this is in response to tough love, and mr bushice,
before you respond, try thinking first,
the empire of japan, declared war on the united states, thus, every man woman and child is in danger, until they surrender, unconditionally, there is a serious threat facing every one of us,
your brain seems incapable of understanding simple basic common sense, so let me help you,
say a criminal does a home invasion on your home, and takes your loved ones hostage, torturing your kids, and doing whatever they want with you and your wife, OBVIOUSLY, you would want the S W A T teams, the sharp shooters, and the heavy law enforcement to do whatever is necessary to free you from this danger,
harry trumam did the only thing that would force japan to surrender, for 5 years, japan was not surrenderring to anyone, MAKE NO MISTAKE, if a country declares war on the united states, that is SERIOUS business, for you to bring up the fact that 140,000 japanese were killed, and trying to imply that because of that fact, truman was wrong to drop the bombs, shows me how really out of touch with reality you are, it clearly demonstrates how stupid and foolish you are, PLUS, it clearly shows a lack of wisdom and understanding on your part,
back to saddamm,
when you say that the way in which we removed him from power in Iraq was wrong, it shows that you have no sense of logic or reasonning, in todays world, no terrorist has the right to run a country anymore, especially a terrorist who invaded one of our allies,
and, let me clear a few things up for you two morons, moron number one, "tough love", and moron number two, "mr bushice", there are no such things as insurgents, all the cockaroaches who strap bombs on themselves and kill little children, are simply known as terrorist killers, when a liberal opens his mouth in here, I will make you look foolish,
in 25 years, its become very easy to make a liberal look like a stupid clown, when a lawyer from the aclu, sues a store, because that store puts up a banner saying, "merry christmas", and liberals remain silent about that lawsuit, you are just as guilty and deserve to be called "un-american", and, I also believe, you are an enemy of america,
a person who would bring a lawsuit against a store owner, for displaying a banner saying merry christmas, is a sick twisted person,
sorry, but I believe this is common sense on my part, here is the problem, there are brain dead liberals roaming around this country, causing serious concern for me, this is just the tip of the iceberg,
its so easy for me to make you look like a fool, step up bushice, for the next few weeks, you will be an easy mark for me, I see your stupidity coming for miles, I can tear you apart, and I am salivating at the thought of debating you, so far, you cant even see your idiot remarks in your first response to me, want me to point them out, on a remark by remark basis?
for starters, ANYONE who mentions that 140,000 japanese were killed, and this is why truman was wrong in his actions, is clearly a fool,
again, in a global war, if the country who declares war on you, refuses to surrender, that country and its people are in danger, this is common sense,
here is an example of a common sense principle,
if a criminal takes a baby, and holds it hostage, if a sharp-shooter has a shot at the head of the crazed individual, he takes it, sure he may miss, but he takes that chance,
fast forward to today,
liberals are sick twisted fucks, liberals tell everyone that the united states declared war on Iraq, ANOTHER LIE, we removed by brute force, a terrorist who was running that country,
the united states goes after terrorists, I love that fact, I loved it when reagan went after kaddafi, liberals back then, accused reagan of being a terrorist, oliver stone called reagan evil, while praising kaddafi, BUWAHAHAHAHAHA, see what I mean about sick twisted liberals?
liberals are upsidedown queers, ward churchill is allowed to teach at the college level, despite the fact that he doesnt know the difference between a terrorist country, and a good country, let me explain,
a terrorist by definition, is one who attacks without provocation, they may use or hide behind their religion, but always, they kill and murder because they love it, make no mistake, there is no difference between the terrorists who kill today, and ted bundy or john gotti, ALL killers kill because they enjoy it, no matter if they are serial killers or mafia kingpins or towel headed filthy cockaroaches from the sand dunes,
terrorists dont feel comfortable in their own brown skin, they hate themselves, they have such a self-hatred, that killing innocent women and children becomes their only means for exsistence,
this is what seperates stupid liberals, from a smart conservative like me, I call things exactly like they are, I dont sugar coat, or pull punches, when you try to enter into a debate with me, you had better bring logic, or I will hand you your queer ass before the bell rings,
the bottom line is this, the united states has gone to war on many occaisions, but we never kill for enjoyment, we are always fighting a sick twisted enemy, ALWAYS fighting an enemy who enjoys killing innocents, if you are a reader of history, like I am, you will see that in the past century, when the USA goes to war against someone, that someone is always a killer who enjoys killing, its a common thread actually, just read your history, and look at the common thread of every enemy we've done battle with, ALL of them love to kill, they enjoy hurting innocent women and children,
liberals wont tell you this, because liberals are the most shifty eyed liars you will ever find, just watch Al Franken next time he appears on a talk show, see how he twists like a little shifty eyed liberal weasel,
one lie after another, or Bill Mahr, or alec baldwin, susan sarandon, ed asner, barbara striesand, sean penn, rosie o donnell, etc.. etc.. ONE thing unites all of them, its lie after lie after lie,
so when ward churchill teaches his impressionable students at the university of colorado, he is brain washing them with one lie after another, he tells young college freshman, that the united states is a terrorist country, that we love to kill, and guess what? young freshman, who dont have a clue about real history, soak up this liberal liar, and become brain washed, its sad really, and when the ACLU makes it so that the words "merry christmas " become banned, your once great country slowly starts to go down the toilet,
it takes some serious thinkers like myself to see all this happenning, right before our very eyes, and then have a poster like "tough love" come in here and think he can debate me? I will fuck that liberal queer seven ways from sunday, and pick my teeth with his pencil neck body, and have a nice burp, afterward, and even let out a nice fart,
![Evil or Very Mad :evil:](./images/smilies/icon_evil.gif)