Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

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Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by kcdave »

New David Gilmour :-|

Great weather weekend here in FOC.
Tons of grill biz, couple honey do's including
getting volunteered by VagHub to smoke 3
pork butts for sis-in-law's yearly maga loving,
redneck, fall get together, that I will be skipping
as I do every single year.

MIZZOU bye week, comes at a much needed time
after that pathetic performance against Vandy last
week. Sure we won, but looked terrible in doing so.
I will be watching Ga-Bama tonight. Go Dawgs.

Chiefs vs a very dinged up Bolts team tomorrow.
Sun should set tomorrow evening with Chiefs 4-0.
Hope to see TK catch a few, maybe a TD and get
shut down all the naysayers for a while. I get it
though. Chiefs fatigue is wearing on everyone that
doesn't live and die with the team.
134 days until 3Pete.

Speaking of fatigue- election fatigue is in full effect
and we still have 37 days to go.

Summer was not kind to this old guy. Skipping the
gym occasionally opting to spend the time working,
poor diet choices, and a few too many beers by
the pool has me needing to drop 15 lbs immediately.
Back to the gym 7 days a week for a while and changing
up the workout routine. My joints nor my mental state
allows much more than about 8 miles running per week.
VagHub told me to stop sitting by the pool drinking beers
and margs and start swimming laps. I started last weekend,
but I can't lie. I am a shitty swimmer. My form is horrible.
Hopefully Youtube was my friend this week, as I watched
about 5 hours of instructional vids. Hitting the lap pool
up at the gym in about 2 hours and then again tomorrow
morning. If only I was rich like Mikey, and had a pool
at my house.



Happy Weekend, Y'all.
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Sudden Sam
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by Sudden Sam »

kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:48 am Image
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by 88BuckeyeGrad »

Banana leaf pig?
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Meat Head
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by Meat Head »

That might feel like one of those condoms with a built in vibrator. Carson you find out and tell us.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by Mikey »

David Gilmour - looking pretty old, but damn he can still play
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:48 am I started last weekend, but I can't lie. I am a shitty swimmer. My form is horrible.
Hopefully Youtube was my friend this week, as I watched
about 5 hours of instructional vids. Hitting the lap pool
up at the gym in about 2 hours and then again tomorrow
morning. If only I was rich like Mikey, and had a pool
at my house.

I used to swim regularly in a 50 meter pool near my office. I even put a 75 foot lap pool in my yard back in the early 90s. Unfortunately I only lived in that house for two years. Current pool is nice to look at but not ideal for lap swimming. It's about 42 feet long. You push off one end, get about three or four strokes in, and then you have to turn around. I hear you about needing to shape up. For the past year exercise has been a 1.5 mile walk in the morning with Mrs. Mikey (barely a baseline) and copious amounts of daily yard work. But it's been so hot over the summer (111.8 here one day a couple of weeks ago) that I've barely gotten any of that done. With the cooler weather we've been getting I expect to be walking up and down our hill a lot going forward, and putting the new chipper shredder through its paces. I'm even thinking about getting back on the rowing machine (ugh).
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by Roux »

Chronic pain can really suck sometimes.

Here is some early Blues Brothers on SNL.

My heart goes out to those affected by Helene. Lives will never be the same, and it will take so long to recover from such catastrophic damages.

Need to hit the grocery store but hopefully the rest of the day I won't have to do much. Y'all have a good one.
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Re: Weekend Roll Call 9-28-24

Post by Mikey »

Catching the Amtrak this morning to LA to go see LA Opera’s Madame Butterfly. Sunday matinee. Mrs. Mikey is a big opera fan. For me, it’s OK, but an exercise in staying awake for three hours. It’s a 30 minute drive to the Oceanside transit center, two hours in Business Class, and a five minute Uber ride. Lunch when we get there, three hours of opera, back to Union Station and a two hour ride back to Oceanside. We may go out to dinner at the harbor before driving home. The sacrifices we make…

You all have a great Sunday. LFGSD!!
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