Pick'em Games to begin 8/29/2005

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Pick'em Games to begin 8/29/2005

Post by indyfrisco »

Yes, it's finally here. College Football Season.

The 2005 Pick'em Games will begin next Monday (give or take a day).

Abbreviated rules (for any newbies, you’ll catch on quick):

As usual, I will post the games for the week along with the point spreads. Don’t get hung up on the spreads if your bookie has a different line. If I fuck something up, use it to your advantage. You are to select 10 of the X number of games I post. Make your picks by putting the game number as well as the three letter code of the team you are picking.

For example:

Game 18 Texas A&M (ATM) (10) vs. Clemson (CLE)
***The 10 indicates it is a -10 and that A&M is the favorite***

You put:

Game 18 ATM

As always, the FIRST game is the game of the week. You MUST pick this game as well as give a combined score of the two team.

For example:

Game 1 Texas A&M (ATM) (10) vs. Clemson (CLE)

You guess A&M wins 21 to 7 so you put:

Game 1 ATM [28]

Now you can select any other 9 games you like. All picks are due by midnight, EST on Fridays before the games, unless otherwise noted. Any picks that are edited after the deadline will not count for the week and you will get a 0 out of 10. This will affect your percentage for an at large bid.

Anyone who wins a week gets an automatic bid into the finals during the bowl season. Last year’s winner, Shine (AWOL?), already has an automatic bid into the finals. If you win 2 weeks, you get 2 bids to the finals, etc. At the end of the season, I will pick a certain number of people who have either the greatest number of picks and/or the highest percentage of correct picks to also get bids into the finals. Usually, we try to get about 20 bids to the finals.

In the past, those who play have the option of sending a little something to the winner. 88 has given an official college football to the winner the past 5 years. Anyone else can pledge a gift here or have the option to send something at a later date. It’s up to you.

Any questions? Post them here.

Let the games begin.
Last edited by indyfrisco on Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

and that A&M is the favorite
Can we get a feasible example please? Nevermind, check that...

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Re: Pick'em Games to begin 8/29/2005

Post by Jimmy Medalions »

IndyFrisco wrote:You put:

Game 18 ATM
Homer :roll:

hugs and kisses,
T Twat
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Re: Pick'em Games to begin 8/29/2005

Post by Jobocky »

IndyFrisco wrote:Abbreviated rules
Boy, I'd hate to see the long version
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Post by indyfrisco »

Yeah, this was the previous version I used in 2003. Guess once I got started up there, I just remembered all the tards who couldn't follow them and got carried away. All in all, they're about half as long up there as they are down below.


There have been rule changes. In addition, I have highlighted some points I wanted to stress.

Mods, how's about a Sticky for the entire season.

Also, if you plan on playing, let this be the official IN thread so I can start inputting everyone into the scorebook.

Let THE Games begin!


Please read the rules closely for some have changed!!!

1. There will be 14 weeks of the Pick'em Games this year. Week 1 of the official Pick'em Games season will begin Saturday, August 30. The game will continue each Saturday for the next twelve weeks. The last week of the regular season will include games played on Friday, November 29, and Saturday, November 30. This is the only week that Friday games will be included. Thurday games will never be included.

2. The lines will be posted as early as possible each week (hopefully on Monday morning, but it might be Tuesday some weeks). The lines will be posted like last year. They will be on a separate web page. You will click on a link and a separate browser window will open. Here is an example of what the lines will look like:

Practice Lines for Pick'em Game

If you don't like pop-ops, get a pop-up blocker or pay for my webspace!

3. Don't worry if the lines posted are different from the lines in your local paper. We get them from a variety of sources (e.g., offshore online casinos, the Vegas bookmaker's composite, USA Today, Sagarin ratings, we even make them up). If you think a particular line is out of whack, use it to your advantage. But please, do not bitch about it.

4. You will select the winners of 9 games of your choice against the spread, and the winner and total score of 1 game selected by the person who gives me the lines (Left Seater). The first game shown on the lines page (Game 1) will always be the game where you have to select the winner and the total score. It will be shown in blue, and the rest of the games will be in black. It will usually be the game between the two highest ranked teams that week that is being shown on nationwide television.

5. Please note that each team shown on the lines link has been assigned a unique three-letter code. You must make your picks by posting a message on the lines thread with your ten picks and the total score of the selected game. You must post your picks using the proper game number and the proper three-letter code exactly as it is shown on the lines page in order to get credit for a correct pick. A computer is going to do all the scoring this year, and computers do not spend hours in the middle of the night trying to figure out what the hell you meant when you posted "SC" (South Carolina, Southern California????) or "Miami" (Miami, FL, Miami, OH????). One more time: You must enter the game number and the three-letter code exactly as it is shown on the lines if you expect to get credit for a correct pick.

6. For example, lets say that Michigan vs. Virginia is the game selected for a particular week that everyone has to pick the winner of and total score. Now, if a person wanted to pick Tulsa over Bowling Green, Ohio U. over Illinois, Florida State over Pittsburgh, Fresno State over Penn State, Oregon State over Hawaii, Oklahoma State over Houston, Ohio State over Georgia, Miami, OH over Utah, Miami, FL over Vanderbilt, and Michigan over Virginia (and the person thought that there would be 42 total points scored by both teams in the game) that week, he/she would post a message on the lines thread that looked like this:

Game 1 - MIC 42
Game 2 - TLS
Game 3 - OHU
Game 4 - FSU
Game 9 - FST
Game 19 - ORS
Game 25 - OKS
Game 39 - OSU
Game 41 - MIO
Game 45 - MIF

7. There will be no practice week this year.

8 . A correct pick is worth 1 point. An incorrect pick is worth 0 points. If the game is a "push" (e.g., the line was 7 and the favorite won by 7), we will award 0.5 points to each team. Thus, a perfect score for a week would be 10. The person who has the most points for a given week wins the week. We use the total score of one game as a tie-breaker. If it is still tied, we have co-winners for the week.

9 . Please do not post anything on the Pick'em lines thread except picks. It is hard enough to find the picks without having to sort through a bunch of crap. If you want to point out someone's stupidity, start a separate thread for that purpose.

10. Picks must be posted by 12:00 a.m. (midnight) Pacific time of the day prior to the first game being played that week (i.e., Friday night, except for the last week, when it will be Thursday night). No exceptions. With the help of the mods, the thread will be locked down. Anyone who edits their picks after the cut-off will be disqualified for the week.

11 . Only one selection per person. In other words, don't use trolls to post picks. If this happens, not only will your troll be disqualified, whoever's troll it is will be disqualified as well. I cannot stress enough how important this is as far as integrity is concerned. No one should have an unfair advantage, this isn't MLB with Sosas and DHs where you can cheat.

12 . A total of 20 players (could be more or less depending on the number of participants we have) will get a chance to participate in the Bowl Championship Round of the Pick'em game.

This is a CHANGE!!!!
Only last year's winner, Danimal, gets an automatic entry into the finals to defend his crown. In the past, ALL previous winners were awarded an automatic bid.

The winners of all the weekly pick'em games will get an automatic bid.

Three other at-large bids will go to the top 3 players with the most correct picks accumulated during the season who didn't win a weekly pick'em game.

The two players who had the highest correct selection percentage who didn't win a weekly pick'em game, with a minimum of seven weeks in the game will also go to the finals. The Shine Rule: You do not have to make picks the last two weeks of the season to get in on a percentage basis this year. No one gets an at-large bid into the Bowl Championship Round if they have less than a .500 selection percentage. If there are co-champions of a weekly game, then both get automatic bids to the Bowl Championship Round and the at-large entries are reduced by one. If the same person wins more than one weekly game, they get to have multiple picks in the Bowl Championship Round.


One more thing NOT to bitch about!

No crying if someone with a 10% winning percentage gets to the finals because they won a week and you had a 55% winning percentage and did not. That's like bitching because someone else won the lottery who bought only one ticket. Tough shit!

13 . In the past, 88 has provided an official college football to the winner. Whether or not he does this again is up to him. Anyone else who feels compelled to pledge a prize for the winner is welcome to do so. It would be really cool if everyone pledged something, especially if it were related to their favorite team. But this is not gambling, and there is no entry fee or obligation to pledge a prize. This game is just for fun. Please note, however, that if you do pledge a prize, it will be considered a public bet and the Carl Hungus Rule will apply.

14. Have fun.

15. Good luck.

Rules subject to change without notice.
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In biatch!
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Post by the_ouskull »

I pledge a 24oz Natty Light mancan to the winner... unless it's a Tejas fan, in which case I pledge a Smirinoff Ice.

Congrats, Wags. Good win.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Maybe for Week One only we should set a Thursday PM deadline for picks. That would allow Thursday and Friday games to be included in Week One.

By my count, there are only 33 Saturday/Sunday/Monday games which involve two Division 1-A schools, and including Thursday's and Friday's games would add 8 more games.

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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

The Shine Rule
I thought that referred to differentiating between Miami and Miami of Ohio.


Been on these boards too damn long.
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Post by Cornhusker »

I read the rules, "again" but that doesn't mean I'll remember them.
Actually it's a safe bet I won't.
Anyway I'll continue my annual dose of humility and officially declare,

Thanks Indy, Lefty, and 88 for all the hard work once again!
And anyone else behind the scenes!
It's alot of fun and the ONLY pick'em I play every year.
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Post by SunCoastSooner »

I'm in
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

This year I vow to make selections every week. In years past I eitiher forgot or was too busy, and it really hurt me in the standings. This year I have much more internet screw off time at work and will take advantage of that. Hmmm...or I could take advantage of that by working more.

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Post by Buried_Nick »


How bout we send the winner on an all expences paid date with those two hot asses in PSU's sig.!!!

GOD, the fun deciding which one of those globes get the jizz shot.
Poptart, the tard slapper wrote:Don't ya think you could at least sit the boys down for a day or two and talk to 'em about rubbin' one out...?
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Post by MuchoBulls »

Dreams......Temporary Madness
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I'm your daddy.
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Post by PSUFAN »


thanks again to the Pick 'Em Powers for their hard work.
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Post by Jobocky »


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Post by Nolesy »

ready to once again be announced as winner of a week only to be stripped of victory an hour later.

jobocky=Danimal ?
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Post by buckeye_in_sc »

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Post by indyfrisco »

We'll have the picks up shortly.

We're still going with Saturday only games. We'll save the confusion for Thanksgiving. 30+ games is fine to start with.
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Post by Nolesy »

[quote="IndyFrisco"]We'll have the picks up shortly.
30+ games =better than an 8 year olds birthday party at Chucky Cheese
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.

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Post by indyfrisco »

^^^ Nolesy is to UBB code as Shaz is to spelling. ^^^
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Post by Vito Corleone »

M Club wrote:I've seen Phantom Holding Calls ruin a 7-5 team's undefeated season.
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Post by Nolesy »

Frisco, what the hell is UBB code? is this a new rule in the pickem contest?
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.

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Post by indyfrisco »


Thanks for the sig. I was needing a new one.

UBB code is the code used on message boards to post pics, quote people, etc. Your use, or lack thereof most of the time, of it tends to be pretty bad. Just funny is all.
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Post by Nolesy »

Hey Frisco, my computer skills end after reading and sending e-mail, posting here, and playing solitare.
I am contemplating hiring my 7th grader to tutor me so I can take my computer game to the next level.
Hell a couple years ago I had to get PSU fan to hang an aviator for me because I am so inept. I felt like my 7 year old ordering from the kids menu at Apllebees.

war pen and note book paper
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.

Barrack Obama is lib speak for Jimmy Carter
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