Tiger Williams wrote:"... some snot-nosed little fuck that isn't going to break a nail is going to score 50 goals and he's never driven to the net in his life. He's never stood in front with Moose Dupont giving him 89 cross checks in the back of the head."
“If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more
successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh,
excuse me, in the Republican Party.” (NPR Interview Of Howard Dean
<http://www.breitbart.tv/html/153493.html> , 8/15/08)
...isn't there a book every Canadian reads about the kid who wanted a Montreal sweater but got stuck with a Leafs? I read that a long time ago but forgot the specifics....
Mustang wrote:Smoke....
...isn't there a book every Canadian reads about the kid who wanted a Montreal sweater but got stuck with a Leafs? I read that a long time ago but forgot the specifics....
Oh yeah, saw this many times already and with The Rocket movie that came out a few weeks ago (really good), will see it many times more.