she pounded on the door to get her shoes back. that was part of the original story.Dinsdale wrote:I'll take "liverless" over "spineless" any day...twice on Sunday.Risa wrote: We'll see. Liverless bitch.
So, now that witnesses are stepping forward, and the facts are coming in, all of which point to the prostitute being a liar (she ponded on the door to get in to the scene of a rape, after she was asked to leave? Ohhhhhkay), how big of a fucking pig are you that you are still renedering your verdict based upon the race of the people involved.
you don't beat up women. you don't yell racial profanities at women. you don't claim 'we never touched her' when the evidence says she was touched.
who are the witnesses now stepping forward, who did not step forward originally?
:roll:You truly sicken me.
Coming from a man who'd go down on the scab-flaked cream pie of a meth-using, pot-dealing 0.4 BAC garage band groupie for half a clove cigarette and a bottle of thunderbird... does my hyperbole meet your hyperbole yet?
You only see me as black, and not as a woman?You and your foul fucking ilk are the biggest hurdle to race relations not being an issue in this country's future.
This is only a race issue, and not a gender issue?
The biggest hurdle to race relations is people who refuse to deal with it where it does exists, in order to pat themselves on the back. Refusal does not equal confronting.
But you still see me as 'black', instead of as a 'woman'.It's too bad a few bad apples on either side are spoiling the bunch that make up the majority, who are folks who don't live their lives by the color of people's skin.
Or even a 'human being' yourself, Dinsprick.

Whatever, hippy boy.
Better the honest racist, than the dishonest backstabber.
Pat yourself on the back any harder, hippy fake,I sincerely pity you. There's a wonderful world out there, as well as an ugly one. You choose to only seek out the latter. What a sad waste of a human life.
you'll puncture a lung with your ribcage.
But anyway, I want links. If the tests came back
exonerating all of the kids, I want to see it. And as I
said before here and at .net, I will be the first and loudest
to condemn her for lying.
But until then, they did it.