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Post by DMike316 »

Luther wrote:saw the Church of the Annunciation
Is it close to Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle?
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Shitters and bad footwear.

I gotta get me a trip to the middle east. :)
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Luther wrote: I finally took a shit here in Jerusalem. Then we headed for Haifa.
Must be a pretty nasty dump when you have to change cities. Pro move, nonetheless.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Post by Mister Bushice »

It was the lack of a courtesy flush that made the move necessary.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Jay in Phoenix »

The "St. Peter's Fish" luncheon just a few minutes from the Sea Of Galilee was one shitty meal. The fish is Talapia, which is a nice white fish. I have it all the time in Portland, but I take the HEAD off of it, and you don't see the tail or skin either. I had it grilled and it basically blew bark.

Not exactly the cajun variety we had in m2's neck of the woods, eh Luth?

And to think, Toostoned went for a so-called "bike-ride" around the "park" while we scarfed quality seafood. Sucked for him!! :)

Watch for that glow to the east Luth, and don't accept any uranium nickles.
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Post by YD »

Luther wrote:
try to jam a 175 pound body into a pair of stretch pants designed to be tight on Paris Hilton.

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Post by BSmack »

Mister Bushice wrote:It was the lack of a courtesy flush that made the move necessary.
You sure he didn't "upper tank" the place?
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Post by ElvisMonster »

Luther Tiberious...
Probably after I get a couple of beers down his throat.


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Post by Jerkovich »

how about where the German guide stops right in front of the gate to a site and then all the goofy looking Germs stand there and block the gate?

Taht got a good laugh out of my German wife. :o
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Post by Luther »

Wednesday April 12, 5:15 PM

I had scrambled eggs and the typical veggies for breakfast...cukes, tomatoes, yogurt. Right after I boarded the bus to head to our first stop in Jerusalem, the squirts hit. I jogged off the bus and back into the hotel, but I couldn't find the bathroom on the main lobby so I quickly went down to the 5th floor and on into my room.

I put my key card on the bathroom counter while I did my version of "Dumb and Dumber" squirt scene. I then left and just as soon as the door shut and locked itself, the revenge struck again. I then realized that I left both fucking card keys in my room. So I had to run back to floor 6 which is the lobby and have them program two more keys for me. I get back to my room just in time.

It took me a total of 4 episodes to get me out of my room and back onto the bus. Imodium was flowing through my system again.

We drove and parked near the Jaffa gate into the old city of Jerusalem. Huge walled city of giants blocks of stone. This whole country, including Jordan is a mass of stone. We meandered around the Jewish quarter for awhile. I saw numerous Hasidic Jews getting ready for the Seder dinner later this afternoon. Our group was sitting in this courtyard waiting for some time to pass before our appointment to visit this synagogue, when a Hasidic Jew dropped some wood on the stone walkway. He had quite a bit in his hands and he couldn't pick it up, so he kicked it forward. I strolled over and bent down to give him a hand and he sharply says, "No, No, let the boy pick it up." A little kid behind me picks it up and I'm looking at the guy like, "WTF ?" Our guide tried to explain that the Jew would rather accept help from another Jew rather than good old Luth the pale faced American. It kind of pissed me off though.

Being around all these blisters is starting to get old. One gal has probably bought half a dozen pairs of shoes since we've been here. Norma, the old bitch from Toledo is irritating and I stayed clear of her.

We had the chicken schwarma sandwich over in the Arab quarter and we got overcharged. I had spoke to a couple of people who just came back from Jerusalem and they said they got schwarma's for about 18-20 shekels, where we got hit for 28, which is about $5.50 or so. It was good though. I ate about half of it, and decided to just carry the rest of it around in its paper bag. By the time I hit the Wailing Wall the grease was working its way out.

Speaking of the Wailing Wall, I routinely failed the electronic security metal detecter again, as usual. The IDF guy on the other side had a automatic rifle on his shoulder of some kind. I told him I had a metal knee, and then he did the basic full pat down for weapons.

At the wall, the men go to the left side, and the women go to the right. I walked up to the wall and put my hand on to the touch. I could see little bits of paper wedged into the cracks between the stone...small prayer requests etc. I said a short prayer...
"Thank you God for not having that computer bomb thing blow up and send red hot nails into my ass when we crossed over at the Allenby bridge. Thank you God for briefly giving me the quickness of a young Gale Sayers when I out raced the Arabs to that ditch.

And thank you God for just allowing old Luth to have fun in this life. Talk with you later.

I don't feel like having dinner with the group tonight. I'm still pissed that you can't order a freaking beer at this hotel. I'll update this shit later.

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Post by PSUFAN »

Our guide tried to explain that the Jew would rather accept help from another Jew rather than good old Luth the pale faced American. It kind of pissed me off though.
Basic decency should transcend these kinds of things...but then, I too am not among The Chosen, and thus unworthy of comment.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

PSUFAN wrote:
Our guide tried to explain that the Jew would rather accept help from another Jew rather than good old Luth the pale faced American. It kind of pissed me off though.
Basic decency should transcend these kinds of things...but then, I too am not among The Chosen, and thus unworthy of comment.
It's more of a Hassidic Jew thing. Many of them can are real assholes, but some are not They do have some odd customs/behaviors that can be misconstrude as rude, but that isn't the intent. My grandfather, who was very orthadox, hated the Hassidics.

More Racks for Luther! Can't wait for more pics.
Ingse Bodil wrote:rich jews aren't the same as real jews, though, right?
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Post by ElvisMonster »

I've always had the impression that Israeli chicks, like Texas chicks, are pretty hawt. Something in the water or something. Luther, can you confirm this for me? Tell them that you need to take pictures for your famous American dj friend. If you could have them write my station's call letters on their breasts, that would be a bonus. Thanks in advance, old friend.
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Post by tough love »

Rack Luther

and rack imodium.
Our guide tried to explain that the Jew would rather accept help from another Jew rather than good old Luth the pale faced American. It kind of pissed me off though.
I'm hearing you, Luth - Your buddy, Jesus.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by DMike316 »

Elvis raises a good point. I too have been waiting for descriptions (i.e. FUCKING PICTURES) of some hot Israeli chicks.
Now that we've got Luther's bowel movements covered, isn't it time to get to the hot Israeli chicks?
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Post by M2 »

Luther wrote: I saw numerous Hasidic Jews

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Sorry to hear that...

If they're not trying to save you(sound familiar)? They're trying to stone you to death(sound familiar)?

The Chasidut are fuckin' fruitloops!

Good luck, Luth

P.S. DMike is right... pics of hot chicks please.

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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

PSUFAN wrote:
Our guide tried to explain that the Jew would rather accept help from another Jew rather than good old Luth the pale faced American. It kind of pissed me off though.
Basic decency should transcend these kinds of things...but then, I too am not among The Chosen, and thus unworthy of comment.

Those charming old Hassidics certainly don't mind accepting over $120 Billion from the U.S. over the past fifty years. They also probably appreciate that last-minute pardon by Bubba for the Hassidic bunko scam in upstate New York.
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Post by tough love »

God blesses those who bless his chosen.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Luther »

Thursday, April 12 3:40 PM

A short day, but an interesting one. We again failed the security, but I'm getting to the point that I just tap the knee, and say "My knee is bad like Arafat" and they laugh and let me by.

We had arranged an hour meeting with this 24 year old Palestinian woman in her parents home within the Arab quarter. The place was solid due to STONE walls, but the ceiling was beginning to peel. She said she worked at a radio station, and she read the news in both Arabic and English.

The black haired commie in our group asked her what she thought of the Bush Administration. She (Palestinian) said that Bush was an idiot, blah blah, and that the administration should be more sympathetic to the Palestinian causes. She described Hamas as a social agency desirgned to protect the rights of the poor people from Palestine. She forgot to discuss how the kindness translates to blowing up busses and restaurants and such. I asked her what she thought of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, and his statements about desiring that "Israel be wiped off the face of the earth." She said he was an idiot too. She said she had a lot of friends from Iran. I asked her if she knew what her friends beliefs were in regards to Iran enriching uranium. Speficially, was it for energy use or for nuclear weapons. I wonder if you could guess what her answer was?

For Mrs. Luth I found some Druze fabric, which I think Mrs. Luth will either use for pillows or for the back of the sofa. I bought about 2 meters of the stuff, and haggled the guy down from 300 shekels to 250 shekels (about 50 bucks).

I'm using the lobby internet as the wifi was out of service. The rest of the group was going to the "Jerusalem at Night" tour at 5PM, but I'm not going. I'll probably just grub something around the hotel...yesterday, they left a fruit bowl, numerous cookies and a small box of chocolate.

I think the Germans are difinately after my ass. I can't go anywhere where they just plug up the entire street with their overly huge tour group. I saw some Palestinian today pushing a green food cart, and he was waving his arms and apparantly cussing at them. Ouf tour guide just said he was "talking dirty to them." Rack the Palestinian. Then I had another one actually place his hands on my chest, as to stop me. I said, "I don't speak German," and he said in broken English, "You are going toward the exit." We were at the museum and I had left early, but came back to join up with the group that was to meet at the exit. I told him, "Look, I don't know you and you don't know get your fucking hands off me." He did.

Other than that, this city is interesting, and overpowering, expecially for guys like me who aren't that religious at all. People like Poptart, Tom in Va., and or Mike the Lab Rat would appreciate all of this more than I.

I'm not sure how soon I'll be back. If they fix the wifi, maybe later or even tomorrow. In a few days we're going to be out by the Dead Sea, in some Kibbutz (communal setup). I heard a vodka-tonic was $8. Assholes don't have beer, the markets are basically shut down due to the holiday, and old luth is parched. Guess I'll have to partake in the small glasses of 4 buck wine.

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Post by PSUFAN »

No beer...
"Talking dirty" to ze Germans...

What kind of place is this?

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by DMike316 »

Luther wrote:24 year old Palestinian woman in her parents home
Did they have orange shag carpet?

- Moorese

Luth, what did this Patsy Stone clone look like?
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Post by ElvisMonster »

I don't think he's reading our posts, DMike.
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Post by Luther »

Sorry, I had the date wrong...13 April is today and it is 6 PM.

Trying to capture hotties during Passover inside the old city of Jerusalem is like trying to find a fat chick in the most vogue nightclub in Hollywood. When we were leaving TWIStown there was one eye turner who crossed the street. Tight shirt, sunrisers, spray on levi's and some white CFM's with the number 5 on each side of them. By the time I put the lens on the Canon she was just a memory. Sorry guys.

More Observations:

I could eat schwarma's all day long. Pita bread with shaved meat of our choice...typically turkey, chicken, lamb or german shephard. :)

Did I mention that I haven't spotted a fan in a shitter yet?

I stood behind this Israeli couple at the lobby counter. They were disputing a charge on their bill from what I could make out. The clerk was pointing out the charges on the printout and the customer had this cigarette in his mouth, unlit. Back and forth, ...slaps the counter, jestures like Donnie Rumsfeld does in press conferences, and finally he stomps off, ten minutes later...with that stupid fucking unlit cig in his mouth. The clerk apologized and I just smiled and asked her what his complaint was. I guess he was pissed about some $3 buck phone call he made.

I was sitting at the bar here, and this decent looking young gal orders a couple of soda's. She spoke to the bar tender in Hebrew...and I got the impression she was just in town for the holiday. Anyhoots, she ran short of money and asked if I had one shekel. One shekel is like 20 cents, so I coughed without a problem.

Tomorrow I think we tour the holy city again, but then venture on over to Bethelem using an Arab/Palestiniann guide. I'll leave the USA hat, the Earnhardt belt buckle and the Islamo bombhat T-shirt deep in the bowels of my luggage.

Signing off for the night...your Intrepid Smackboard tourist.

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Post by PSUFAN »

Did I mention that I haven't spotted a fan in a shitter yet?
you could whisper it winsomely to Kevnic.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by YD »

Luther wrote:
Did I mention that I haven't spotted a fan in a shitter yet?
almost made it two posts without a shitter/crap reference

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Post by DMike316 »

Luther wrote:By the time I put the lens on the Canon she was just a memory. Sorry guys.
It'll be o.k. ole' buddy.

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Post by DMike316 »

Luther wrote:Pita bread with shaved meat of our choice
6" or foot long?

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Post by Jerkovich »

PSUFAN wrote:
Did I mention that I haven't spotted a fan in a shitter yet?
you could whisper it winsomely to Kevnic.
:lol: :lol: :P
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Yet, it is far more entertaining than your fake suicide.
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Luther »

Friday, April 14th 4 PMish

Today was a gut wrenching day...Yad Vashen, the everlasting memorial to the Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust. They have 50 million documents and artifacts that chronicle Adolph's final solution. We spent two full hours walking through the museum and I felt like I was rushing it. Numerous places to sit and watch Holocaust survivors retell stories on selected medias about the tragedy...broadcast on screens/small TV's and even walls. Hordes of pictures of Jews who were forced to dig these long trenches, and then they were shot later. I remember one picture of a Jew, who was perched on the edge of one of those trenches, with a Nazi's pistol to the back of his head...The Jew's eyes... staring at the camera, his final act as a human.

Room after room of archival photo's, documents, recovered wallets/purses/ recollections...each one slowly twisting your stomach into knots. Our group met at the exit door at 11:30 and then we walked over to a building several stories tall, and then we entered a lecture room. In came a Holocaust survivor, and with his accent I found it hard to catch his name. I think his first name was Ancil.

He was a small boy when he ended up at Auschwitz. He had a number on his left inner forearm. I think he said that only Jews from Auschwitz and Birkenau got identifying tattooes on their inner arms. The other Jews had them on their chest etc.

He spoke for about 40 minutes...about being seperated from his parents, who he never saw again. He didn't re-connect with his older brother, who was also seperated, until 1988. He talked about being so scared when they lined them up in this trench, he fell at the first sounds of gunfire, and bodies fell on top of him, dead.

I camcordered the whole talk...I'll rewatch it later, but I'm just too numb to do it now. It was such an honor to be in the presence of this man, to hear his story.

Some of you wanted some more pictures, so here are a few for now.


Above is a picture of the B'Hai Gardens in Haifa. We had arrived at the gates to go in at 6:30 PM, but they had closed at 6. But we were able to get to a viewing area above, and I took this shot. This city reminds me of Portland...plenty green, great views etc.



This is the Haifa bay, a night shot from the balcony of the Dan Gardens Hotel. My tripod was gax to say the least, and I was half in the bag, but this is my first night shot ever. I had left my remote shutter release at home, and I had to rely on pressing the shutter, and then holding it for about 11 seconds, ...a little shaky, but I balanced it by holding a glass of vino in my left hand, and a Cuban cigar in my pie hole. Overall, it wasn't too bad considering.



Alright, already. You guys wanted some ladies, and I had limited time, plus I had to be discreet. I think this photo is from the town of Nazareth. I had the camera around my neck and secretly snapped the shot as I walked along, at gut level. I got the necessary goods, for EM/Dmike and others.



This is a photo at the Latron Armored tank museum. I don't remember this IDF gal's name, but she was sweet. She took us around and showed us a lot of there was a ceremony at this location when we got there, honoring several members of this group. Families were there, and the atmosphere was festive. Soldiers were hugging each other and the bonding was obviously close.



This is the Baptismal site at the Jordan River. It was believed that John the Baptist held ceremonies at or near this location. It was a natural choice for a religious dunking as the river takes a bend here, and the waters pool up, making it perfect for a baptism.



Just above the middle white pier post, is the fish I told you about earlier.



"The Valley Of Tears"...the Golan Heights. Earlier, we were at the Kibbutz El Rom and were introduced to a movie by a veteran of the "Yom Kippur" War. He strolled into the theatre, wearing a revolver strapped to his right hip. He spoke eloquently about the tank battles, not far from where we were. He told about some dire situations in the battle with the Jordanians and or Syrian's. The Israeli's were heaviy outnumbered, but yet, they still prevailed. We drove further into the Golan Heights area and took advantage for some photographs at the top of this hill. To the right of the hill, in the brownish area, was the site of a large tank battle.


Today was just one of those days where you just have to "check" yourself. I did.

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Post by ElvisMonster »

Luther wrote:

Alright, already. You guys wanted some ladies, and I had limited time, plus I had to be discreet. I think this photo is from the town of Nazareth. I had the camera around my neck and secretly snapped the shot as I walked along, at gut level. I got the necessary goods, for EM/Dmike and others.
Rack Luther. :lol:

You know how I know the internet is fucked up? Ok, dig this:

There's this older retired cop somewhere in the U&L. Nice guy. He goes on vacation to the Holy Land. This nice old guy spends two hours in a Holocaust museum seeing some pretty heavy stuff. On the way back from the museum, this nice old man, this respectful visitor to a foreign land, drops his camera down by his side and takes a picture of some girls ass and then puts it on the internet for a bunch of douchebag drug addicts. :lol:

Rack the fuck out of the decline of Western Civilization.
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Post by Jay in Phoenix »

EM wrote:
Rack Luther.

You know how I know the internet is fucked up? Ok, dig this:

There's this older retired cop somewhere in the U&L. Nice guy. He goes on vacation to the Holy Land. This nice old guy spends two hours in a Holocaust museum seeing some pretty heavy stuff. On the way back from the museum, this nice old man, this respectful visitor to a foreign land, drops his camera down by his side and takes a picture of some girls ass and then puts it on the internet for a bunch of douchebag drug addicts.

Rack the fuck out of the decline of Western Civilization.
Seriously EM...that was a perfect summation of this one snapshot from The Wandering Luther's archive special. Indeed..."Rack the fuck out of the decline..."

Rack your response.

Rack your epic Luther.
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Great pics luth, although:


One of the tanks got in the way of the pretty girl in this shot. :)
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by ChargerMike »

Great stuff Luth. I'm thinking Paintboy would have a much easier time in Nazareth than San Francisco


RACK you!
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

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Post by DMike316 »

Freaking RACK! Luther!!!!!!!!

Jea Jeans... :lol:
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Hey, Luth, why don't you ask some of those thousands of newly arrived Russians about mass murder--after all Stalin and Hitler EACH killed about twenty-million Russians. Where's THEIR Spielberg movie?...and museum?

You think Auswitz was bad? How about the city of Gaza? It's two-hundred times as large, surrounded by a thousand times more weaponry and guards who will shoot to kill ANYONE who strays outside the electro-wire concentration camp. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop getting Awed by these gun-totin' criminals holed up in their phoney aparthied state? Better yet, jump in the "baptism" sewer and just stay down...count slowly...and wait for Jesus to take you home. Really.
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Post by Derron »


Bitterman Arab raghead fuck on the cunt rag.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Post by ChargerMike »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Hey, Luth, why don't you ask some of those thousands of newly arrived Russians about mass murder--after all Stalin and Hitler EACH killed about twenty-million Russians. Where's THEIR Spielberg movie?...and museum?

You think Auswitz was bad? How about the city of Gaza? It's two-hundred times as large, surrounded by a thousand times more weaponry and guards who will shoot to kill ANYONE who strays outside the electro-wire concentration camp. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop getting Awed by these gun-totin' criminals holed up in their phoney aparthied state? Better yet, jump in the "baptism" sewer and just stay down...count slowly...and wait for Jesus to take you home. Really.

...tell me that's NOT you Jeff. gawd I hope not! I always thought jeff was more than a freeking speed bump.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

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Post by Mister Bushice »

My guess would be FOO.

Whatever did happen to JiT3?
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by ChargerMike »

Mister Bushice wrote:My guess would be FOO.

Whatever did happen to JiT3?

...Foo ..good guess.
JIP said...Hell, Michael Sam has more integrity than you do.

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