dan's college room mate wrote: ↑Thu Oct 10, 2024 8:07 pm Funny how the people who think we have a big impact on climate are ridiculing those who think we can affect local weather.
My take is that climate has been doing its thing since there’s been a climate.
It’s been way hotter.
It’s been way colder.
We’ve measured a general warming since the very early 1800s after centuries of overall cooling.
This warming trend started a little ahead of the Industrial Revolution. So, it’s kind of hard to pin it on CO2 levels.
So, we know it’s warming. We don’t know how much if any is our fault.
Another thing we know is that cold still kills way more than heat. It isn’t even close.
We also know that the planet is getting greener. And this is definitely purely a result of our fertilizing the atmosphere with the shit that makes stuff grow. Just ask any weed hot house grower. He bumps up CO2 to more than double the natural weather.
Here’s another thing we know. How to modify our environment to cope with what the miserable cunt, Mother Nature dishes out.
In the U&R we had a number of bad hurricanes that wiped out entire towns.
Rather than crying about climate change, the Army Corps of Engineers built a number of dams for flood control and also to generate a few electrons.
This is what places like Asheville need to look into.
There should be a good sized dam or three above Nashville that could catch these storms and turn them into electricity. Also, if we really are going to pursue a power grid run off renewables, there’s one already proven method of storage and that is pumping water uphill.
We’ve done it for over a century. It isn’t rocket surgery.
Appalachia has plenty of elevation variation and water. They could store a bunch. Cali has even more elevation and they can get the water from those soggy fukkers a little north.
The wastelands between the Sierra Madre and Appalachians don’t have much of either, but they have a metric shit ton of wind. Just pipe those electrons to where they can be stored to the east or west.
This makes more sense to me than trying to build that many batteries.
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