HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

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HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Cueball »


Dude is off his rocker. Too bad his agent was busy off saving drowning kids and not around to muzzle this assclown.

There were also reports that Rosenhaus didn't immediately administer CPR because he was holding out for a bonus, but they were found to be untrue :?
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by kcdave »

Cueball wrote:Dude is off his rocker.
Cue, why the fuck is it, that you think that? Is it because T.O. is one of the last endangered species of professional atheletes that will actually say whats on his mind, instead of giving the same ole p.c. bullshit?

Are you pissed because you swalllowed the hook, and got caught?

All of you T.O. haters are a bunch of fucking idiots. Dude is a PLAYAH! HOF material. He wants to win, and get paid. Imagine that. :roll: Like no one that posts here, would like to succeed in their profession, and get paid accordingly for doing so. Also, like no one that posts here, would actually have something to say about it.

What a collection of fucking hypocrites we have here. So what, T.O. runs off at the mouth? Big deal! Who gives a shit? Wake me up when T.O. does anything besides bust his ass, give his all, and keep his name off of the police blotter.
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Post by Cueball »

If you're looking for me to side with a dude that refused to play for a team that traded for him and forced his way on to another, then have that team rip up his deal and give him a new deal only to tell that team he wants another new because the dude HE hired undervalued his client, ain't gonna happen. This wasn't some NFL appointed agent that got him his new 7 yaer deal, HE hired him then fired him after other WR's got paid. Boo fucking hoo. You can save the "he earned his money" arguement because you know damn well when he isn't performing up to his contract at the end of it, he's not knocking on Jeffrey Lurie's door with a bag full of jack to give back.
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Post by Dumbass »

What did The Eagles do differently with TO than they did without him?

Make The Super Bowl?
Well, he wasn't there for that (making it) and they made it to the title game three years previous. I love TO too but his arrogance and self glorifcation is at its most insulting given that this team did plenty before he got there.
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Felix »

kcdave wrote: Cue, why the fuck is it, that you think that? Is it because T.O. is one of the last endangered species of professional atheletes that will actually say whats on his mind, instead of giving the same ole p.c. bullshit?
For me, I think it was this:
Owens told the Miami Herald, "At the end of the day, I don't have to worry about what people think of me, whether they hate me or not. People hated on Jesus. They threw stones at him and tried to kill him, so how can I complain or worry about what people think?"
Using the analogy of Jesus to his situation?!?!?

Then bad mouthing Donovan McNabb--

The question becomes : who does he think he is.
The answer-he thinks he's Jesus Christ....

I'll tell you the reason he won't show for training camp....he won't be able to fit that overinflated ego through the locker room door.

Rosenhaus is single handedly going to bring the league down.....
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Raydah James »

Felix wrote:
Rosenhaus is single handedly going to fuck his clients while we watch new, young talent shine and take over.....


Fuck him and ALL his holdout clients. Let 'em sit the fuck down until they cant play anymore-there is too much talent waiting for thier shot around the league.....fuck the ingrates.

Didnt these holdouts sign a contract?

Then they're bound to it.

Either honor your word or get the fuck out.

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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by BSmack »

Raydah James wrote:Either honor your word or get the fuck out.
Did you hold Al Davis to that standard as he was sodomizing every municipality in California for a new stadium?
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Raydah James »

BSmack wrote:
Raydah James wrote:Either honor your word or get the fuck out.
Did you hold Al Davis to that standard as he was sodomizing every municipality in California for a new stadium?

Nah, just his agent. :wink:

Honestly, Bsmack-I've done my fair share of talking shit Al's way for the stupid things he does for many years now. There isnt another fucking owner in the league though that has a halo above thier heads and hasnt done shady shit as well.

The topic is players and thier fucking agents, not owners.
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by JHawkBCD »

kcdave wrote:Wake me up when T.O. does anything besides bust his ass, give his all, and keep his name off of the police blotter.
If you don't get your ass off the Internet and bring me some pie & ice cream right now, you won't be waking up any time soon.

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Post by kcdave »

Cueball wrote:If you're looking for me to side with a dude that refused to play for a team that traded for him and forced his way on to another, then have that team rip up his deal and give him a new deal only to tell that team he wants another new because the dude HE hired undervalued his client, ain't gonna happen. This wasn't some NFL appointed agent that got him his new 7 yaer deal, HE hired him then fired him after other WR's got paid. Boo fucking hoo. You can save the "he earned his money" arguement because you know damn well when he isn't performing up to his contract at the end of it, he's not knocking on Jeffrey Lurie's door with a bag full of jack to give back.
Deal breaking, and running his mouth. Is it right? No? Why its such a big deal, and why everyone wants too shitbag this guy is beyond me. Actually I do know what alot of it is.... you want T.O. to be a good nigga, and know his place.

Also, would all of you please stop with trying to link his quote with comparing himself with Jesus already?

Read the fucking quote:
Owens told the Miami Herald, "At the end of the day, I don't have to worry about what people think of me, whether they hate me or not. People hated on Jesus. They threw stones at him and tried to kill him, so how can I complain or worry about what people think?"
Where in the hell do you find T.O. comparing himself too anyone in that quote? He is clearly stating that Jesus went through far worse than he ever will, so who is he too complain. Mix in some reading comprehension.

Cue, the only thing were right about, was your last statement. HELL NO, T.O. wont be offering any money back, as the contracts are not guaranteed. One bad year, at the wrong time, (Ty Law, Injury, big money year) and he will not be able too talk himself into a contract no matter how much he runs his mouth in the media.

Truth be told, you should be bashing the system, and Ty Law, right now instead of T.O. He still HAS game. He is not a possible gimp. He knows his true value, and he is standing up for it. He also knows, one wrong turn ...... he could be the next Ty Law.
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Post by Felix »

kcdave wrote:Where in the hell do you find T.O. comparing himself too anyone in that quote? He is clearly stating that Jesus went through far worse than he ever will, so who is he too complain. Mix in some reading comprehension.
Where did I say he was comparing himself with Jesus--I said he used the analogy of people hating on Jesus to people hating on him.......you don't see the blatant self-importance in that?

Who was holding a fucking gun to T.O.'s head when he signed that contract?

The day Rosenhaus slithered into his first deal will always be one of the darkest days in sports history......
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Post by Cosmo Kramer »

10 replies and no one sides with you...I think your a fucking douchebag Dave..you wouldn't be singing that fucking tune if he had the Quiefs bent-over trying to sodomize them.
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Post by Cicero »

T.O, you better stop hatin. You aint me nooka.


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Post by BSmack »

People hated on Jesus. They threw stones at him and tried to kill him, so how can I complain or worry about what people think?"
What is so self important about that? That sounds like a Sunday sermon.
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Post by Hapday »

It's amazing that teams and players still haven't watched the Patriots win three Super Bowls and try and learn the 'TEAM' fucking concept. Go out there and make plays, collect your millions, and shut the fuck up.
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Post by rozy »


Can you tell me the difference?












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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Ruff »

Raydah James wrote:
Fuck him and ALL his holdout clients. Let 'em sit the fuck down until they cant play anymore-there is too much talent waiting for thier shot around the league.....fuck the ingrates.
Excellent idea, in fact the owners should realize that if they let all the pro-bowlers sit out and not sign them, they could make a lot more money. Hell they should shit can everyone making over the minimum and replace them with Division II players.
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by BSmack »

Ruff wrote:
Raydah James wrote:
Fuck him and ALL his holdout clients. Let 'em sit the fuck down until they cant play anymore-there is too much talent waiting for thier shot around the league.....fuck the ingrates.
Excellent idea, in fact the owners should realize that if they let all the pro-bowlers sit out and not sign them, they could make a lot more money. Hell they should shit can everyone making over the minimum and replace them with Division II players.
That strategy has been tried in Arizona.
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Felix »

Ruff wrote:
Excellent idea, in fact the owners should realize that if they let all the pro-bowlers sit out and not sign them, they could make a lot more money. Hell they should shit can everyone making over the minimum and replace them with Division II players.
You're right--they owners should be paying these guys whatever they want.....

All those who can pay $1,000/seat

Exactly who do you think foots the bill for these outlandish contracts. I'll give you one guess and a hint--it ain't the owners.....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Raydah James »

Ruff wrote:
Raydah James wrote:
Fuck him and ALL his holdout clients. Let 'em sit the fuck down until they cant play anymore-there is too much talent waiting for thier shot around the league.....fuck the ingrates.
Excellent idea, in fact the owners should realize that if they let all the pro-bowlers sit out and not sign them, they could make a lot more money. Hell they should shit can everyone making over the minimum and replace them with Division II players.
What a fucking idiot you are. Every pro bowler isnt holding out-just a few ingrate bitches who signed a fucking contract and dont want to honor it. Fuck them. Im sure the league and fans will sorely miss a few ungrateful bitches who are whining about making more $$$ this year. :roll:

Once again, Theres too much fucking talent waiting for thier shot to give a rats ass about these dumbfucks and thier fucking greedy pig of an agent.

another RACK to the packers and eagles for holding firm.
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Post by kcdave »

News of the day:

T.O. will report, but will not be happy when doing so.

That, I do have a problem with.

Im good with ANY player bitching, trying to get PAID in the NFL during the off-season, as 99% of NFL contracts are really only a one year deal, with a bonus. Im also good with a select few, who will be future Hall of Famers raising absolute hell, when they are under paid.

I would have fully supported T.O. should he have chosen to hold out, as it is his right. However ....... if dudes gonna show up ...... then he better damn well be in the right frame of mind. Knowing T.O.s act though, he will be just fine when camp opens, and play like a good little boy.

The sooner all the people that love to bash on him stop talking about him every time he farts, the sooner he will stop farting in their faces.
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Post by jiminphilly »

kcdave wrote:News of the day:

T.O. will report, but will not be happy when doing so.

That, I do have a problem with.

Im good with ANY player bitching, trying to get PAID in the NFL during the off-season, as 99% of NFL contracts are really only a one year deal, with a bonus. Im also good with a select few, who will be future Hall of Famers raising absolute hell, when they are under paid.

I would have fully supported T.O. should he have chosen to hold out, as it is his right. However ....... if dudes gonna show up ...... then he better damn well be in the right frame of mind. Knowing T.O.s act though, he will be just fine when camp opens, and play like a good little boy.

The sooner all the people that love to bash on him stop talking about him every time he farts, the sooner he will stop farting in their faces.
Andy Reid does not mess around with shit like this. He does not have a double standard for players he simply tries to bring in guys who have a good attitude.

When he first became coach, an OL by the name of George Hegamin was trying to hold out. He eventually showed up.. Reid had him push the sleds a few extra times after a practice with Reid on the sled.

He then cut Hegamin later in camp (might have been the following day). It set a tone with the team as to who is in charge.

Owens is in for some serious sled pushing if he doesn't shut the fuck up.
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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Ruff »

Felix wrote:
Ruff wrote:
Excellent idea, in fact the owners should realize that if they let all the pro-bowlers sit out and not sign them, they could make a lot more money. Hell they should shit can everyone making over the minimum and replace them with Division II players.
You're right--they owners should be paying these guys whatever they want.....

All those who can pay $1,000/seat

Exactly who do you think foots the bill for these outlandish contracts. I'll give you one guess and a hint--it ain't the owners.....
Oh no you didn't. Tell me you did not just go "the fans ultimately pay the salaries" did you? How much have you paid for your team's salaries?

I didn't think it was possible to post a more idiotic statement than RJames, but you had to prove me wrong.
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Post by Cosmo Kramer »


O.K. enlighten us as to what those $1000.00 a seat does pay for? :roll:
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Post by Ruff »

This place is full of morons.

If you buy a ticket, it gives you admission to see the game.

It's not like the players are happy to see you show up on Sunday so they can get paid the following Friday.

Now I'm sure some of you idiots will think that the reason ticket prices have increased is because the players are threatening to sit out. Wrong, the ticket prices have gone up, and will continue to go up as long as someone buys them. Simple as that.

If everyone here doesn't purchase a ticket all season, do you really think players' salaries will stop increasing? Idiot.
Exactly who do you think foots the bill for these outlandish contracts. I'll give you one guess and a hint--it ain't the owners
Not sure where you learned economics, but for people with half a brain it's not that hard to understand. If I buy a ticket, my $ goes to whoever sold it to me. I have no further control over that $. What the seller of said ticket does with it is his business, not mine.

The owners, and only the owners, are responsible for salaries. They offer the contracts to the players, NOT THE FANS. How much did you offer to sign the players for? Does your ticket purchase entitle you to other team management decisions besides payroll? If you buy a few more $8 beers at the game, do you get to fly on the team plane to the road games?
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Post by poptart »

Ruff wrote:If everyone here doesn't purchase a ticket all season, do you really think players' salaries will stop increasing?
If we start seeing stadiums half-full on a regular basis, yes, quite obviously player salaries will then take a dive.

Am I one of the morons...?
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Post by Cosmo Kramer »

You ticket money pays in part for everything from the H2O being flushed down the toilet to the players salaries. NO FANS = NO SALARIES. CAPECHE?
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Post by JHawkBCD »

Ruff wrote:The owners, and only the owners, are responsible for salaries. They offer the contracts to the players, NOT THE FANS.
Oh yeah, that's right, each of the owners were blessed with a magical money tree that helps them pay all of the salaries.

Profit sharing is there because some trees are in dry growing areas, right?
How much did you offer to sign the players for? Does your ticket purchase entitle you to other team management decisions besides payroll? If you buy a few more $8 beers at the game, do you get to fly on the team plane to the road games?
While you may be right in the basic premise that a ticket purchase doesn't give a fan the right to vote on front office decisions, you're a fucking moron if you think that ticket sales are not a big part of how the funds for salaries are collected.
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Post by Ruff »

My personal budget for Cheetos is $763.89 annually.

I watch all the Cheetos ads on my TV.

I own Craphonso Thorpe's jock strap.

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Re: HOLY fuck and shit!!!!

Post by Felix »

Ruff wrote:
Oh no you didn't. Tell me you did not just go "the fans ultimately pay the salaries" did you?
I'm waiting for you to provide me with the data that supports your assertion that fans don't ultimately pay players salaries.......

anytime you'd like to lay it out for me.......feel free.....
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Post by JHawkBCD »

Ruff wrote:My personal budget for Cheetos is $763.89 annually.

I watch all the Cheetos ads on my TV.

I own Craphonso Thorpe's jock strap.


Nope. Not dead.
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