A customer abandoned a Land Rover Discovery II at my repair shop. No license plates, he just bought it. There is a copy of the bill of sale in the window. He declined repairs (transmission) and then disappeared. We tried calling for a year.
Finally got an abandoned vehicle title and started unpacking personal items from the back.
There are three of these insulated cooler backpacks.

Inside the pack are these compartmented containers.

Inside the compartmented containers is somebody's mystery... lunch? Everything is the color of aluminum foil.

The 12oz cans have been drained through small holes in the top and bottom. All labels are totally missing.

A small tube of Pringles was wrapped in foil and the seal under the cap was turned over so you can't see the label unless yountear the foil. Why??? And the Pringles smell like apples, for some reason.

Two small bags of Sweet Chili Doritos were opened and turned inside out. The Doritos were then put back in the bags and heat sealed. Whyyy?

Alright, smart friends, I turn the mystery to you. What is happening here?