Depends on what your definition of the word outing is

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Depends on what your definition of the word outing is

Post by Buried_Nick »

Knock it off, Bush!

Jesus H Christ; how stupid do you think we are?

First its; "If I find that the leaker is in my admin., then they'll be fired."

Next comes; "Karl Rove named in testimony as source of CIA Covered Employee leak, most probably endangering said employee's and others operations abroad."

Then; "My client never said her name to the reporter." :roll:

And of course, now comes Bush; "If I find that a CRIME was committed, that person will no longer be in my administration."

Honestly people.

How the fuck do you seriously, with a straight face, defend this son of a bitch?

I can't even keep count of the numerous embarrassments, scandals and lying, spin filled coverups, that this retard has tried to placate onto the American people. Christ, the Worlds people!

How do you people cover for this guy?!

Why?! :?

[Wait! I'm sorry. I forgot about Clinton lying to a lynchmob trial trying to get information about who was sucking his cack, while maybe saving his marriage. My bad. What was I thinking. :roll: ]
Poptart, the tard slapper wrote:Don't ya think you could at least sit the boys down for a day or two and talk to 'em about rubbin' one out...?
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Post by Cripple Fight »

If you lube up properly your pussy won't get this sore.
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Post by Luther »


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Post by Buried_Nick »

Yep. We all need the industrial sized lube bottle, from what this fuck Bush has been tryin to SLIDE us.

And for some of you asswipes to defend this shit, is amazing, man.
Cheney aide also leaked spy name, reporter says

By Susan Page and Richard Benedetto / USA TODAY

WASHINGTON -- White House strategist Karl Rove was the first person to tell a Time magazine reporter that the wife of an administration critic worked for the CIA, the reporter said Sunday. Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, then confirmed that fact to the reporter.

An account in the new issue of Time by Matthew Cooper is the first time a reporter involved has described the role two powerful White House aides played in breaking the story that has sparked a two-year investigation.

Cooper testified Wednesday before a grand jury investigating whether laws were broken when the identity of Valerie Plame, who had worked undercover for the CIA, was disclosed to journalists.

In Time and interviews Sunday on NBC and CNN, Cooper revealed details that could be significant in the inquiry by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald — including the first on-the-record confirmation of Libby as a source.

For TWO years, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Rove and Libby weren't involved. (That fucker should just quit. The way the guy was used like a political douchebag. Why do you think the last PS quit!?)

Plame is married to former diplomat Joseph Wilson. The CIA sent Wilson to investigate whether Niger had sold Iraq "yellowcake" uranium, which can be processed for use in nuclear weapons.

Wilson later accused the administration of exaggerating intelligence about that to make the case for war, a charge the administration denies. Plame's CIA connection was then identified in a column by conservative commentator Robert Novak and a story in Time.

In his account released Sunday, Cooper said Rove "did ... clearly indicate" that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA, though he didn't use her name. That was news to Cooper. The next day, Cooper asked Libby about it. The vice president's aide replied, "Yeah, I've heard that, too."

It isn't clear whether either man broke the law. Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, minimized the disclosures: "No new facts have come out, and nothing said today substantively changes anything."

Cooper says Rove ended their brief phone conversation in July 2003 with these words: "I've already said too much."
In other words, they knew enough to not utter her name, but to use whatever explanatory help up to that point, so they could trash the guy who criticised their hero. And in the meantime virtually end his wifes career in her field of operations at the CIA.

Nice job, assholes. :roll:

Fire the bastard.

Fucking traitor.
Poptart, the tard slapper wrote:Don't ya think you could at least sit the boys down for a day or two and talk to 'em about rubbin' one out...?
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Post by Cicero »

Babs, eat a grenade.
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Post by Mikey »

There was a contentious staff meeting at the White House about the health of Dick Cheney. Bush interrupted and said, "Men do not have anginas."

George W. Bush in the White House is like a turtle on a post. "You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to help him get down."

"Surgeon General, what are the results of my Brain scan?"
"Mr. President, your brain has a left side and a right side."
"Well, everyone has two side to their brain, don't they?"
"Yes, but in your brain, on the left side there isn't anything right, and on the right side there isn't anything left."

Just wanted to add a little levity to the discussion.
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Post by DrDetroit »

Looks like someone is still living in lastweek.

Hey, dickhead...she was no longer a covert agent.

Novak did not id her a cover agent. But David Corn of the Nation did following his coversation with Joe Wilson.

Of course, this was long after the CIA accidentally outted her to the Russians and the Cubans. That's why she had a desk job at Langley for the last nine years.

Just how do you "out" someone whose own neighbors knew was a CIA employee??
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Post by Buried_Nick »

And just how, and from who do YOU tards know wether she was really "out" of the CIA?

Where and from who are you two idiot savants getting your info?


How would you REALLY know if Plame wasn't assuming a covered position? Surly YOU two twits wouldn't know.

Fuck. My brother in DC is possibly going into the FBI, or maybe even the Secret Service! You think he's going to blab it all over at the family reunion?!

No! Ya dumbasses.

Besides, the real issue is your toadstool president, who's backtracked again on what he SAID he'd do if a leaker of that kind of info is in his admin.

Surely you've both read my other posts in the other thread.

Carry on kissing this idiots ass. It fits you guys.

He's an unusual embarrassment to our once proud nation. We have become the most hated, most distrusted goverment on the planet, thanks to Bush's continuous, unchecked misdealings that YOU people defend!

Poptart, the tard slapper wrote:Don't ya think you could at least sit the boys down for a day or two and talk to 'em about rubbin' one out...?
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Post by DrDetroit »

Who said she was "out of the CIA?"

Read, much?
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Post by Cueball »

Who's your brother?
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Post by Variable »

He's an unusual embarrassment to our once proud nation.
Yeah, there were zero embarrassments in the Clinton Administration. Ditto Bush I, Reagan and Carter. Wait, no, scratch're a dumbfuck.
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Post by Qbert »

Cueball wrote:Who's your brother?
must be Joe Wilson.

since, Babs reads SO MUCH? :roll: ...and WE Can't...SHE must have Inside inFO'mation.

:roll: :D

Babs: figure out what these initials stand for: Y. S. B.

(i'll spot you the second one: SIMPLE!)
January 1, 2010....we're having DUCK for Dinner...
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Post by Eddie Adams »

G. Stephanopolus interviewed McCain Sun. morn.
He pegged it.

He stopped McCain, (who was backtracking and defending the WH ) and asserted that in our Government, it is considered as close to any crime as you can call it, to lend information and disclose things like what Rove was caught disclosing. Actually using her name, or not. The identities of people who "Work at the CIA" is classified info, and should NOT be disclosed.

Bush should stand by what he said, and get rid of anyone in his admin. that is involved with the release to the public, "classified" info.!

I'm pretty sure that George S. really got it right.
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