henna tattoos

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henna tattoos

Post by M2 »

Here is one of my best friends...


Her name is Emma, and she has a booth at the AZ Ren Faire, Colorado Ren Faire, Michigan Ren Faire, and North Carolina Ren Faire...

She makes around $10,000 a weekend after she pays her artists... :twisted:

Man, it's good to be m2!!! 8)

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Post by M2 »

e wrote:you fucked her?
I'll take the 5th.

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Post by M2 »

e wrote:thought not
I've got a great idea...

why don't you ask her?

She loves me, so anything you say will make her laugh.

I gave you the links... call her!


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Post by M2 »

I almost feel guilty livin' the life I do.

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Post by Filthy McNastie »

I used to date a chick that was into that...pretty sexy when it's done right.

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Post by M2 »

Good to see ya Filthy.

You need to post more bro... or this place will be stuck with my shit posts.

Back to your point...

Yeah chicks with tats give me wood.

It's good to have you back, bro.

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Post by Nishlord »

Is that you, m2? The bloke with the 'tache?
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Post by Risa »

Nishlord wrote:Is that you, m2? The bloke with the 'tache?
In trying to get an answer for that, actually clicked on the link m2 provided and got:

http://www.tattooartists.org/Gal4793__Y ... Where_.asp

how cute. still a no.

what a dork, but i guess he could have it worse, he could be...
Not quite done, at this point and may never be. The stupid kid went to prison. But check out the tattoo on her arm.

All of this small work was done with a single needle.
i wonder what she's in prison for. christ.


on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Risa »

devil hand dude's feet.

They have now been fully filled in with Black ink. The feet and hands are not the best places to get a tattoo. The skin cells are constantly renewing, and therefore need to be re-inked regularly.

well, 'Ton' gets points for being able to chuckle at himself, and life... instead of pulling a complete prison tat like that mexican dude and that hillbilly who both put 'fuck you' above their eyebrows.

Yes, it hurts alot.

What's the point? what is he trying to prove?
does he also spend weekends suspended from hooks on the ceiling attached to metal on back for jollies?

I'm being a dick, but I honestly don't get it. what is the point?

Only the beginning. Much more work to be done. If you Ink too far down the side of a foot, you'll end up doing alot of touch-ups, just like hands and feet bottoms.

:? and ... this person wants MORE work done in the same area? what the hell do they want to put there?
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Risa »


i'll be honest, i could have learned to like this if it were smaller and not so huge. smaller would have meant subtlely and going in for a closer look. this... but it's not my body. she knows what she wants. :?

Next to her eyes.


She had thought about this tattoo for about a year before she got enough nurve to really get it done. I always talk to the clients to make sure that this is not just a moment's decision.
and she thought about it for a year.

props to her for being brave. but other than that, i know not what to say.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Risa »

Jsc810 wrote:Yeah, that will look real fresh in about a decade. :meds:

Too bad, she could have been a legit hottie.
Henna is cool cuz it's temporary.

I don't know why people want to ink themselves, either.... though, i will admit there are some fantastic designs out there. if you're doing it for you, then it works. if you're doing it to fit in, it just looks stupid...

like all those ass tats out there gotten in the 90s by college and high school chicks.

not to mention the 'tribal' ( :roll infinity: ) tats.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Re: henna tattoos

Post by Risa »

m2 wrote:Here is one of my best friends...
then tell her to post here for a visit.
on a short leash, apparently.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Here's a better idea. Why don't you get on your bike and ride out to see her for a visit. Let us know your route and your time of departure so we can get TenTallBen all liquored up.

Do you have to spam every thread you post in? Do you really need to puke up 4 or 5 responses in a row? Just STFU, sit and compose your thoughts, and post a single 5000-word, 23-image post that we can all quickly scroll past. Sheesh!
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by TenTallBen »

Goober McTuber wrote:Here's a better idea. Why don't you get on your bike and ride out to see her for a visit. Let us know your route and your time of departure so we can get TenTallBen all liquored up.

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Re: henna tattoos

Post by PSUFAN »

Risa wrote:
m2 wrote:Here is one of my best friends...
then tell her to post here for a visit.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
nubian napalm - numidian princess
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Post by Risa »

because he doesn't really know her that well, and is just pulling a lieclone? :?
on a short leash, apparently.
Goober McTuber
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Re: henna tattoos

Post by Goober McTuber »

m2 wrote:Here is one of my best friends...

Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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