Neely8 wrote:My point was that I thought maybe you guys would lay it low this year. Maybe wait until after the game to make statements like the ones in this thread. Hell we don't even play until 11/27.
You have to match the statements in this thread with the posters instead of lumping others here into that herd. If you're expecting some folks on the board to stop jumping around pounding their chests following a win any time soon, you might as well grab a Snickers. Doesn't make them wrong, mind you ... they are entitled to their opinions.
That said, I'd like to think I'd bring out a better argument then that from you, Neely.
Records or who-beat-whom arguments have no bearing, either. My team's ability to run up and down a field has no bearing on my ability to offer up a take or seven on your team, or anyone else's for that matter. While I used to enjoy slugging it out in a never-ending series of debates, it gets quite tiresome when the first shot to come back across the net can be paraphrased as the following ...
"What's Chief fan doing running their yaps when you haven't even sniffed a playoff game in some xxx years."
Deflection in its simplest form. It's no wonder why we've devolved into name-calling and ankle-biting fits as of late. Most of our posters have forgotten how to defend their own points.
More than anything else, though, I'd say this is a calling card for lack of intelligence. In addition, it's probably a sure sign most will never know whether or not they're getting their asses handed to them in the first place ... so what's the point in responding? While it doesn't necessarily mean you're a neanderthal if you've ever used such a tactic (we all probably have at one time or another), it doesn't bode well for your Mensa standing, either.
There are a host of posters that have more than earned my respect over the years. Some for football knowledge, some for a talent for debate, and still others who have nothing to fall back upon but sheer grit and determination.
If there aren't sheer yuks involved (it's why we're all here, isn't it), this is what I look for before involving myself in a topic, and there are many folks here who likely feel the same. Worse yet, there are even more folks who have simply left the board due to the complete dumbing-down of our discussions here.
Wonder why you rarely see Trumans, velocets and Carl Spacklers in our midst?
I'd wager a guess it's not because they're too busy to mess with our kind. Rather, they're likely bored silly every time they log on to read yet another way to call someone else a cocksucker.
Third grade insults are entertaining in small doses, for certain; however, some of you seem unable to progress beyond that.
Insult me, my team, or my bretheren if you like, but at least put some effort into it next time.