Yo shutyomouth:
re Clinton's bombing of Kosovo:
"We're now picking sides in a civil war where the United States' interests are not clear. Before we go bombing sovereign nations, we ought to have a plan." -Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.)
"The US should pull out now rather than get 'bogged down in wars that are not winnable." Republican Bob Smith, AP April 27, 1999
"Mr. President, we don't think that you should have committed us to an air campaign without coming to Congress, without giving us some type of strategy, without telling us what the exit strategy is, without saying what the cost could be economically, as far as human lives." -Republican J.C. Watts
A sample from
"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified rules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our overextended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today"
-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)
Politicians stink on ice.