mvscal wrote:Diogenes wrote:That's how the lefties like it. He is their idea of what those on the right are 'really' like, simplistic, bigoted and intelectualy weak.
Intellectuals are able to spell intellectually. You are just another semi-literate Bible beating dumbfuck.
what? :? there's nothing intellectual about spelling.
it's just memorization of rules, and then going with
straight up copying when the rules contradict one another.
there *might* be something intellectual about
spelling when it comes to Chinese, and the creation
of new characters to create new words, names,
what have you .... but i'm just thinking back to that
article on Chinese naming restrictions recently
post here or at .net.
there might be something intellectual -- there is
something intellectual in the feat Sequoyah
One Cherokee who moved west in 1829 was one of America's most honored Indians, Sequoyah. He was intrigued with the white man's ability to write, so after 12 years of experimenting and study, Sequoyah created an 86-letter syllabary for the Cherokee language. This alphabet was so efficient it could be learned in less than a month and became the standard means of communication for the Cherokee.
an alphabet so efficient even with 86 letters you could learn it in less than a month? if that's true, that kicks English' ass in the ass. That kicks a lot of language's asses in the ass.
And it only took him 12 years, without a bunch of nonsensical degrees and horseshit?
That's a hard core mother fucker.
But for the rest of us -- including your Mexican ass -- it's
not intellectual, it's just memorization.
on a short leash, apparently.