Samurai G wrote:own up to what, what did i do?
post an avatar?
I made no reference to anybody, it was my avatar.
I took it down when so and so said it was his former employer. he said i posted his name, i did not. i don't know anything about this guy except he has my pic in his av with 'FAG" written in it. I did not post that pic here. where did it come from? Is my pic not personal info?
what's the big deal? I didn't melt with my pic in his av. Why not ban him?
go ahead and ban me.
Jesus, this is drama over nothing
You ought to read your own board, SG. Somebody challenged you as to why you'd post CroMag's old employer's av. If it was nothing and you meant nothing than WHY did you post it? Dumbass.
CroMag posting the av you were using as yours? You posted that mug here because I copied the son of a bitch here, you idiot. I made that picture, all you did was make it an avatar size. You posted three pics of yourself with some goofy looking guy with dark hair, and it looked like it was in a bar.
You posted your kids pic.
You posted those pics of yourself in that stupid St. Louis jacket, where I wytched Irie as the guy next to you, you fucking idiot. I wytched the pic of the guy doing the waiter routine with your mug from one of the pics you posted. YOU posted it as your av, then CroMag added the arrow and FAG.
You are too stupid to play anymore. You are actually more dense than Frag. Exit/Eject/Ban/Run whatever, YOU SUCK.
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