Overall, late Spring and early Summer have been a bit cooler
and wetter than what we have seen for the last 2 decades here
in FOC, but the stiff dick of reality returns in a hot, sweaty
fashion this weekend. Vaghub and I had discussed possibly making
a roadie up to Minneapolis sometime this month to get away for a
few days... but it's just as miserable up there. Left coasters seem
to be having their share of the warm weather, but it's a dry heat.

Did you see that Red Box is going tits up?
https://www.nbcnews.com/business/busine ... rcna161407
When was the last time you watched a DVD?
Better yet, when was the last time you actually went somewhere
to rent one?
No big surprise here with the Red Box news, other than I didn't even
know they were still in business currently. I never rented one from them,
and I do not believe my wife did either. I think we may have been in
on the original Netflix mail-to-home gimmick for a very short time.
Ah, the good life we lead now with streaming at our finger tips.
Hard to believe that many moons ago, we would load up in the covered
wagons and make the journey to Block Buster, only to be disappointed that
all 200 copies of the latest hit had already been rented out at 7pm on
a Friday night. Occasionally, you might get lucky by driving to the other
end of the strip mall to the mom and pop video store. They charged more,
and only had 5 copies, but often times you had better odds of scoring.
Worst case, you had the option to venture to very back, and make your
way through the beaded curtain to the adult section.
Ah, the good old beaded curtain. While somewhat subtle, it made just
enough of a distinct sound to alert the whole fucking world that you
were looking to get your perv on. They may as well have had lights and
sirens blaring each time a scaly handed, dick yanker passed thru.
Was there every just a plain old, regular use for a beaded curtain?
I always recall seeing them in the video stores of course, and in movies
on the doorways at whore houses or in hippy movies where stoners were
all getting baked. I don't remember ever seeing the Beav pass thru one
going into the den to get some good, fatherly advice from Ward though.
This weeks meme is a youtube ... Good stuff here guaranteed to make
everyone laugh and leave you thinking ...
"I didn't know you could still say that on tv."
Puppet, you may not want to watch. There are jokes about black people.
Happy Weekend, Y'all.