Casino Royale

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Casino Royale

Post by Funkywhiteboy »

"Casino Royale" will be the next Bond film. Seriously, this time.
Casting will begin soon to find a successor to Pierce Brosnan as 007.

Ya think the choice of project has something to do with the current popularity
of casino-based TV shows? :roll:
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Re: Casino Royale

Post by mothster »

Funkywhiteboy wrote:"Casino Royale" will be the next Bond film. Seriously, this time.
Casting will begin soon to find a successor to Pierce Brosnan as 007.

Ya think the choice of project has something to do with the current popularity
of casino-based TV shows? :roll:

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Post by Bobby42 »

Wonder if the original 'Casino Royale' musical theme will re-set for this picture?
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Re: Casino Royale

Post by PSUFAN »

mvscal wrote:
Funkywhiteboy wrote:Ya think the choice of project has something to do with the current popularity
of casino-based TV shows? :roll:
I think it has more to do with the current obsession with remaking every film or TV series that's ever been made no matter how weak or insipid.
bothers you too, eh?

Was there any fucking reason to remake The Manchurian Candidate? Dawn of the Dead?

There actually IS creativity and talent puttering around in Hollywood...but damned if it makes a bit of difference...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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