I guess you don't remember Kurt letting Matt go in Dover, when Kurt was dominating early?... do you?... if that were me, and I gave my team mate a free pass, and he didn't return the favor, that bitch would be spinning into the turn 3 wall.
As for the tirade, I heard him scream before, and I'm sure he'll scream again.
As for Jack the Pompous ass firing him right now.. Go right ahead and fire him, I'm sure as shit Penskie would throw him right into Rusty's backup cars, he'd still get the driver points, and just what Pompous ass Jack would want to see, A pissed off Kurt reeking havoc on his 5 chase cars down the stretch.
I personally hate team racing, and wish it'd all go away
I love it when people knock the looks of a stock car driver.. They're all about 5 foot tall and look like trolls. I don't give a fuck what he looks like, he's earned everything he has on the track. It's not like he has a fan base because of who's crouch the doctor pulled him out of, or who's car he took over, or that he's cute.. The #97 was nothing before Kurt, and it'll go back to being nothing after Kurt leaves
I would say Kurt looks more like the Elfs from Lord of the Ring

BTW that picture of him is a rookie picture before he had a girlfriend calling the shots on that sort of shit