So we have a fake Brad, a Schmick in hiding,

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So we have a fake Brad, a Schmick in hiding,

Post by The Seer »

Babs still trolling, M-Club still exiled for humanity, no RtS, naive Pac 10 bashers, Nebraska, Ucla, Notre Dame, Oregon, etc not ranked, no playoff, mascot bashing, 3.00 a gal gasoline, Cindy Sheehan, Israel being kicked out of Israel, Bush border blind everywhere, mad cow, no smoking, global warming, loons with nukes, athlete's foot, wives that need to cuddle..................................................

and I'm STILL GEEKED for college football that begins in 2 weeks...


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Post by bradhusker »

hey seer, next year nebraska gets to fuck usc, and believe me, we will fuck those pac ten fruits, callahan is getting talent, and by next year, usc is gonna get it hard from the BIG RED,
mark it down,

as for cindy sheehan? FUCK THAT LIBERAL BITCH, she went from praising george W. calling him a man of great integrity, to calling him a terrorist? she now says that he should be tried for war crimes? FUCK HER!!!

one of my closest friends lost a son over in Iraq, and he believes totally different than the way cindy sheehan believes, THEREFORE, when the media latches on to an IDIOT FOOL like a cindy sheehan, and stupid fucks believe the foul stench coming from her sick twisted liberal mouth, we educated folks can sit back and laugh and feel sad for her at the same time, AND, thank the good lord that he didnt make us stupid like her,

BUT, let me state for the record, cindy isnt really stupid, she is a smart calculating weirdo, a seriously fucked up whore,
FINALLY, this past week, it has been released that during clinton's administration, the government was tracking one of the 9-11 hyjackers, they actually identified the terrorist cell in this country, and FAILED to do anything about them, THIS revelation shows that the nightmare attacks of 9-11 could have been prevented, but the clinton administration failed to act,
FUNNY, but the 9-11 commission seems kind of stupid now, I wonder what they would conclude about this amazing information just released, stay tuned,
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Re: So we have a fake Brad, a Schmick in hiding,

Post by RadioFan »

The Seer wrote:Israel being kicked out of Israel,
Nice ... up to that point, mensa.
STILL GEEKED for college football that begins in 2 weeks...
As we all are.

Btw, brad?

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Post by peter dragon »

ahhh the blame clinton defence. that doesnt get old :roll:

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Post by bradhusker »

oh HI radio fan,
you didnt like that quote, Israel being kicked out of Israel?
let me tell you something, you fool, appeasement wont work, the sick fuckin arabs will not stop until Israel does NOT exist, any idiot can tell you this, the arab mind is easy to understand, they dont like themselves, so its unlikely that they will ever get along with anybody,

ah pete?
did you say "blame clinton"? we dont have to blame clinton for anything, the FACTS are on the table, during his term, the government actually tracked the guy who flew one of the planes, they tracked the entire cell in this country, and guess what? they let them go free, THIS SINGLE FACT, had they have acted, would have prevented 9-11,
we dont have to blame clinton for anything, when you fools from the left, call bush a terrorist, and say that bush should be tried for war crimes, YET, you remained silent when clinton bombed and killed 3000 serbs some women and children, YOU HAVE ZERO credibility,
do you understand pete?

any liberal, including you pete and radiofan, who says that bush is a terrorist and that he should be tried for war crimes, YET, remained silent when clinton bombed and killed 3000 serbs, YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY, meaning you will not be taken seriously,

george W. goes after terrorists, IN EVERY city and town in this country, police detectives hunt killers, every single day, police hunt down killers and rapists, in the same manner, our military hunts down terrorist killers and rapists, YET, pete the fair liberal doesnt see it this way, I guess that pete lives in a fairy tale existence,

face it, instead of going after al queda and their terrorists, clinton saw fit to bomb and kill 3000 serbs, remember, I dont sugar coat in here, I tell it like it is, and I make you look like a fool,
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Re: ?

Post by RadioFan »

bradhusker wrote: any liberal, including you pete and radiofan, who says that bush is a terrorist and that he should be tried for war crimes, YET, remained silent when clinton bombed and killed 3000 serbs, YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY, meaning you will not be taken seriously,

george W. goes after terrorists, IN EVERY city and town in this country, police detectives hunt killers, every single day, police hunt down killers and rapists, in the same manner, our military hunts down terrorist killers and rapists, YET, pete the fair liberal doesnt see it this way, I guess that pete lives in a fairy tale existence,

face it, instead of going after al queda and their terrorists, clinton saw fit to bomb and kill 3000 serbs, remember, I dont sugar coat in here, I tell it like it is, and I make you look like a fool,
You go, troll.


Oct. 29. :brad:
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Post by bradhusker »

yes radiofan, oct. 29th, there will be some serious dry fucking going on, and, unfortunately, you and your pussy team will be on the wrong end of it, so to speak,
no lube here, dry style, squeal like a pig radiofan,
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Re: So we have a fake Brad, a Schmick in hiding,

Post by The Seer »

RadioFan wrote:
The Seer wrote:Israel being kicked out of Israel,
Nice ... up to that point, because for the life of me, I just can't stop rooting for the people that hate America and like to blow up women and children....
STILL GEEKED for college football that begins in 2 weeks...
As we all are.

Btw, brad?

Clarity works.


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Post by Eddie Adams »

The thing about why this FAKE Brad is so dumb.

Not ONE; "take them out behind the woodshed."

"Gangrape", ect; ect; .......

And the REAL Brad never ever spaced off his paragraphs. They were just one long "take". - (loosely)

(rambling, incoherence, at that, but still)
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Post by Adelpiero »

schmick in hiding

he's here

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Re: ?

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

bradhusker wrote:george W. goes after terrorists, IN EVERY city and town in this country, police detectives hunt killers, every single day, police hunt down killers and rapists, in the same manner, our military hunts down terrorist killers and rapists, YET, pete the fair liberal doesnt see it this way, I guess that pete lives in a fairy tale existence,
More time has elapsed since 9/11 than elapsed between Pearl Harbor Day and the end of WWII. Yet OBL remains at large, even though we now have Dirty Harry (or is it Barney Fife?) as our commander-in-chief.

Explain that, oh wise and mighty Brad. If you can get your tongue out of W's anus long enough, that is.
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Post by indyfrisco »


What did the U.S. respond with after Pearl Harbor?

Can you imagine the world's response if we did the same kind of thing after 9/11? Faggot ass pussy liberals will say we did to further their felching agenda while deep down inside they know we did the right thing.

Now, if we don't get to talking about college football around here like how Notre Dame will get ass plungered at least 7 times this year, I'm gonna have to move this to the Spin Forum.
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Post by peter dragon »

IndyFrisco wrote:Terry,
What did the U.S. respond with after Pearl Harbor?
Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
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Post by PSUFAN »

someone wrap brad's leftovers to go, before he sets up camp at the podium.
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Post by bradhusker »

first, let me make a fool out of heupel,

guess what dumb ass? roosevelt and truman werent fag liberals, they were REAL DEMOCRATS, today, what you call your democratic party is a bunch of aclu sickos, with michael moore as the hippo leader, do you think for one minute, that john kerry would have dropped the "a" bomb on japan? NOT ON YOUR FUCKIN WORTHLESS LIFE sissy, back then, you had men with common sense, they realized that the empire of japan declared war on us for no reason whatsoever, they refused to surrender, thus, we forced their unconditional surrender, TODAY, what you call democrats, are a bunch of sick twisted fucks with michael moore at the helm, and the ACLU with lawsuits up the ass,

ummm. terry? terry in crap hole USA, are you really so stupid that you dont see the HUGE difference between WW2 and the current war on terrorism? you obviously are a bona-fide dumb fucker,

the war on terrorism will continue for decades to come, as long as you have little muslim kids being taught in muslim schools how to hate all americans, OH, BY THE WAY, these muslim schools, teaching muslim kids to hate america and americans, were doing so before george W ever became president, meaning, its not his fault,
michael moore will lie to stupid welfare loving poor folks, telling them that george W. is the reason why towel heads hate us and want us dead, HOWEVER, people with half a brain realize that the war on terror will not end, UNTIL we put an end to schools which teach little towel heads to kill americans,

in WW2, we closed in on germany and their HATE, completely destroying them, THEN, we helped to rebuild them, with the war on terror, we must fight the ignorance, HUNT down killers, TEACH the sick arab mind how to get along with their neighbors,
everywhere arabs share borders with other countries, there is TROUBLE, we MUST teach the sick sick arab minds to learn to be sociable neighbors, LIKE US, for instance, the united states shares a border with canada, and, you dont see us killing them, or invading them, same thing with mexico, the USA shares a border with mexico, YET you dont see us invading them and raping and killing their people, WHILE we are at it, WE NEED TO CORRECT the sicko liberal minds as well, idiots like michael moore and ward churchill who call the united states terrorists, they call our beloved country a murderous nation, even though exactly the opposite is true, our great country helps poor nations, BUT, we are quick to hunt terrorist dictators, and go after killers, when ronald reagan hunted and went after qaddaffi and his band of terrorist killers, that is a GOOD THING, HOWEVER, a sick liberal like oliver stone calls reagan evil, and qaddaffi good, this is a PRIME example of a sicko liberal mind, just like the sick mind of professor ward churchill, the sick liberal who teaches our youth at the university of colorado lie after blatant lie, yet young kids get brainwashed,

finally, liberals are crafty liars, they mix in lies with truth, just like michael moore did in his film, they must lie because they are not rooted in basic common sense, so when believe the heupel talks about the democrats like roosevelt and truman from decades ago, he FAILS to tell the whole truth, which would be that they were REAL democrats, nothing like the sick pussies of today like john kerry and ted kennedy and howard dean, these sickos are not TRUE democrats, they are far far left wackos masquerading as dems, but upon further inspection, they are cluelesss fools,
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