What happened to their quest for the freak of a tight end? According to you (since last season) Gore is the second coming of Barry Sanders. If he is that great- why waste a pick on a Bush? Or is it just that you are a fuckin' tool box that knows next to nothing about the sport of football and just throws as much shit against the wall as possible and hope something sticks? Yeah- that's probably it.
I don't see the Saints trading down that far (to #6).. if they do- the three people they need most would be gone- Brick, Hawk & Williams. Look at them to trade to the Jets.. they drop two spots- still pick up Ferguson (like they would do at #2) at less money and pick up probably the Jets 2nd rounder this year (Since the Jets have another late 1st rounder- I don't see them having a problem losing their #2) and a pick next year.
BBMarley wrote:Or is it just that you are a fuckin' tool box that knows next to nothing about the sport of football and just throws as much shit against the wall as possible and hope something sticks? Yeah- that's probably it.
BBMarley wrote:Or is it just that you are a fuckin' tool box that knows next to nothing about the sport of football and just throws as much shit against the wall as possible and hope something sticks? Yeah- that's probably it.
BIG thumbs up.
m2 claims to have had many Div I scholarship offers to play football.
He also claims to be a Cal grad yet is incapable of stringing together a sentence more complex than "See Spot run."
BBMarley wrote:Or is it just that you are a fuckin' tool box that knows next to nothing about the sport of football and just throws as much shit against the wall as possible and hope something sticks? Yeah- that's probably it.
The Truth.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
BBMarley wrote: Or is it just that you are a fuckin' tool box that knows next to nothing about the sport of football and just throws as much shit against the wall as possible and hope something sticks? Yeah- that's probably it..
Too good to be left here.
Dude, you double posted.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.