTHING like that ever again.

Which is why 6-7 special counsels must be put in place, fully backed up with special forces, mercenaries, seals, DIG UP "THE DUKE" John Wayne and the mother fucking Green Berets!!

A SHOW OF FORCE to left-wing commies like John Brennan, the CIA, FBI, and every other treasonous pigs who DARE undermine the will of the people.

You actually deny that intelligence officials from within our VERY GOVERNMENT, in a signed and certified letter, LIED REPEATEDLY about President trump on the eve of the 2020 election?

Tell this entire board that you deny that FACT.

Tell everyone you DENY that Obama's department of Justice used unverified BS propaganda to take down the incoming trump administration.

Both the inspector General report and the Durham report came to this conclusion.

THAT'S the very government, weaponized against president trump. The treasonous insurrection from WITHIN.

AND there's even more specific examples, if you need more information.

HOWEVER, ALL that being said.....


YOU Mikey boy, ARE the JOKE.

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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Roux »

JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:48 pm treasonous pigs who DARE undermine the will of the people.



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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Sven Golly »

Roux wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:58 pm
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:48 pm treasonous pigs who DARE undermine the will of the people.



Those are beautiful photos! Those buildings are owned by US.

If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:04 pm
Those are beautiful photos! Those buildings are owned by US.

If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
You are a traitorous pile of human excrement.
kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Screw_Michigan »

88BuckeyeGrad wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:44 am First off, I should probably identify who "him" is. "Him" is either of Biden or Trump (or both, I suppose).

The "Acronyms" are any of the following: FBI, CIA, NSA, DNC, RNC, DOJ, DOD and foreign entities too numerous to name.

There comes a time where advertising dollars simply do not move the needle anymore. There isn't much more you can throw at either candidate for president that the public hasn't already factored into their decision. Both are essentially incumbents. Both have been president. It is different than in the past when someone who had never held the office was angling to unseat someone who is actively doing the job or two people who never held the job were angling for the position. The public has lived through both of their presidencies. They know what they get.

There is a panic (not a word I chose for effect, but one I think seems to be accurate) among many of the Acronyms that Trump could be President again. I could post a shit-ton of links to support the assertion (and I will if Mikey or some other reality denier claims that it isn't true), but I think we've all seen enough of them. If the polls are to be believed (and I don't believe them, personally), things don't look so rosy for Biden.

I do not like to even consider the possibility. But if I were Biden and/or Trump, I'd quickly acquire a food taster and a Pope Mobile. I think these Acronym types do not dilly-dally if they think their fiefdom is threatened in any way. Biden is not bringing the numbers they want. And Trump is Trump.

I'm hoping for no bloodshed and smooth sailing. But I'm concerned, and have the following attitude about the next five months:

Jesus Christ, you make Ted Kaczynski seem stable and down to earth.
kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Softball Bat »

Sven wrote:If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
NY will not go to Dump.

is the election only legitimate if Donald is the winner?

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Sven Golly »

Softball Bat wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:27 pm
Sven wrote:If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
NY will not go to Dump.

is the election only legitimate if Donald is the winner?

Don't be too sure he won't take NY. He's peeling away a huge % of blacks and Jews.

Plus, the influx of illegals to Manhattan are making people reconsider their Biden vote from 2020.

Upstate and Long Island are red - just need the boroughs to get onboard.

And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020. Too many shenanigans in the big cities in the swing states Trump narrowly "lost" then.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by FiatLux »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm Don't be too sure he won't take NY. He's peeling away a huge % of blacks and Jews.

I laughed.

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020. Too many shenanigans in the big cities in the swing states Trump narrowly "lost" then.

He lost by 8 million votes. The largest in Presidential history.

Too funny.

The convicted felon is going to get crushed again. It's just a matter of if Biden can break his own record of 8 million votes. That's probably 50- 50.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:20 pm
88BuckeyeGrad wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:44 am First off, I should probably identify who "him" is. "Him" is either of Biden or Trump (or both, I suppose).

The "Acronyms" are any of the following: FBI, CIA, NSA, DNC, RNC, DOJ, DOD and foreign entities too numerous to name.

There comes a time where advertising dollars simply do not move the needle anymore. There isn't much more you can throw at either candidate for president that the public hasn't already factored into their decision. Both are essentially incumbents. Both have been president. It is different than in the past when someone who had never held the office was angling to unseat someone who is actively doing the job or two people who never held the job were angling for the position. The public has lived through both of their presidencies. They know what they get.

There is a panic (not a word I chose for effect, but one I think seems to be accurate) among many of the Acronyms that Trump could be President again. I could post a shit-ton of links to support the assertion (and I will if Mikey or some other reality denier claims that it isn't true), but I think we've all seen enough of them. If the polls are to be believed (and I don't believe them, personally), things don't look so rosy for Biden.

I do not like to even consider the possibility. But if I were Biden and/or Trump, I'd quickly acquire a food taster and a Pope Mobile. I think these Acronym types do not dilly-dally if they think their fiefdom is threatened in any way. Biden is not bringing the numbers they want. And Trump is Trump.

I'm hoping for no bloodshed and smooth sailing. But I'm concerned, and have the following attitude about the next five months:

Jesus Christ, you make Ted Kaczynski seem stable and down to earth.
Everything. 88 said was 100% correct and "spot-on" accurate.

51 intelligence officials from within our VERY GOVERNMENT, signed off on an official letter FILLED with lies about President trump.

Should I repeat this FACT???

THAT'S EXACTLY what 88 was explaining to you, YET IT FLEW STRAIGHT OVER YOUR HEAD!

OUR GOVERNMENT is filled with "bad actors" who literally tried to take down president trump from the MOMENT he was elected.
That's the very definition of treasonous insurrections from within our VERY GOVERNMENT.

Let me go on record as saying,
Anyone who doesn't understand that our very government has been weaponized against president trump,, seriously delusional and brainwashed.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Softball Bat »

Sven wrote:And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020. Too many shenanigans in the big cities in the swing states Trump narrowly "lost" then.
They stole it from him in 2020.
They will steal it from him again, right?

Why should he be running?
He knows they will steal it from him again.

Thank you, sir. May I have another?

What are you going to do when Donald loses?

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

FiatLux wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:46 pm
Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm Don't be too sure he won't take NY. He's peeling away a huge % of blacks and Jews.

I laughed.

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020. Too many shenanigans in the big cities in the swing states Trump narrowly "lost" then.

He lost by 8 million votes. The largest in Presidential history.

Too funny.

The convicted felon is going to get crushed again. It's just a matter of if Biden can break his own record of 8 million votes. That's probably 50- 50.
Quote, "he lost by 8 million votes" end quote.

If you believe, ACTUALLY believe that Biden got 16 million more votes than Hillary Clinton received in 2016?


Tracking presidential elections over the past century clearly demonstrates that it's a statistical impossibility for Biden's vote total to be 16 million more than Hillary's vote total from four years prior.

At the very lead, it's the MOTHER of all known statistical anomalies.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Roux »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thought you had more sense than that, but obviously I was wrong.

Carry on.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Meat Head »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:04 pm Those are beautiful photos.
Fuck you pal.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Sven Golly »

FiatLux wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:46 pm
Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm Don't be too sure he won't take NY. He's peeling away a huge % of blacks and Jews.

I laughed.

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:31 pm And yes, it's only legitimate if Trump wins. He won in 2020. Too many shenanigans in the big cities in the swing states Trump narrowly "lost" then.

He lost by 8 million votes. The largest in Presidential history.

Too funny.

The convicted felon is going to get crushed again. It's just a matter of if Biden can break his own record of 8 million votes. That's probably 50- 50.
We have this thing called the Electoral College numbnuts.

He "lost" by a mosquito's whisker in the states that matter fool.

Chain-of-custody. It should be a thing, but in 2020, it wasn't.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by FiatLux »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:14 pm
He "lost"

That's right.

You are now dismissed.

the truth
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by kcdave »

Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:04 pm
Roux wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:58 pm
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:48 pm treasonous pigs who DARE undermine the will of the people.



Those are beautiful photos! Those buildings are owned by US.

If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
The dumb is as strong as ever in this one.

Why is it, that dems can only win by rigging elections?
Why is it that dems are the only ones that have figured
out how to rig elections?
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:57 am
Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:04 pm
Roux wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:58 pm



Those are beautiful photos! Those buildings are owned by US.

If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
The dumb is as strong as ever in this one.

Why is it, that dems can only win by rigging elections?
Why is it that dems are the only ones that have figured
out how to rig elections?

The violent insurrections of 2020 in cities from coast to coast saw 57 murdered, countless assaults and rapes!! The burning and destruction of federal buildings.
ALL DONE by your fellow left-wing racist sociopaths!

THAT ENTIRE 2020 INSURRECTION EXTRAVAGANZA, made Jan 6 look like a gay pillow fight between you and Roux.

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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by 88BuckeyeGrad »

According to the Nate Silver types, Dump is crushing Bidet in the Electoral College polling (and nationwide too). Demotards are in full panic. And they are just the useful idiots for the Acronyms who run DC (and who are definitely considering their next actions). In my opinion, Joe and Don both need body doubles, Pope mobiles and food testers pronto. Acronym shit is about to get really, really fookin weird.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

88BuckeyeGrad wrote: ↑Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:12 am According to the Nate Silver types, Dump is crushing Bidet in the Electoral College polling (and nationwide too). Demotards are in full panic. And they are just the useful idiots for the Acronyms who run DC (and who are definitely considering their next actions). In my opinion, Joe and Don both need body doubles, Pope mobiles and food testers pronto. Acronym shit is about to get really, really fookin weird.
To be clear.

Since 2016, our very government, starting with Obama's department of Justice, right on through to now, HAS BEEN WEAPONIZED against president trump.

ANYONE who denies this reality, is either willfully ignorant or categorically brainwashed beyond repair.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:13 pm
Sven Golly wrote: ↑Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:04 pm
Those are beautiful photos! Those buildings are owned by US.

If Biden somehow "wins" this time, with all the polls showing that Trump will walk away with this - even NY could be up for grabs - expect this type of reaction on steroids.

And with absolute justification.
You are a traitorous pile of human excrement.
No he's not. YOU are the treasonous sub-human degenerate dirtbag traitor for fully supporting the REAL insurrections from WITHIN our very government, starting with Obama's department of Justice, which used unverified BS propaganda to TAKE DOWN the incoming president trump.

And the insurrections from WITHIN, continue as we speak.............
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Carson »

88 called it.
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Carson wrote: ↑Sun Jul 14, 2024 3:36 am88 called it.

Eight years of a weaponized government, now an assassination attempt,

This President Trump is one tough SOB, fighting for us, the American people. NEVER SAY DIE.

Bring on Michelle Obama, bring on Oprah Winfrey,

I gotta believe that this assassination attempt just RE-ELECTED President trump.

Hopefully, we'll get answers this time, unlike the Vegas Shooting which went completely into the abyss.
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by L45B »

Dayamn, 88 has mad receipts in this thread.

β€œMy dentist, that’s another beauty, my dentist, you kiddin’ me. It cost me five thousand dollars to have all new teeth put in. Now he tells me I need braces!” β€”Rodney Dangerfield
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by The Seer »


As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts β€” The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia β€œPerfect” Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!
β€œIt is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by Diego in Seattle »

We get it. You don't understand judicial ethics.
β€œLeft Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Do you think the Acronyms will actually shoot him?

Post by JPGettysburg »

Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Mon Jul 15, 2024 3:41 pm We get it. You don't understand judicial ethics.
Actually, since you agree 100% with the kangaroo court in NYC, it's YOU who has ZERO clue about judicial ethics.
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