While China is buying up Maytag and Unocal...
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
- frodo_biguns
- gibbering dumbfuck
- Posts: 2202
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:03 am
While China is buying up Maytag and Unocal...
Lieberals are focusing on Rove. Nice work lieberals! Keep deflecting your grudges towards Rove while the Chinese start taking more jobs from your "so called" core! What fucking dumbasses! No wonder your getting your asses kicked in elections.
WTF!!!!!!!!! You know we are going to see a war with China in the future, it's just a matter of time. These fuckers already told us they would not hesitate to nuke us when they begin the invasion of Tawain. How they hell you thing a country growing so fast as China is, is going to care for 1.6 billion people. It won’t matter if they are communist at that point, it’s about survival, and they’ll love it for one main reason. A war with the United States will dramatically solve their population problem. They won’t care about winning, they know we don’t have the troops strength to watch over the hundreds of millions that will be left over.
In other words... We are screwed!
WTF!!!!!!!!! You know we are going to see a war with China in the future, it's just a matter of time. These fuckers already told us they would not hesitate to nuke us when they begin the invasion of Tawain. How they hell you thing a country growing so fast as China is, is going to care for 1.6 billion people. It won’t matter if they are communist at that point, it’s about survival, and they’ll love it for one main reason. A war with the United States will dramatically solve their population problem. They won’t care about winning, they know we don’t have the troops strength to watch over the hundreds of millions that will be left over.
In other words... We are screwed!
Last edited by frodo_biguns on Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Sir Slappy Tits
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
Re: China is buying up Maytag and Unocal
Another day another dumbfucking post. I like how the Republicans were all snuggly with those Pakistanis that sold nuke info to Iran, while India was begging to suck our cock over the UN. Yet, we ignored them and they went to the Chinese.frodo_biguns wrote:Nice work lieberals! Keep deflecting your grudges towards Rove while the Chinese start taking more jobs from your "so called" core! What fucking dumbasses! No wonder your getting your asses kicked in elections.
What are you a scout for the Brewers?
Fucking dumbshit that can't pay attention to the world. Wake me up when Fox broadcast towers start getting attacked.
I fucking suck.
- frodo_biguns
- gibbering dumbfuck
- Posts: 2202
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:03 am
Re: China is buying up Maytag and Unocal
Hey dumbfucker!!!!!!!!!!Gunslinger wrote:Another day another dumbfucking post. I like how the Republicans were all snuggly with those Pakistanis that sold nuke info to Iran, while India was begging to suck our cock over the UN. Yet, we ignored them and they went to the Chinese.frodo_biguns wrote:Nice work lieberals! Keep deflecting your grudges towards Rove while the Chinese start taking more jobs from your "so called" core! What fucking dumbasses! No wonder your getting your asses kicked in elections.
What are you a scout for the Brewers?
Fucking dumbshit that can't pay attention to the world. Wake me up when Fox broadcast towers start getting attacked.
and...Clinton Administration Sold to China Systems Used by Iraq
Friday, Feb. 23, 2001
The Clinton administration authorized the transfer of a fiber-optic air defense system to China – the same one the Pentagon claimed helped thwart U.S. air attacks against Iraq.
When U.S. warplanes struck new Iraqi air defense sites around Baghdad, Pentagon officials were mum in naming the country that sold the new air defense missile system to Saddam Hussein.
The Washington Post revealed that China was assisting Iraqi air defense, an allegation promptly denied by Iraq. According to the Post article, Chinese engineers were helping Iraq to install a network of fiber-optic communications and computers designed to track and destroy U.S. warplanes. (The export also violates U.N. weapons embargoes against Saddam.)
President Bush's national security adviser confirmed last Thursday that Chinese engineers were indeed helping Iraq.
The real story behind Iraq's high-tech buildup remains untold until now.
The Chinese fiber-optic air defense system in the Iraqi desert is in fact of U.S. origin. In 1994, Chinese spymaster Gen. Ding Henggao obtained the advanced fiber-optic system through his contacts inside the Clinton administration.
According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, in 1994 Ding was a close friend of Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry.
Perry and Ding's relationship spans three administrations. Perry reportedly met Ding in the late 1970s during the Carter administration.
By 1994, Ding had risen to command the Chinese Army military research bureau "COSTIND," or the Commission on Science Technology and Industry for National Defense.
COSTIND, according to the General Accounting Office, "oversees development of China's weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications technology applicable for military use."
In 1994, the personal consultant to Perry teamed with Ding to buy an advanced AT&T fiber-optic communications system for "civilian" use inside China.
The communications system slipped past U.S. exports laws as a joint U.S.-Chinese commercial venture called "Hua Mei." The Chinese part of the venture was run by a newly formed firm named "Galaxy New Technology."
Stanford professor John Lewis, a close friend and the paid personal consultant for Perry, was the key board member of the project.
According to the Far Eastern Economic Review, Lewis had his friend Perry write a letter on his behalf to U.S. government officials, favoring the fiber-optic export to China.
Lewis located Adlai Stevenson III, the former Democratic senator from Illinois, to lead the American side of the joint venture. Gen. Ding's wife, Madam Nie Li, headed the joint project as the Chinese co-chairman. Lewis contracted AT&T to ship the secure communication system directly to a Chinese army unit using Galaxy New Technology as a front.
The documents show that Lewis not only worked for Stanford University and the Chinese army at the same time, but that he also worked for the U.S. Defense Department.
In August 1994, Lewis and Secretary of Defense Perry traveled to Beijing to meet with Ding. According to the official list of attendees, Lewis accompanied Perry as his paid "personal" consultant.
Chinese Firm Backed by Military
AT&T officials who sold most of the equipment and software were adamant that there was no need to check the Chinese firm because the "civilian" Madam Nie Lie led it.
Yet, the so-called civilian firm was actually packed with Chinese army officers and experts. Madam Nie Lie was not only the wife of Gen. Ding Henggao; Madam Nie was actually Lt. Gen. Nie Lie of the Chinese army.
Another member of New Galaxy Technology, according to a Defense Department document, was Director and President "Mr. Deng Changru." Deng is also known as Lt. Col. Deng Changru of the People's Liberation Army, head of the Chinese communications corps.
Still another Chinese army officer on the Galaxy New Technology staff was co-General Manager "Mr. Xie Zhichao," better known in military circles as Lt. Col. Xie Zhichao, director of the Chinese army's Electronics Design Bureau.
In 1997, Rep. Henry Hyde pressed unsuccessfully for the Department of Justice to investigate the Galaxy New Technology scandal in a letter outlining his concerns.
According to Hyde, "in 1994, sophisticated telecommunications technology was transferred to a U.S.-Chinese joint venture called HUA MEI, in which the Chinese partner is an entity controlled by the Chinese military. This particular transfer included fiber-optic communications equipment, which is used for high-speed, secure communications over long distances. Also included in the package was advanced encryption software."
In 1994, the Chinese spymaster Gen. Ding personally penetrated the U.S. Defense Department at the highest levels, using his contacts with Secretary Perry to obtain a secure fiber-optic network.
There was more than profit for Ding and his Chinese army company packed with electronics experts.
The Chinese army's Electronics Design Bureau modified the American fiber-optic communication system, changing it into a secure air-defense system. The Chinese army then exported the newly modified system to Iraq.
The Iraqi air defense network, NATO code-named "Tiger Song," is made of U.S. and French fiber-optic parts modified by the People's Liberation Army.
Iraqi missiles guided by Tiger Song regularly attack U.S. fighter jets. U.S. jets have recently retaliated, striking back with bombs and missiles.
Chinese military engineers from 2nd and 4th Signals Corps of the Chinese Army Headquarters are even now repairing the damaged Iraqi air defense system.
The cat-and-mouse game of missile and electronic combat with Saddam is expected to continue for years as the Chinese army engineers improve the deadly Tiger Song network.
In 1998, Gen. Ding retired from active service in the Chinese army.
However, he was decorated by President Jiang Zemin as a hero of the Chinese communist party for his successful operations against America.
Ding's attack on America ranks as one of the most successful espionage operations of the 20th century.
Tiger Song, the Chinese fiber-optic air defense system in the Iraqi desert, is a legacy of the Clinton years that will now need to be revisited regularly by U.S. bombers in the 21st century
* After the Tiananamen Square massacre in 1989, the U.S. banned the sale of military weapons to China.(27)
* The European Union promised to join the U.S. in imposing sanctions on China because of Tiananamen Square.(27)
* England, France, and Italy made weapons deliveries to China between 1990 and 1997.(27)
* Dual use technology is a term used to describe technology that has both military and civilian applications.(27)
* The Tiananamen Square sanctions prohibit the sale of dual use technology to China, except in the case of a Presidential waiver.(27)
* The U.S. is the only country in the world to regulate the sale of dual use technologies.(27)
* In March of 96, the Clinton administration transferred control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department.(28)(32)
* A classified memo obtained by the Washington Times dated Sept. 22,1995 states the the Secretary of State at that time (Warren Christopher - appointed by Bill Clinton) rejected plans to transfer control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department. The memo says that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies were also opposed to the policy change.(54)
* A defense specialist from the General Accounting Office(Katherine V. Shinasi) told the Senate in June of 98, that the decision to transfer control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department has "diminished" the Pentagon's "power to influence the decision making process." "By design, Commerce's system gives greater weight to economic and commercial concerns, implicitly accepting greater security risks." "And by design, State's system gives primacy to national security and foreign policy concerns, lessening, but not eliminating, the risk of damage to U.S. national security interests." (28)
* In Sept. of 96, The Clinton administration notified the Senate that it was removing commercial satellites from the Munition Control List of dual use items. The letter stated that "enhanced regulations have been developed" to protect national security.(33)
* As of 1998, U.S. commercial satellites sold to China are being used for military communications. The satellites have been used for military purposes since the failure of a Chinese military satellite in 1996. (26)
* In responding to criticism regarding the transfer of technology to China, the Clinton administration said they were continuing George Bush's policy.(34)
* A statement issued on April 30, 1991 by the Bush administration reads: "The President has decided not to license the export of U.S. satellite components to China for a Chinese domestic communications satellite, the Dong Fang Hong 3(DFH-3). The President has made this decision because certain activities of Chinese companies raise serious proliferation concerns."(34)
* On May 20,1998 the House of Representatives voted 364-54 to block future satellite exports to China.(23)
Missile/Nuclear Technology:
* U.S. satellite manufacturers sometimes send their satellites to China, where they are launched into orbit by Chinese missiles in order to save money.(55)
* In Feb. of 96, a Loral satellite worth $200 million was being launched on board a Chinese "Long March" missile when the missile blew up.(35)
* As a part of the accident investigation, Loral and Hughes shared restricted missile related technology with the Chinese.(26)
* A Pentagon analysis has determined that the transfer of this technology has harmed U.S. national security. (26)(29)
* 5 Chinese satellite launches failed between Sept of 91 and Aug of 96. As of Aug of 98, none have failed since.(26)
* The Justice Department opened an investigation into this matter. Before charges were filed, Bill Clinton signed a waiver to allow Loral to export similar technology to China.(35)
* Justice Department officials objected to this waiver, as it would make their case difficult to prosecute. Defense and State Department officials argued against this waiver, due to the nature of this technology.(35)
* The chairman of Loral(Bernard Schwartz) was the largest individual contributor to the Democratic Party in 1997.(56)
* On May 20, 1998 The House of Representatives voted 417-4 in support of a resolution that declared the Loral waiver was "not in the national interest of the U.S." and warned Clinton not to grant any new waivers during his trip to China.(23)(24)
* The Washington Times reported in March of 98 that the Clinton administration had drafted an agreement between the U.S. and China that included the sharing of missile technology.(7)
* In response, the acting Undersecretary of State(John Holum) said there were no plans to sell missile technology to China.(21)
* In response, the Washington Times printed a classified memorandum they have obtained. The document is dated March 12,1998, is labeled "Secret", and has John Holum's name on the distribution list. Under the heading, "What the U.S. Does", the memo states,"1. Support Chinese MTCR membership, upon implementation of 1 and 2 above. This would provide China with political prestige, the ability to shape future MTCR decisions, substantial protection from future U.S. missile sanctions, and would expedite somewhat the consideration of MTCR-controlled U.S. exports to China." The MTCR is the Missile Technology Control Regime.(21)
* On May 21,1998 the House of Representatives voted 405-9 to give Congress a case by case veto over Clinton administration export decisions involving nuclear technology.(22)(57)
* On June 18,1998 the House of Representatives voted 409-10 to create a committee to investigate charges that the Clinton administration helped the Chinese develop nuclear missiles in exchange for campaign contributions.(29)
* The Clinton administration has relaxed controls on the export of U.S. supercomputers.(25)
* According to a January of 98 Senate report, none of the 47 supercomputers that have been exported to China have received a pre-license or post shipment verification to determine if the equipment is being used in nuclear weapons work.(25)
* In 1997, Congress asked the Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA)to write a report to analyze whether U.S. and Allied supercomputer exports have helped China (and other countries)improve their fighter planes, missiles, submarines, and other weapons.(31)
* The Commerce Department records the specifics of supercomputer sales. The DIA asked Commerce for this info in Dec of 97. In Feb of 98, Commerce told the DIA that only the CIA Director(George Tenet) can release this information.(31)
* The CIA offered to get this information and pass it on the DIA, but the Commerce Department objected. A month later the Commerce Department gave the DIA derivative information.(31)
* The derivative info proved not helpful and the DIA went back to the Commerce Department in April of 98 to request the raw data.(31)
* In May of 98, Congress passed an amendment demanding that Commerce give the info to the DIA.(31)
* As of June of 98, the DIA still does not have the information and the Commerce Department has declined to answer why.(31)
Machine Tools:
* In 1994, the Clinton Administration allowed the sale of machine tools to China that were used by McDonnell Douglas to build B-1, C-17, and F-15 aircraft.(30)
* A senior strategic trade analyst at the Pentagon (Peter Leitner) objected and was overruled.(30)
* As of June of 1998, some of these machine tools are in a plant in China producing cruise missiles.(30)









- Sir Slappy Tits
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
Re: China is buying up Maytag and Unocal
Last edited by Gunslinger on Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
I fucking suck.
- Sir Slappy Tits
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
Re: China is buying up Maytag and Unocal
Last edited by Gunslinger on Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
I fucking suck.
- Sir Slappy Tits
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
Re: China is buying up Maytag and Unocal
You've got 2 articles posting a lot of total shit. So, why did Bush give Pakistan jet fighters while they were giving Iran nuclear information. Why has India decided that the future of this Earth isn't in the UN, but with China? Next I want you to tell me what impact that has on Pakistani and US relations when the Hindus decide we are no longer relivant and Tibet becomes a non issue. Tell me what the US does when India and China decide they can continue their caste systems and create an economy that deems us irrelevant. Where you afraid of communism? Well are you going to be afraid of them?frodo_biguns wrote:Hey dumbfucker!!!!!!!!!!Gunslinger wrote:Another day another dumbfucking post. I like how the Republicans were all snuggly with those Pakistanis that sold nuke info to Iran, while India was begging to suck our cock over the UN. Yet, we ignored them and they went to the Chinese.frodo_biguns wrote:Nice work lieberals! Keep deflecting your grudges towards Rove while the Chinese start taking more jobs from your "so called" core! What fucking dumbasses! No wonder your getting your asses kicked in elections.
What are you a scout for the Brewers?
Fucking dumbshit that can't pay attention to the world. Wake me up when Fox broadcast towers start getting attacked.
and...Clinton Administration Sold to China Systems Used by Iraq
Friday, Feb. 23, 2001
The Clinton administration authorized the transfer of a fiber-optic air defense system to China – the same one the Pentagon claimed helped thwart U.S. air attacks against Iraq.
When U.S. warplanes struck new Iraqi air defense sites around Baghdad, Pentagon officials were mum in naming the country that sold the new air defense missile system to Saddam Hussein.
The Washington Post revealed that China was assisting Iraqi air defense, an allegation promptly denied by Iraq. According to the Post article, Chinese engineers were helping Iraq to install a network of fiber-optic communications and computers designed to track and destroy U.S. warplanes. (The export also violates U.N. weapons embargoes against Saddam.)
President Bush's national security adviser confirmed last Thursday that Chinese engineers were indeed helping Iraq.
The real story behind Iraq's high-tech buildup remains untold until now.
The Chinese fiber-optic air defense system in the Iraqi desert is in fact of U.S. origin. In 1994, Chinese spymaster Gen. Ding Henggao obtained the advanced fiber-optic system through his contacts inside the Clinton administration.
According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, in 1994 Ding was a close friend of Clinton Secretary of Defense William Perry.
Perry and Ding's relationship spans three administrations. Perry reportedly met Ding in the late 1970s during the Carter administration.
By 1994, Ding had risen to command the Chinese Army military research bureau "COSTIND," or the Commission on Science Technology and Industry for National Defense.
COSTIND, according to the General Accounting Office, "oversees development of China's weapon systems and is responsible for identifying and acquiring telecommunications technology applicable for military use."
In 1994, the personal consultant to Perry teamed with Ding to buy an advanced AT&T fiber-optic communications system for "civilian" use inside China.
The communications system slipped past U.S. exports laws as a joint U.S.-Chinese commercial venture called "Hua Mei." The Chinese part of the venture was run by a newly formed firm named "Galaxy New Technology."
Stanford professor John Lewis, a close friend and the paid personal consultant for Perry, was the key board member of the project.
According to the Far Eastern Economic Review, Lewis had his friend Perry write a letter on his behalf to U.S. government officials, favoring the fiber-optic export to China.
Lewis located Adlai Stevenson III, the former Democratic senator from Illinois, to lead the American side of the joint venture. Gen. Ding's wife, Madam Nie Li, headed the joint project as the Chinese co-chairman. Lewis contracted AT&T to ship the secure communication system directly to a Chinese army unit using Galaxy New Technology as a front.
The documents show that Lewis not only worked for Stanford University and the Chinese army at the same time, but that he also worked for the U.S. Defense Department.
In August 1994, Lewis and Secretary of Defense Perry traveled to Beijing to meet with Ding. According to the official list of attendees, Lewis accompanied Perry as his paid "personal" consultant.
Chinese Firm Backed by Military
AT&T officials who sold most of the equipment and software were adamant that there was no need to check the Chinese firm because the "civilian" Madam Nie Lie led it.
Yet, the so-called civilian firm was actually packed with Chinese army officers and experts. Madam Nie Lie was not only the wife of Gen. Ding Henggao; Madam Nie was actually Lt. Gen. Nie Lie of the Chinese army.
Another member of New Galaxy Technology, according to a Defense Department document, was Director and President "Mr. Deng Changru." Deng is also known as Lt. Col. Deng Changru of the People's Liberation Army, head of the Chinese communications corps.
Still another Chinese army officer on the Galaxy New Technology staff was co-General Manager "Mr. Xie Zhichao," better known in military circles as Lt. Col. Xie Zhichao, director of the Chinese army's Electronics Design Bureau.
In 1997, Rep. Henry Hyde pressed unsuccessfully for the Department of Justice to investigate the Galaxy New Technology scandal in a letter outlining his concerns.
According to Hyde, "in 1994, sophisticated telecommunications technology was transferred to a U.S.-Chinese joint venture called HUA MEI, in which the Chinese partner is an entity controlled by the Chinese military. This particular transfer included fiber-optic communications equipment, which is used for high-speed, secure communications over long distances. Also included in the package was advanced encryption software."
In 1994, the Chinese spymaster Gen. Ding personally penetrated the U.S. Defense Department at the highest levels, using his contacts with Secretary Perry to obtain a secure fiber-optic network.
There was more than profit for Ding and his Chinese army company packed with electronics experts.
The Chinese army's Electronics Design Bureau modified the American fiber-optic communication system, changing it into a secure air-defense system. The Chinese army then exported the newly modified system to Iraq.
The Iraqi air defense network, NATO code-named "Tiger Song," is made of U.S. and French fiber-optic parts modified by the People's Liberation Army.
Iraqi missiles guided by Tiger Song regularly attack U.S. fighter jets. U.S. jets have recently retaliated, striking back with bombs and missiles.
Chinese military engineers from 2nd and 4th Signals Corps of the Chinese Army Headquarters are even now repairing the damaged Iraqi air defense system.
The cat-and-mouse game of missile and electronic combat with Saddam is expected to continue for years as the Chinese army engineers improve the deadly Tiger Song network.
In 1998, Gen. Ding retired from active service in the Chinese army.
However, he was decorated by President Jiang Zemin as a hero of the Chinese communist party for his successful operations against America.
Ding's attack on America ranks as one of the most successful espionage operations of the 20th century.
Tiger Song, the Chinese fiber-optic air defense system in the Iraqi desert, is a legacy of the Clinton years that will now need to be revisited regularly by U.S. bombers in the 21st century* After the Tiananamen Square massacre in 1989, the U.S. banned the sale of military weapons to China.(27)
* The European Union promised to join the U.S. in imposing sanctions on China because of Tiananamen Square.(27)
* England, France, and Italy made weapons deliveries to China between 1990 and 1997.(27)
* Dual use technology is a term used to describe technology that has both military and civilian applications.(27)
* The Tiananamen Square sanctions prohibit the sale of dual use technology to China, except in the case of a Presidential waiver.(27)
* The U.S. is the only country in the world to regulate the sale of dual use technologies.(27)
* In March of 96, the Clinton administration transferred control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department.(28)(32)
* A classified memo obtained by the Washington Times dated Sept. 22,1995 states the the Secretary of State at that time (Warren Christopher - appointed by Bill Clinton) rejected plans to transfer control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department. The memo says that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies were also opposed to the policy change.(54)
* A defense specialist from the General Accounting Office(Katherine V. Shinasi) told the Senate in June of 98, that the decision to transfer control of satellite sales from the State Department to the Commerce Department has "diminished" the Pentagon's "power to influence the decision making process." "By design, Commerce's system gives greater weight to economic and commercial concerns, implicitly accepting greater security risks." "And by design, State's system gives primacy to national security and foreign policy concerns, lessening, but not eliminating, the risk of damage to U.S. national security interests." (28)
* In Sept. of 96, The Clinton administration notified the Senate that it was removing commercial satellites from the Munition Control List of dual use items. The letter stated that "enhanced regulations have been developed" to protect national security.(33)
* As of 1998, U.S. commercial satellites sold to China are being used for military communications. The satellites have been used for military purposes since the failure of a Chinese military satellite in 1996. (26)
* In responding to criticism regarding the transfer of technology to China, the Clinton administration said they were continuing George Bush's policy.(34)
* A statement issued on April 30, 1991 by the Bush administration reads: "The President has decided not to license the export of U.S. satellite components to China for a Chinese domestic communications satellite, the Dong Fang Hong 3(DFH-3). The President has made this decision because certain activities of Chinese companies raise serious proliferation concerns."(34)
* On May 20,1998 the House of Representatives voted 364-54 to block future satellite exports to China.(23)
Missile/Nuclear Technology:
* U.S. satellite manufacturers sometimes send their satellites to China, where they are launched into orbit by Chinese missiles in order to save money.(55)
* In Feb. of 96, a Loral satellite worth $200 million was being launched on board a Chinese "Long March" missile when the missile blew up.(35)
* As a part of the accident investigation, Loral and Hughes shared restricted missile related technology with the Chinese.(26)
* A Pentagon analysis has determined that the transfer of this technology has harmed U.S. national security. (26)(29)
* 5 Chinese satellite launches failed between Sept of 91 and Aug of 96. As of Aug of 98, none have failed since.(26)
* The Justice Department opened an investigation into this matter. Before charges were filed, Bill Clinton signed a waiver to allow Loral to export similar technology to China.(35)
* Justice Department officials objected to this waiver, as it would make their case difficult to prosecute. Defense and State Department officials argued against this waiver, due to the nature of this technology.(35)
* The chairman of Loral(Bernard Schwartz) was the largest individual contributor to the Democratic Party in 1997.(56)
* On May 20, 1998 The House of Representatives voted 417-4 in support of a resolution that declared the Loral waiver was "not in the national interest of the U.S." and warned Clinton not to grant any new waivers during his trip to China.(23)(24)
* The Washington Times reported in March of 98 that the Clinton administration had drafted an agreement between the U.S. and China that included the sharing of missile technology.(7)
* In response, the acting Undersecretary of State(John Holum) said there were no plans to sell missile technology to China.(21)
* In response, the Washington Times printed a classified memorandum they have obtained. The document is dated March 12,1998, is labeled "Secret", and has John Holum's name on the distribution list. Under the heading, "What the U.S. Does", the memo states,"1. Support Chinese MTCR membership, upon implementation of 1 and 2 above. This would provide China with political prestige, the ability to shape future MTCR decisions, substantial protection from future U.S. missile sanctions, and would expedite somewhat the consideration of MTCR-controlled U.S. exports to China." The MTCR is the Missile Technology Control Regime.(21)
* On May 21,1998 the House of Representatives voted 405-9 to give Congress a case by case veto over Clinton administration export decisions involving nuclear technology.(22)(57)
* On June 18,1998 the House of Representatives voted 409-10 to create a committee to investigate charges that the Clinton administration helped the Chinese develop nuclear missiles in exchange for campaign contributions.(29)
* The Clinton administration has relaxed controls on the export of U.S. supercomputers.(25)
* According to a January of 98 Senate report, none of the 47 supercomputers that have been exported to China have received a pre-license or post shipment verification to determine if the equipment is being used in nuclear weapons work.(25)
* In 1997, Congress asked the Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA)to write a report to analyze whether U.S. and Allied supercomputer exports have helped China (and other countries)improve their fighter planes, missiles, submarines, and other weapons.(31)
* The Commerce Department records the specifics of supercomputer sales. The DIA asked Commerce for this info in Dec of 97. In Feb of 98, Commerce told the DIA that only the CIA Director(George Tenet) can release this information.(31)
* The CIA offered to get this information and pass it on the DIA, but the Commerce Department objected. A month later the Commerce Department gave the DIA derivative information.(31)
* The derivative info proved not helpful and the DIA went back to the Commerce Department in April of 98 to request the raw data.(31)
* In May of 98, Congress passed an amendment demanding that Commerce give the info to the DIA.(31)
* As of June of 98, the DIA still does not have the information and the Commerce Department has declined to answer why.(31)
Machine Tools:
* In 1994, the Clinton Administration allowed the sale of machine tools to China that were used by McDonnell Douglas to build B-1, C-17, and F-15 aircraft.(30)
* A senior strategic trade analyst at the Pentagon (Peter Leitner) objected and was overruled.(30)
* As of June of 1998, some of these machine tools are in a plant in China producing cruise missiles.(30)
I fucking suck.
- frodo_biguns
- gibbering dumbfuck
- Posts: 2202
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:03 am
I guess facts are shit now hey analingus? :roll: We gave Pakistan fighters in return to help us fight terror. It's a catch 22 you realize. or you think that a military dictator is going to help us for free? As for India, they are smart fuckers! The UN is worthless/powerless and China is going to be a threat. I see it very much like the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact, India is only buying time before the inevitable.You've got 2 articles posting a lot of total shit. So, why did Bush give Pakistan jet fighters while they were giving Iran nuclear information. Why has India decided that the future of this Earth isn't in the UN, but with China? Next I want you to tell me what impact that has on Pakistani and US relations when the Hindus decide we are no longer relivant and Tibet becomes a non issue. Tell me what the US does when India and China decide they can continue their caste systems and create an economy that deems us irrelevant. Where you afraid of communism? Well are you going to be afraid of them?
I'm not to frightened about India or China taking over and occupying the United States. Tell me how they would get the troops over here? Moonbeams? We'd sink or shoot down every ship or plane headed this direction as soon as it left their ports. Right now they both need our buying support. I see it more like they are the maggots used to debrid a decubitus ulcer on a living host (United States), they need us to survive.
- Sir Slappy Tits
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
Bitch, you can't read. Go fuck yourself, you aren't worth replying to as you never are.frodo_biguns wrote:I guess facts are shit now hey analingus? :roll: We gave Pakistan fighters in return to help us fight terror. It's a catch 22 you realize. or you think that a military dictator is going to help us for free? As for India, they are smart fuckers! The UN is worthless/powerless and China is going to be a threat. I see it very much like the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact, India is only buying time before the inevitable.You've got 2 articles posting a lot of total shit. So, why did Bush give Pakistan jet fighters while they were giving Iran nuclear information. Why has India decided that the future of this Earth isn't in the UN, but with China? Next I want you to tell me what impact that has on Pakistani and US relations when the Hindus decide we are no longer relivant and Tibet becomes a non issue. Tell me what the US does when India and China decide they can continue their caste systems and create an economy that deems us irrelevant. Where you afraid of communism? Well are you going to be afraid of them?
I'm not to frightened about India or China taking over and occupying the United States. Tell me how they would get the troops over here? Moonbeams? We'd sink or shoot down every ship or plane headed this direction as soon as it left their ports. Right now they both need our buying support. I see it more like they are the maggots used to debrid a decubitus ulcer on a living host (United States), they need us to survive.
I fucking suck.
- Bizzarofelice
- I wanna be a bear
- Posts: 10216
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:48 pm
Oh sure Bace, you think we can't see your thinly veiled support for China to swoop in and buy up America, then installing a communist regime? Now I'm no Doctor of Detriot, but I think I'm pretty spot on this time.
IndyFrisco wrote:I was really into partaking in the art of fellatio
Dinsdale wrote:rack Al.
- Bizzarofelice
- I wanna be a bear
- Posts: 10216
- Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:48 pm
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
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- Location: Duh
- Diego in Seattle
- Rouser Of Rabble
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- Sir Slappy Tits
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- Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:06 pm
I can't help it.frodo_biguns wrote:I guess facts are shit now hey analingus? :roll: We gave Pakistan fighters in return to help us fight terror. It's a catch 22 you realize. or you think that a military dictator is going to help us for free? As for India, they are smart fuckers! The UN is worthless/powerless and China is going to be a threat. I see it very much like the Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact, India is only buying time before the inevitable.You've got 2 articles posting a lot of total shit. So, why did Bush give Pakistan jet fighters while they were giving Iran nuclear information. Why has India decided that the future of this Earth isn't in the UN, but with China? Next I want you to tell me what impact that has on Pakistani and US relations when the Hindus decide we are no longer relivant and Tibet becomes a non issue. Tell me what the US does when India and China decide they can continue their caste systems and create an economy that deems us irrelevant. Where you afraid of communism? Well are you going to be afraid of them?
I'm not to frightened about India or China taking over and occupying the United States. Tell me how they would get the troops over here? Moonbeams? We'd sink or shoot down every ship or plane headed this direction as soon as it left their ports. Right now they both need our buying support. I see it more like they are the maggots used to debrid a decubitus ulcer on a living host (United States), they need us to survive.
1: The UN is worthless and India and China realize that.
2: The war on terror is to not to allow nuclear information to be given to bad middle eastern counties.
3: Wars in the future will not be military, but economically.
4: You have half the worlds population(China and India) in one region. Where is the next batch of consumers going to come from?
If this partisan hack continues on with this rampage keep repeating these 4 points on how he is irrelevant.
So, while this dipshit feels it is in our best interests to have the best nukes in his dresser drawer, because that makes him feel like he has nuts, allow the fear to blossom in this fuck when he realizes instead of 225 million coming online that there are going to be 2 billion come online. Let him sniff that glue and hunt mvscals in his back yard while the rest of us understand that I can have my XRays looked at by a doctor in China.
Technology? Crazy fucker ain't it. Where are the servers of the future going to be? I hope they end up in the US, cuz I've got plenty of messicans to cut my grass.
I fucking suck.