I saw that Artest nonsense. Reminded me of KG's statements about "shocking the world," in 1999, when the Spurs played the 'Wolves, in the first round. Amazing how that comment didn't make it 'round the world.
Think it would have, had Kevin Garnett played for the Lakers or the Knicks?
Nah, not at all.
RACK Bell. Typical Kobe ... err, I mean, cheating POS whom, when he can't put up, he shuts up. And typical silent scumbag, in that he won't give the other guy credit. He's made similar (non) statements regarding Bowen.
Only ... "Oh ... it's
KOO-BEE, how can anyone criticize him, after all he's been through?"
Unless they're playing the Spurs, I'm a Suns fan, especially in the 1st and 2nd rounds.