to me. Dork has a great sound...
Heading to the pool shortly. This swimming thing is hard.
My technique is still a mess, and my breathing is just
a disaster. I can run for days, but just a couple of laps
in the pool has me huffing and puffing like I was
sprinting hills. It is very frustrating to see fat asses
both male and female, that are easily 10 years older
than me in their late 60's, just blowing right by me
in the pool, and they just keep going and going.
Meanwhile, I am having to stop, hyperventilate,
and catch my breath for 10 to 15 seconds every lap
or two. Youtube swimming vids have not been my
5 day weekend here. Honeydo's, and a shit load of
football. The NFL should not be playing games at the
same time as the college playoff that we have waited
decades to finally see. This scenario will be requiring
a 2 tv set up today. Chiefs at noon vs the Texans...
the first of 2 games in 5 days.
Just gotta win both of these, lock up the home field,
and the final game will be meaningless. Get the starters
rested up for the 3pete (50 days away).
Not really caring who wins Pitt vs Bmore, but just
hoping that Bmore really puts a good physical pounding
on Pitt.
I hate all things Big10, so go SMU and Tenn.
Making a big pot of brisket chili tomorrow. Will
it be t1b photo worthy? tbd.
M's o t W
Special one for Sven the dipshit-
Happy Weekend, Y'all.