Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

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Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by kcdave »

Brand new stuff from the greatest rapper on the planet.

Overall, late Spring and early Summer have been a bit cooler
and wetter than what we have seen for the last 2 decades here
in FOC, but the stiff dick of reality returns in a hot, sweaty
fashion this weekend. Vaghub and I had discussed possibly making
a roadie up to Minneapolis sometime this month to get away for a
few days... but it's just as miserable up there. Left coasters seem
to be having their share of the warm weather, but it's a dry heat. :hfal:

Did you see that Red Box is going tits up?

https://www.nbcnews.com/business/busine ... rcna161407

When was the last time you watched a DVD?
Better yet, when was the last time you actually went somewhere
to rent one?
No big surprise here with the Red Box news, other than I didn't even
know they were still in business currently. I never rented one from them,
and I do not believe my wife did either. I think we may have been in
on the original Netflix mail-to-home gimmick for a very short time.
Ah, the good life we lead now with streaming at our finger tips.
Hard to believe that many moons ago, we would load up in the covered
wagons and make the journey to Block Buster, only to be disappointed that
all 200 copies of the latest hit had already been rented out at 7pm on
a Friday night. Occasionally, you might get lucky by driving to the other
end of the strip mall to the mom and pop video store. They charged more,
and only had 5 copies, but often times you had better odds of scoring.
Worst case, you had the option to venture to very back, and make your
way through the beaded curtain to the adult section.
Ah, the good old beaded curtain. While somewhat subtle, it made just
enough of a distinct sound to alert the whole fucking world that you
were looking to get your perv on. They may as well have had lights and
sirens blaring each time a scaly handed, dick yanker passed thru.

Was there every just a plain old, regular use for a beaded curtain?
I always recall seeing them in the video stores of course, and in movies
on the doorways at whore houses or in hippy movies where stoners were
all getting baked. I don't remember ever seeing the Beav pass thru one
going into the den to get some good, fatherly advice from Ward though.

This weeks meme is a youtube ... Good stuff here guaranteed to make
everyone laugh and leave you thinking ...
"I didn't know you could still say that on tv." 
Puppet, you may not want to watch.  There are jokes about black people.  

Happy Weekend, Y'all.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Roux »

Wolfman what's up? If you gave an update re your PET scan, I missed it. Hope the docs are able to take care of you.

I've been home as my wife stayed in Yucatán. Next Saturday I'll go back there for a week, and then we'll all come home. So with no wife and no little dogs here, my home has been quiet. The dogs love going to the beach, they play and run around as fast as they can, then nap time:


It has been a challenging week or so for me; sometimes a chronic pain patient's pain gets worse, and that's what's been going on. Won't be able to get an epidural until early August, hopefully my back will calm down some. Not trying to complain, that's just what's happening now. I'm grateful for the abilities that my body still has.

Received a 4% raise at work earlier this week. Really was not expecting that at all considering that I've only been at this this new place since March. They told me that they recognized my efforts during the Session, and had heard from several legislators saying good things, again all unexpected and I'm grateful.

Spent about $200 and bought shares in 4 more horses. Later today I'll go into more detail in the horse thread, but one of them, Saratoga Warrier, probably will race his first race on Friday! Wish I could be at the Saratoga track for that.

Former LSU pitcher Paul Skenes has been named a starter for the all star game. He was phenomenal at LSU but I thought once he got to the majors that they would be able to hit on him. But not yet. So he's having a historic season in MLB and dating Livvy Dunne (who won a national championship in gymnastics), life is definitely good for the former Tiger. Rules:


Made a crawfish etouffee that turned out pretty good. Might go eat leftovers for breakfast. Y'all have a good one.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Wolfman »

IN. Have. a consultation with my uroloogist on the 19th. Will know more about things then.
Getting harder just getting around.
Look forward to tunes tonight.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Carson »

Wolfman wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:45 pmGetting harder just getting around
Lucky you. I started using Viagra this year. :-|
JPGettysburg wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Python »

Roux wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:24 pm I'm grateful for the abilities that my body still has.
Both of them.
Sven Golly
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Sven Golly »

kcdave wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:25 am Brand new stuff from the greatest rapper on the planet.

Overall, late Spring and early Summer have been a bit cooler
and wetter than what we have seen for the last 2 decades here
in FOC, but the stiff dick of reality returns in a hot, sweaty
fashion this weekend. Vaghub and I had discussed possibly making
a roadie up to Minneapolis sometime this month to get away for a
few days... but it's just as miserable up there. Left coasters seem
to be having their share of the warm weather, but it's a dry heat. :hfal:

Did you see that Red Box is going tits up?

https://www.nbcnews.com/business/busine ... rcna161407

When was the last time you watched a DVD?
Better yet, when was the last time you actually went somewhere
to rent one?
No big surprise here with the Red Box news, other than I didn't even
know they were still in business currently. I never rented one from them,
and I do not believe my wife did either. I think we may have been in
on the original Netflix mail-to-home gimmick for a very short time.
Ah, the good life we lead now with streaming at our finger tips.
Hard to believe that many moons ago, we would load up in the covered
wagons and make the journey to Block Buster, only to be disappointed that
all 200 copies of the latest hit had already been rented out at 7pm on
a Friday night. Occasionally, you might get lucky by driving to the other
end of the strip mall to the mom and pop video store. They charged more,
and only had 5 copies, but often times you had better odds of scoring.
Worst case, you had the option to venture to very back, and make your
way through the beaded curtain to the adult section.
Ah, the good old beaded curtain. While somewhat subtle, it made just
enough of a distinct sound to alert the whole fucking world that you
were looking to get your perv on. They may as well have had lights and
sirens blaring each time a scaly handed, dick yanker passed thru.

Was there every just a plain old, regular use for a beaded curtain?
I always recall seeing them in the video stores of course, and in movies
on the doorways at whore houses or in hippy movies where stoners were
all getting baked. I don't remember ever seeing the Beav pass thru one
going into the den to get some good, fatherly advice from Ward though.

This weeks meme is a youtube ... Good stuff here guaranteed to make
everyone laugh and leave you thinking ...
"I didn't know you could still say that on tv." 
Puppet, you may not want to watch.  There are jokes about black people.  

Happy Weekend, Y'all.
Damn kc, that felt like I just read the Proteus chapter from James Joyce’s Ulysses. :lol:
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by 88BuckeyeGrad »

On the road today (heading to Chicago then driving to Wisconsin for a celebration of life event for a friend who passed away a couple of weeks ago - Damn!). Not sure if we will make it to Tune Town. If we do, it will likely be at 11:00 p.m. or so.

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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by StrawMan »

Carson wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:33 pm
Wolfman wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:45 pmGetting harder just getting around
Lucky you. I started using Viagra this year. :-|
LOL - Rack!

Generally loafing around today. Got a couple races to watch, then movie night with the Mrs., followed by Tune Town.

Hope you make it, 88's.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Rootbeer »

Rack kcdave! That opening post was beauuuutiful!
Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Mikey »

As long as we're relating our old guy aches and pains here -

I spent about two hours lying still, on my back, in an MRI machine yesterday. My latest PSMA PET scan (sup wolfie), checking for possible recurrence of PC, lit up a couple of spots on my right shoulder blade and fourth rib on my left side. These are usually false positives, but need to be followed up with MRI anyway. They had to do two separate series, one for the shoulder and one for the chest. I know I have some arthritis in both shoulders and some stenosis in my lower back and have a hard time lying still on my back for a long time, but thought I could gut this out by eating half a THC gummy before going in. Didn't know that it would be two hours, though. Fuck. I counted to 2,000 three times, and was almost in tears by the time they pulled me out.

Got the results back from the right shoulder. The main result: "No osseous metastatic disease." :logan:

The radiologist seems to have had some fun writing up the rest of the results, though. Fucking show off.
  • "There is fluid, debris, and enhancement, measuring approximately 69 x 13 x 12 mm interposed between the upper thoracic cage and scapula, nonspecific, likely reflecting scapulothoracic bursitis."
  • "Full-thickness, partial width tearing of the supraspinatus tendon, with failure at and near the footprint."
  • "Low to moderate-grade partial thickness articular sided tearing of the infraspinatus tendon."
  • "Subscapularis tendinosis without tear."
  • "Severe tendinosis of the long head biceps tendon with partial tearing."
  • "Small joint effusion. Degenerative tearing of the majority of the labrum. Moderate to high-grade cartilage loss throughout the glenohumeral joint with minimal delamination of the inferior glenoid cartilage."
  • "Mild to moderate amount of subacromial-subdeltoid deltoid and subcoracoid bursal fluid that communicates with the glenohumeral joint through the above-mentioned full-thickness rotator cuff tendon tear."
Thanks a fucking lot. Guess I shouldn't have worked so many innings. Can I get Tommy John surgery?
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by Roux »

Python wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:35 pm
Roux wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:24 pm I'm grateful for the abilities that my body still has.
Both of them.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 7-13-24

Post by 88BuckeyeGrad »

Mikey - I hope you get some relief soon. That sounds like torture.
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