You guys like the new NHL?

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You guys like the new NHL?

Post by Hapday »

I love it! The shootout idea is a complete joke, but I love everything else about the new season. I think we have seen more third period comebacks this first week of the NHL then we have in the last three seasons. How many times, in the old NHL, was a team down by two or three goals going into the third period and you knew they would trap it out?
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Post by Shoalzie »

So far so good...I'm satisfied. I wish Comcast can fix my Center Ice so I can watch more of the league than just what's on OLN and watching the Red Wings locally. I don't see much fighting...but it doesn't hurt the game. There's still checking and scrums in front of the hasn't turned into a soft game but it is a quicker and skill does win out.
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The Rat Pack
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Post by The Rat Pack »

I'm really liking it....and so is Leonard.

Moving the blue line back is definitely one of the best changes.

I'm liking the shootout. I caught the Nashville vs Ducks one and it was electric. I watched the one last night and it was great seeing Quinn completely clueless on his shooter selection.

It's here to stay..although the TO press makes it out to be an every game thing. It's not...what is only 7-10% of the games? Don't blow leads and you'll never see it.

Icing's are history.

Restricting the goalie 's movement is panning out well. It was great seeing Hasek doing the two step trying to avoid the lines. Too bad, Dom.
Last edited by The Rat Pack on Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JD »

The new NHL is probably good for all the reasons you guys mention, but so far I'm not exactly enjoying it, for obvious reasons.

Ask again in a couple weeks after I've seen the Flames play an exciting game or two. :wink:
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Post by fix »

Other than the shootouts.. the game is better.

So far anyways.

Moving the bluelines back has helped immensely and eliminating the red line making a breakout pass an option has added more offensive chances.
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Post by Smoked Meat »

I've really enjoyed watching the games so far, especially the last two Habs game vs Toronto and Ottawa. These new rules really favor teams such as the Habs, now if only they could be more consistent... Like Hap said, nowadays a 2 goal lead is not a 99% guarantee win as it used to be. Last night's Leafs vs Sens was one great example among others.
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Post by d-townmike »

Games are much more enjoyable to watch and I like the few extra goals than normal in a game.

As I mentioned in the other thread, I like the shootouts. It actually means someone WILL win the game without another 20 minute period or two or three as in the playoffs, although I wouldn't have minded that either.

The two-line pass call is finally eliminated as that one was one of the most annoying ones, IMO, but if they could do something about icing and still ease back on offsides, it'll be a little better. Keep the play and the action going!
kcdave wrote:kicked my own ass many times
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