Rushville or Q or someone...

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Rushville or Q or someone...

Post by indyfrisco »

I believe it was Q, but whomever it was that gave the tip to hit the range with the headcovers under the armpits, THANKS.

Went to the range yesterday and only brought my PW and my 14* and 20* Nickent hybrids. I hit 1 bucket with the PW and the headcovers under my armpits doing 3/4 swings. Of the 60 balls, probably 50 landed on the small mound of a green 135 yards away. The other 10 or so were no further than 15 yards off right or left.

I moved to my 20* hybrid which I've been having ALL kinds of hell with lately after starting off great with it. No headcovers this timel. I put the same swing on it, maybe a touch harder than 3/4 swing. Everything was down the middle and with a slight draw which is perfect for me when I hit it the way I want to. I've had a LOT of trouble fading when I've wanted to recently. When I put my fade swing on, it worked every time.

The best part of it though? I was not "gripping and ripping" like I normally do, but my distance was only 5-10 yards shorter than normal but right where I wanted it.

The exact same thing happened with my 14* hybrid.

Sucks I have to watch my neice tonight and then go to a wedding in Indy tomorrow. No golf for me until Sunday afternoon. Can't wait...
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Re: Rushville or Q or someone...

Post by Felix »

IndyFrisco wrote:I believe it was Q, but whomever it was that gave the tip to hit the range with the headcovers under the armpits, THANKS.
Actually it was Rushville and his bill is on it's way.
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Post by Qbert »


i merely recommended the Nickent Hybrids.
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Post by Rushville »

Glad to hear that worked for you!

I have yet to see that drill not work for someone with the problem of arms and body not working together.
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Post by Dinsdale »

You know, my golf opportunities have been few and far between lately.

Sunday evening, I made it to Hacker Heaven.

And you know what...all those problems I've been having getting the ball to fly right -- I took a new approach to fixing them. I think I've discovered a new secret --

I didn't give a poo. Figured after not playing much on about a month, I was going to suck anyway. So I just walked up, took aim, and hit the ball. And for the first time in a long time...probably the first time since my back injury -- the ball went where I aimed it. It was weird. +2 on the front, which is freaking a smoking score for me these days(easy easy course-btw). And my short-chipping ABSOLUTELY SUCKED, to boot. Usually that's what saves me from complete disaster -- if...excuse me -- WHEN I miss the green, I can often get up and down. Not sunday. But, I still managed to put up a non-embarrassing score.

I see great things happening in the future...until I hit the course again.
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