Golfing through injuries

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Eternal Scobode
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Golfing through injuries

Post by fix »

Anyone ever had any success when they tried to alter their swing to compensate for an injury that's not going to heal any time soon?

My swing speed's down.. the distance is going to suffer since I can't drive through the ball...

It's going to be a long long summer...

Patella injuries suck
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Post by Dinsdale »

I had a lower back that was hosed. I imagine that a knee would have the same effect. It messes with your ability to rotate your hips the way you're used to. When my back was hurt, the easy fix was to essentially nearly-eliminate the hips, and become an arm-swinger.

Enjoy your newfound snap-hook.

I've been through quite a few problems in the last few years. Now, I'm looking forward to being able to swing the club the same way all through this year. That will be something new for me. Heck, maybe I'll even have a shred of game again, instead of settling for being a bogey golfer lately.

But man, if you have a decent, or at least workable/controllable swing, and you have to change it out of neccessity, it freaking sucks. You'll be out there because of your love of the game, not because you're tearing it up. Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt.

Just remember, that this too shall pass. Keep your head up.../except when hitting the ball, of course. That's another thing -- when a swing inflicts even the slightest amount of discomfort, it's amazing how it tends to make you look up before impact. One positive that will come from you getting through this, it will make you focis on some basics that you might have gotten away from. If you're Average Joe Golfer, you probably learned to do a decent job of keeping your eye on the ball a long time ago. You're about to find out that it's something you've been taking for granted. You're also about to take a more in-depth look into your tempo than you ever have before...because it's probably going to be all you have going for you at this point, and if you're like me, you'll really start paying attention to where the club/arms/shoulders/hips and everything else is during what part of the swing...because once again, it will be all you have going for you.

Auto-pilot is out of the question.

You have my very best wishes, and I hope it isn't a big deal for you. But, when all is said and done, assuming you enjoy a full recovery, if you keep a good attitude (while sucking) and just dedicate yourself to increasing your knowledge of the game, rather than trying to improve your handicap, I think you can emerge a better golfer for it when all is said and done.

I'd venture to say that you've got a test ahead of you. If you pass it, you'll be better off for it. For this year, you need to drop or eliminate all of your previous expectations, and simply spend the next few months working on nothing but your menatl game and attitude. It helped me when I couldn't stay competitive with my buddies.

Good luck, bro.
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Post by fix »

Enjoy your newfound snap-hook.
No shit. I was at the practice facility today hitting balls and I launched about 7 of them in a row.
My buddy who's golfed with me for over 20 years now looks over and says "Where in the fuck did that come from"

I'm thinking that I'll be spending a lot more time working on my short game than I typically have in the past.

It's my love for the game that will keep me going back out there even if I break the over 100 barrier.

The knee specialist gave me the option.. go under the knife now or try and rehab it through physio and wearing a brace first and see if it works.
I figure that the knife should be a last option so...

Good advice.. mucho gracias.
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Post by BSmack »

Otis wrote:
Enjoy your newfound snap-hook.
No shit. I was at the practice facility today hitting balls and I launched about 7 of them in a row.
If you can do it consitiently, maybe you should try working through it by changing your alignment?

I'd kill to be able to hit any shot 7 times in a row.
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Post by Rack Fu »

I tore several muscles in my ribcage area beneath my left pec while playing golf. I took a swing and OUCH! Just a freak thing. That was on the 6th hole and like a moron, I finished out the round and probably made the injury 10x worse. Took me almost four months to recover.

When I went back to playing golf my entire swing dynamic changed. I went from being able to shoot in the low to mid-80's to barely breaking 100. Never really got my game back.

Otis, that's the reason why you're the proud owner of that Ping driver of mine. I couldn't hit that thing straight after the injury.
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Post by Derron »

When ever you have a body change or begin to age, you game has to change with it.

12 years ago, I was pounding it 300 yards off the tee, eating up the fairways.

Had rotator cuff problems, some artho work done, and whoa... step back... the way I used to play aint' happening.

I just took it easy, had to learn my yardages all over again, bette club selection, and gulp..shit... fuck....put a 3 and 5 wood in my bag. I use the 5 wood a lot now....just have to plan the game a bit better.

8 years ago, I played a round and about the 16th hole, I could hardly fucking walk. Dudes helped to my truck, I made it home, shot up on vicoden and Jack Daniels that night and went to the ortho pod the next day. Turns out my right leg was /12 inch shorter than my left, and I had rubbed the bursa in my left hip out. Fuuccckkkk.... that hurt..

He shot me up with cortisone, and I am getting a new hip in 07.

You have to adapt to the game, it will not adapt to you. As the fickle mistress that the game is, you have to change to master her. What worked 10 years ago, or after your knee, or you shoulder work, or heart work, the game is gonna change.
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Post by fix »

Rack Fu wrote:I tore several muscles in my ribcage area beneath my left pec while playing golf. I took a swing and OUCH! Just a freak thing. That was on the 6th hole and like a moron, I finished out the round and probably made the injury 10x worse. Took me almost four months to recover.

When I went back to playing golf my entire swing dynamic changed. I went from being able to shoot in the low to mid-80's to barely breaking 100. Never really got my game back.

Otis, that's the reason why you're the proud owner of that Ping driver of mine. I couldn't hit that thing straight after the injury.
You mean this one..


Still have it Fu.. but I put it away at the beginning of last season when I picked up a new driver that was able to give me a better flight. I'd lost confidence in the Ping..
But now that you reminded me of it, I'm going to take it with me this week and hit the range.
I think it might be the answer to taking care of this new found snap hook I've developed.

As a side note.. you were right, despite my numerous attempts to do so, you just can't hit the thing off the fairway..
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Post by fix »

BSmack wrote:
Otis wrote:
Enjoy your newfound snap-hook.
No shit. I was at the practice facility today hitting balls and I launched about 7 of them in a row.
If you can do it consitiently, maybe you should try working through it by changing your alignment?

I'd kill to be able to hit any shot 7 times in a row.
If it were as simple as that the game would be simple.
Problem is, I don't really feel like aiming 100 yards out of bounds or dead smack into a line of trees just to have my ball end up in the fairway...

A snaphook is almost as bad as a huge slice.. just has a bit more distance to it once it hits the ground.
Too bad neither one of them usually ends up being playable or in your own fairway.
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Post by Rack Fu »

Otis wrote:
As a side note.. you were right, despite my numerous attempts to do so, you just can't hit the thing off the fairway..

I tried several times. Never got the ball higher than 15 feet off the ground.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Man, I thought I was a hack...

You guys have been playing how long?, and you're just now figuring out that hitting driver off the fairway is rarely the right call?

It's OK, I have a couple of golf buds (who I might be hooking up with this afternoon, TYVM, sucks to be you, rulez to be me) who are about 50 years old, who still make this judgemental error on an occasion. In their defense, it's always during winter rules, and they find a chunk of crabgrass to tee the sucker up on, but it rarely works out still.

Out of curiosity, is that a Ping I3 driver in that pic? If so, I'd love some thoughts from Fu (although he got rid of it, hardly a ringing endorsement) or Otis, or anyone else who's played one. A while back, a friend gave me one with a broken shaft. I've always figured that rather than spending the money reshafting it, I'd probably do better spending that same cash towards a titanium model. Others have told me that that particular driver puts one hell of a whack on the ball, but obviously has a small sweet spot (and if you'd ever seen me swing a driver, you'd know that a large sweet spot is crucial...unfortunately, I'm quite the "testosterone-fuelled" golfer, and I swing the Big Stick with a "300 or bust" philosophy, which generally results in the "bust"...but what a thing of beauty when I flush guys know what I'm sayin').

I'm just wondering if it's worth it to reshaft in your opinions, or would that money be better spent towards a better, newer titanium unit? My driver now is a cheapy steel-with-titanium-face thing. I told my story of my clubs getting ripped off about a year or so ago (merry Christmas, asshole), and I ended up going back to that driver, because I still owned it. Pretty easy to hit, but just doesn't get the Shock-and-Awe that my ridiculous overswing of the driver should produce (when I actually connect).

On a related note -- one of my bestest golf buds is a very good player. A while back, he hurt the shit out of his neck. Of course his love for the game kept him playing, but he's now prone to hooks. And his formerly-sweet flying Titlist (I think it was a 975?) all of a sudden was finding the next fairway to the left. Some other friends(also fine players) had passed around a Big Bertha 2, and had all universally decided "it's a slicer." So, they handed it off the Gimpy Neck Kev, claiming "doesn't fix your swing problem, but I GUARANTEE you can't hook it." Well, first time out with it, we step up to a very short Par 4(sup Derron...4th hole at Killarney. A couple of friends have memberships, one of them at Pumpkin even, but they all still LOVE Killarnage. Must be the fatty scores they put up there). The hole was playing about 300 that day (it's a straight shot). I'll be damned if dude didn't start it a hair right, and hit a slight draw (upgrade from a snap-hook). Homeboy missed his shot...long. Cleared the green, to the scrub behind it. Next hole is a short par 5, narrow fairway. This time, he burns it down the middle, about 340(not a very big guy-btw). Now that his neck is getting a little better, he's sometimes getting some fade, which he was assured would happen with that club.

Regardless, I've been thinking that the Big Bertha 2 is one hella-hot club. This guy's always had a really long drive, but that club seems to have added 10-20 yards to his average (which was already pretty gaudy) over the Titlist, and he was always a pretty big fan of the Titlist drivers.

Anyhoo, Otis...while my friend dealt with the horrible neck injury, he kinda rethunk things, and started clubbing up and taking smaller swings, which obviously made for less body movement and less overall rotation, which made it easier for him, and now that he's healing (a couple of long years for him) it seems to have helped his game to an extent, in that, at least in his mind, he has more "shots in his bag," and just kinda sees more ways to hit a shot than he did before.

Just throwing that out there, to give you some hope for some light at the end of the tunnel, since an injured golfer is an unhappy golfer, but still a golfer, nonetheless.

Good luck, bro.
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Post by Rack Fu »

That's the Ping TiSI. The hosel came in 14 different configurations with the lie angle and face progression. I spent a long time with the person at the golf shop in selecting the proper configuration for myself. I tore up some courses with that thing. The drives were PGA-esque for the most part. Tremendous length and decent control.

Then I got hurt and my swing changed and I could no longer hit that thing straight. :cry:
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Post by Dinsdale »

Rack Fu wrote:Dins,
That's the Ping TiSI.
OK. Looks the same from that view, but the TiSI is the titanium, larger-head version of the i3, which is stainless.

If I reshaft that sucker, I'll feel obligated to use it for a while. I think I'll pass, since I'm a big fan of titanium drivers. Hell, I'm swinging titanium irons these days, which are easy as heck to hit. They don't go nearly as far as my old oversized Wilsons, which despite not being too "high end," I absolutely loved. But, I was given a set of Tommy Armour T100's (I think that's what they're's essentially a titanium version of the Armour 845 Silver Scot clubs, but the titanium model never sold well, maybe because they were very expensive at the time?). Great clubs, bit the medium graphite doesn't really do it for me. Might have to upgrade...maybe find some old geezer who is looking to trade for slower shafts or something.
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Re: Golfing through injuries

Post by Ken »

JaysFan wrote:Anyone ever had any success when they tried to alter their swing to compensate for an injury that's not going to heal any time soon?

My swing speed's down.. the distance is going to suffer since I can't drive through the ball...

It's going to be a long long summer...

Patella injuries suck
I figure you should keep playing from the blues or championship tees and snap hooking drives into the trees on the left before the ladies tees... seeing as how that's the manly thing to do and all. Rack your perserverence in the hunt for your masculenity that lies somewhere in the art of driving a ball that at least goes OB AFTER the ladies tees.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ken, I really am glad to see you posting here. One of the more knowledgable golf guys around, and are familiar with some of the courses in my area, which is a big plus in my book...

And I don't want you to misunderstand me here -- post what pleases you, without fear of any repercussions from at least one of the guys with the "edit" button...

But as a general rule, we tend to check the smack-talk at the Golf Forum door.

I don't think that's ever been discussed or outlined, but it seems to be the theme here since the get-go.

There's about 20 other forums where we can call each other "fags." I'd prefer that this not become another one, but I don't for one second to claim to speak for the majority here, or anyone besides myself on the matter. Nor will I campaign for any particular MO for this forum.

I guess I'm just saying that it's always been pretty friendly, smooth sailing in this forum. There's some great golf minds here to tap into, if you don't piss them off (sup QBert).

So, post what you will. I was merely asking as kind of a favor. By all means, tell JaysFan what a homo/pussy/fag/idiot he is in the Main Forum.

Should you decide otherwise, I will respect your decision to do so, and will do nothing to intefere with your chosen MO....even though I have this "Edit" button...not sure I can accidentally hit it instead of "Quote," and screw up other people's posts, I guess (sup Felix).
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Post by Dinsdale »

Oh, I meant to add...

We generally don't do smack in here...except when IF posts. Fucker is about the best example of a "good sport" this board has to we punish him for it. Not sure how that works exactly, but what the heck.
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Post by Felix »

I can accidentally hit it instead of "Quote," and screw up other people's posts, I guess (sup Felix).
I'll never forgive you for that Dins, because it was an epcot post.......

at least I think it was.....maybe....

oh who the hell am I kidding....your edit probably made it better.....

spot on with the rest of your post.....
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Post by indyfrisco »

Dinsdale wrote:Oh, I meant to add...

We generally don't do smack in here...except when IF posts. Fucker is about the best example of a "good sport" this board has to we punish him for it. Not sure how that works exactly, but what the heck.
It’s easy to be humble when everyone wants to be you.

Any contradiction up there? ;)
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Post by Dinsdale »

IndyFrisco wrote:when everyone wants to be you.
While I wouldn't mind dropping Little Dins on that sight-impared nugget you call an OL, I'm not in a rush to trade places with a guy who can't chip from the fringe.

Which brings up another completely almost-unrelated pet peeve --

When I end up getting grouped up with some old codgers, and after I miss a putt, one of these aging comedians invariably busts off with the time-honored classic -- "Better put some hair around that hole, eh sonny?"

And they always say it as though they figured I'd never heard that one before.

Don't even try and tell me you haven't played with Old Codger.

"Put some hair around that hole.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"

Because Old Codger always laughs at his own jokes -- you know Old Codger.

But, over the years, I've gotten my revenge on Old Codger. After he annoys me for the 14th time with "put some hair around that hole...BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!", I lay in wait for the next time Old Codger misses a putt....then I say just loud enough for Old Codger to hear...

"Shoulda put some little boys' clothing around that hole."

So far, I'm batting 1.000 shutting Old Codger up.
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Post by Ken »

Point taken, dins.

Let the record show that I had the last word, eh?
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