88 wrote:I usually nailed them again, in the light of day, not so much out of pity but out of courtesy and convenience.
Friend, this is the part that warmed my heart and brought a tear to my eye. I was actually thinking about this same thing a day or so ago. I've been meaning to post a discussion on "Morning Afters," and I might still do it.
You see, this is one area that I have always felt separates me from amateur hoggers. I ALWAYS got that shit again the next morning. Rookies and hogging versions of Easter Lillies love to brag about their "I had to gnaw my left arm off the next morning so I wouldn't wake that beast up" stories. Fuck that. To me, I looked at like an opportunity to take a swing at the warden while I was on death row. Hell, I was already down, so why not get another nut?
One quick story - In Chattanooga in 1992, I went home with my #3-ranked worst of all time. She went about 3 bills, was missing a few teeth, the remaining teeth were all spread out and varied from yellow to doo-doo brown. Her hair was greasy, she had B.O., she had a speach impediment, yadda, yadda, yadda. Anyway, she was one of the worst fucks ever; totally silent, didn't move, sucked my dick by simply just letting it sit in her mouth for a minute. Whatever. I ended up banging her from behind because that's the only way I could honestly get my 5.625" up in her.
Fastforward to the next morning: As the early morning sun hit my face, I found myself all cuddled up next to her. I recall waking up with my hand lost between her ass cheeks and the smell of pussy. Not good pussy. The smell of her cunt would have offended a bucket of chum. Anyway, I gently kissed her neck untill she woke up, then I fucked her again. As if that weren't enough, when she drove me home at 8 in the morning I invited her in, immediately bent her over my sofa, and fucked her from behind again.
Anyway, 88, props for admitting that you're man enough to hit that nasty shit again in the morning. It takes a real man to chew his cabbage twice. RACK you.