happy Mardi Gras

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Eternal Scobode
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happy Mardi Gras

Post by Roux »

January 6 marks the start of Mardi Gras season. Following the 12 days of Christmas and 12th night, it is the Epiphany, when the 3 kings arrived in Bethlehem with gifts for the baby Jesus.

And so in south Louisiana, that means we can now eat king cake. Here's the one I brought to the office today, a Bavarian cream one. Python, if you haven't been to Oak Point in Central for king cakes, then you need to do so my friend.


The tradition is that a little plastic baby is hidden in the cake, and whoever gets the baby is supposed to bring the next cake.

The parade schedule in NOLA is set, but there are parades all over south Louisiana, and they each have their own unique twists to the celebration.

The season lasts until Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras day, which is always the day before Ash Wednesday. This year it is March 4th. Happy Mardi Gras y'all.
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Re: happy Mardi Gras

Post by Mikey »

So, as soon as Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are over you get two months of solid partying to prepare for Lent (assuming you survive that long) during which time you can break your vows to give up alcohol and all food that tastes good, until Easter when the partying officially starts again.

I like how you all roll down there.
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Re: happy Mardi Gras

Post by Roux »

Never understood the giving up alcohol thing.

Jesus turned water into wine, as the story goes. Seems like a pretty clear instruction for those who follow him.
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Re: happy Mardi Gras

Post by Mikey »

I have allocations at a few wineries where what they accomplish with grape juice could rightfully be considered Divine Intervention.
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