The shot you hit that brought you back...

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The shot you hit that brought you back...

Post by WolverineSteve »

They say golfers are always chasing the perfect round. For hackers like myself it's the couple/few perfect shots per round that keep us coming back. What was the shot for you last time out?

I love a perfect drive. I was a power hitter in baseball and I dig the longball. I lambasted a drive cut, 294yds on a par 5. Oh I took a six, but I love the feel of hitting it perfect.

I hit into a greenside bunker yesterday on a par 3. Fuck! I thought. I hate the sand. I know what I'm supposed to do, but execution is another story. I hit the ball, a cloud of sand shoots up raining down on the green, the ball flies 15 yards or so bounces and CHECKS UP. I'm left with a 18 inch tap in sandie.

Oh yeah..I thought. I'll be back.
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Post by Dinsdale »

My miracles naver fail to materialize on the 18th, where I'll inevitably chip one save a 7 or some crap. It's unbelievable how consitant I am at pulling off shots-for-the-ages to save a triple-bogey on the last hole.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Great topic.

My favorite shot of all time (no hole in one yet) was when I was playing at Tapatio Springs near San Antonio. It’s a little resort in the middle of nowhere. Anyhow, as you can see, there is some undulation on this course located on the edge of hill country. I was 17 at the time, and I had a Big Bertha knockoff head with my Mom’s women’s flex shaft in it. I swung like John Daly bouncing the club off my back. Still did that up until 2 years ago. When that club hits my back, the shaft bends so much the head damn near is right in front of me. Anyhow, can’t remember the hole, but you are teeing off a good 40 feet higher than the landing area. I launch one and we measured it at 347 yards. Granted, I was teeing off from an elevated tee box, but 347 to a 17 year old makes you feel like Superman.

One other shot that I always remember. We’re playing in a tourney on my home course back when I was a sophomore. I tie for first with 3 other guys. Playoff. Myself and one other guy get a par on #1, the other 2 get bogeys and are out. Go to #2. I am in the fairway about 120 out. Other guy is in the trees through the fairway. He punches out of the trees but is still short of the green. Course is a bit wet. I pull out my 56* SW and scoop a 18” long divot out of the earth. Ball flies about 5 feet. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! The other guy is grinning. Bastard! So, lying 2 and 118.3 yards out, I stick the SW 6 inches from the cup. The chode chips his onto the green and 2 putts. “Game over, Bitch” I say to myself.

And last, but not least, I always love it when I drive a par 4 green off the tee. Done it probably 15-20 times on various courses. When you’re playing partners are hitting their 100 yard approach shots, you can’t help but feel like you are Long Dong Silver (Don’t Google this name, please).
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Post by indyfrisco »

Holy Hell! I found a picture of the hole in Tapatio where I launched my 347 yard bomb.

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Post by BSmack »

IndyFrisco wrote:Holy Hell! I found a picture of the hole in Tapatio where I launched my 347 yard bomb.

That reminds me of a 300 yard hole in Lake Placid that I drove in one. I've driven 4 par fours in my life and have holed out an eagle from 150 once. But the shots that keep me comming back are the solidly hit short to mid iron shots. Nothing feels as good as converting a solid drive into a birdie putt with a well struck iron.
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Post by Felix »

You're right, it is a great topic......

Best shot I can ever recall hitting was about 6 years ago when I was playing with my brother in law. Playing a 535 yard slightly downhill par 5. I hit a decent drive and had 225 yards over water to the green off a slightly uphill/sidehill hanging (hook) lie.

My brother in law asks me "you gonna go for it"? No, I'm going to play up safe and try and preserve this "wonderful" round (s'up double bogeyrama). WTF of course I'm going to go for it.

But the thing that made it what I consider to be a great shot is that I described to him exactly what I planned to do....aim a little to the right and it will draw back because of the lie. Pull out a 2 iron hit the shot exactly as I described to my BIL, ball hit on the green, bounced twice and stopped dead five feet from the hole.......

I missed the putt.......
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Post by indyfrisco »

Actually, that isn't the hole I hit the bomb. I can now see the pin and that is a par 3. The hole I hit it on is very similar though as far as the elevation difference to the landing area.
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Post by Ken »

Mine was last early spring. May have even been the first round of the year for me in Pgh.

Par 4. Drove it into the rt. rough, albeit only about 3-4 feet into the rough. Has a deec lie. Medium-sized tree was about 20 feet in front of me which prevented a direct line to the pin which was cut front, seriously only about 4-5 paces on. Hell, the entire green for that matter, I had no direct line to. In front of the green was not a good place to end and over the green was virtual death.

Only shot was a strong fade w/a 7-iron around the tree. Flushed it perfectly, ball softly landed about a yard or two from the pin and ended with a tap in.

Shot of the round for me. I'm sure I doubled the next hole though.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Felix wrote:No, I'm going to play up safe and try and preserve this "wonderful" round (s'up double bogeyrama).
Ohhhh, dude -- once that first double (or maybe the second) hits my card...there is NO hazard on this planet that I can't carry. 315 from the rough?

No problem.

That reminds me of a couple of buddies. Unscrupulous bastards. These guys play in c ouple of friendly leagues, and do handicapper tournies. Catch is, these guy both have SERIOUS game. Big time. And when these cheating bastards are out of range of that "record-setting" round, they're some cheesey cheating bastards.

"Hey far do you think I have to carry to get this one in two?"

"Oh, about 280 or so."

"Think I can do it with my 5 wood?"

"What the hell do you think I think? I have a better chance of beating Tiger Woods head to head than you have at hitting that green."

"Oh YEAH?.....JUst watch!"


"Wow Dins, you were right. I wasn't even close. I guess I'm sitting 3 now. And I guess I won't be turning in a scorecard with a 70 on it, either."

** Splash**

Cheating bastards. And they STILL beat me. Bastards.
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Post by Felix »

Cheating bastards
I played with those guys......
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Post by Felix »

Another shot I distinctly remember was when I was playing in a tournament two years ago......

I had about 145 yards left to a par 4, but was completely blocked from going toward the green by a 30 blue spruce....too close to get it up and over........

I take out a 6 iron, move the ball way back in my stance to keep it low and open the blade slightly...aim to the left of the green trying to fade it back......

the ball did exactly what I wanted to do and ended up with a 15 foot birdie putt......

For me, the shots I remember the most are the ones that do exactly what I want them to do.......
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Post by Dinsdale »

I cannot make a punch fade.

I can make it hook as much as I want, consistanly...but never fade. I take the club way inside with the funky puch, and it hooks. I take it way outside, and it either hooks, or ends up 3 feet in front of me.

A punch-hook is sweet when the drive misses left...but most right handers don't miss drives left very often.

You know, thinking about it...I have all sorts of absolutely worthless skills. And very few usefull ones.
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Post by BSmack »

Dinsdale wrote:I cannot make a punch fade.

I can make it hook as much as I want, consistanly...but never fade. I take the club way inside with the funky puch, and it hooks. I take it way outside, and it either hooks, or ends up 3 feet in front of me.

A punch-hook is sweet when the drive misses left...but most right handers don't miss drives left very often.

You know, thinking about it...I have all sorts of absolutely worthless skills. And very few usefull ones.
There has to be something fairly fucked about your follow through that is making that ball hook. Either that or your perception of your club path on takeaway is skewed.

Me, I'm just the opposite. I rarely hit a hook. And the few times I have done it and meant it rank as some of my favorite golf memories ever.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Dinsdale wrote:I cannot make a punch fade.
Ok, I can help here. Take this advice and go to a driving range and practice it. I have this down to an art. I worked at the Country Club I grew up playing as a cart boy and driving range attendant. Our range was surrounded by huge oak trees. Every day when the day was done, I had to walk around and chip all the balls back into the fairway so the tractor could pick up the balls. Sometimes you had to fade, sometime draw, sometimes a straight punch. Doing this for 3 years has really made be a good player when I am in trouble.

Anyhow, for a punch fade, step up to the ball with the ball aligned on your right nut. If you are completely square to the ball (playing right handed I assume), bring your left leg and foot a little closer in and open your stance. Right now, your shoulders should be slightly facing your target and the ball should be in the back half of your stance.

Here now is the key to the punch fade. Imagine the club as an ice pick, but the pointed end is facing toward your body when you line up to hit the ball. With your open stance, you need to start your backswing in an “upper right” direction. Only take the club back about a foot to foot and a half from address. This isn’t a shot that is going to fly 200 yards. On the downswing, imagine taking that ice pick and wanting to jab it into your left knee, but just missing it to the outside. This will hopefully keep you from rolling your wrists which is undoubtedly why you hook it even when trying to do a punch fade.

This shot is good for getting out of trees with like a 3/4/5 iron, but it is also a great shot if you are stymied behind a tree and a nice little fade with a 9 iron could get you onto the green. Just be sure to aim left enough.

Hope this helps.
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Post by Dinsdale »

I'll give it a whirl.

I generally use a 6 for all of that punchy-from-the-trees stuff, but if it really needs to stay low, I'll use a 4.

So, basically what you're saying, is take it way outside, then pretty much try and slam the grip into the outside of the left thigh? That kinda sum it up?

If the tee shot goes right, it would be awfully nice to have a left-to-right low-boy shot in the arsenal. On short courses, it's not out of the realm of possibility to get on or near the green with such a shot. I can do it from the left side, but have never had much success from the trees on the right. I can hit a low hook or draw, or punch it straight, but me and the punch-fade have never gotten along.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Dinsdale wrote:So, basically what you're saying, is take it way outside, then pretty much try and slam the grip into the outside of the left thigh? That kinda sum it up?
Yeah, but I didn't think you'd understand anything that was "summed up". Not your style. ;) Just make sure you have the slightly open stance.
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Post by MuchoBulls »

Mine was a hole a one about 14 years ago on a 145 yard hole on the Hacienda Hills course in Lady Lake, FL.

The pin was roughly in the left middle part of the hole, about 12 yards from the front bunker guarding the hole. I hit an easy 8 iron. I'd like to say I it high and perfect, but I hit the ball fairly thin and I saw the ball land just above the top part of the front bunker.

Since the top of the bunker blocked the view of the bottom half of the pin I didn't see where the ball ended up after it bounced. Getting to the green I had figured the ball rolled off the back part of the green. I was pretty shocked when my brother said in his Carl Spackler impression, "it's in the hole!!".

I was having a poor back 9, but the ace and my birdie on the final hole help me break 90 for the first time.
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Post by poptart »

I scored a hole-in-one on a local muni course in Illinois where I grew up.
I played there hundreds of times, sometimes sneaking on to the course to play when I was a teen.
I aced the third hole, par 3, between 130-150 yds, depending on tee placement.
Prolly around 130 the day I pwned it. :wink:

The day of my ace, a buddy of mine and I were playing the course together.
We were in our early 20's, and paired up with a couple of old time hacks who strangely thought they were hot shit.
I hit my shot (8 iron) and watched it bounce close, roll up, and IN.
I started hopping around, yelling, hootin' and hollerin', high fiving my buddy.
Shot of a lifetime.
Old goat pipes up, "yeah son, that's up there pretty close for ya".
"Close?", I said, "it's in the hole, guy".
He said nothing.

Walked up.
In the hole it was.

Went in to the clubhouse at the turn and 'registered' the ace.
Wilson sent me a gay little plaque a few weeks later.
I may still have it.

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Post by A.C. Crut »

Great topic! My memorables are:

1. My lone hole in one was at Swan Lake GC in Clarksville, TN. #10 is par 3 usually about 140 yards with the tee right by the clubhouse. I was with my nephew, about 10, and my friend Jeff. We just finished walking the front 9, I threw my nephew some cay$h and told him to go inside to get us some some gatorade and whatever he wanted. The foursome on the green waves us through and Jeff tells me to hit. The tees were up so the hole was playing 125, a perfect number for my PW. Right when I hit it I knew it was going to be a good shot, it took one hop, checked and dropped in. Me and Jeff are hi 5'ing, the foursome up by the green are clapping and yelling and my nephew walks out of the clubhouse wondering what we're jumping around about. I tell him I just got a hole in one, of course he thinks I'm BSing.

2. and 3. Had a match with a good friend that was even going in to the last two holes, a par 4 and a par 5. I hit a good drive at 17 and knock the approach in a bunker. My friend has about 10' for birdie. I make the bunker shot for birdie and my friend misses his putt, I'm one up. Last hole is an uphill par 5, I yank my drive and have to punch out, no chance of reaching green in 2. My friend bombs a drive and smokes a 3 wood right at the green, you can't see the green on this hole because of elevation. I have about 130 uphill to a green I can't see but I know the line. I hit the shot on my line and think I have a good chance of being on the green. We get up to the green, my friend is in a bunker but we don't see my ball anywhere. We look short, long, in both bunkers...nothing. Finally as a goof I check the hole and there it eagle. Suck on that baby, this is Shooter's tour!. I go sand shot for birdie then blind shot for eagle to win the match, it was only $4 bucks but we talk about those shots and holes ever since.

4. Burying any 'must make' putt during a match.
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Post by Ken »

A.C. Crut wrote:War and Peace
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ken wrote:
A.C. Crut wrote:War and Peace
Sorry, forgot about your ADD, and the fact there's someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to read it.

So, bearing Ken's sensibilities in mind...

When I chipped in for eagle.

Better, Ken?

If anybody is interested beyond that, feel free to PM me for such details as what par the hole was, how far out I was, and what club I used...but don't tell Ken, OK?

Toddowen wrote:My favorite shot was placing the ball about two feet from the hole after virtually hugging a decent Christmas tree sized spruce that the ball was underneath, and using a swing more suited for swatting flies around a blind corner. Unreal shot. About 30-40 yrds from the pin.
Oh, dude -- you need to learn the trick to that -- if it's a "cristmas tree" type thing, wait until your buddies aren't looking, then find a big stick, whether you find a branch on the ground, tear one out of a nearby tree, or have to pull the stake out of a different tree. While they're looking the other way, shove that badboy into the ground next to the tree, and start screaming "STAKED TREE! STAKED TREE!" from the mountaintops.

I've found it makes those shots much easier.
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Post by War Wagon »

I went golfing twice, when I was 16 years old.

I sucked, and I think I went and smoked a joint afterwards.

or maybe I went bowling...can't remember. But this I do know.

It sucks having to hang out in the golf forum to get a dose of Dins.

What up with that?
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Post by indyfrisco »

Maybe he can just cream in a cup a day for 7 days and send it to you so you can have a week's dose of Dins as a backup. :roll:
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Post by Dinsdale »

Coupla things, Whitey.

Might have something to do with:

Available free time, and/or...

The fact the Golf Forum homies are considerably cooler than you are.

Take your pick.
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Post by Goober McTuber »

Tee shot on the final hole. Right into the clown’s mouth. The little lady was mighty impressed.
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Post by L45B »

Well, it wasn't a shot that brought me back at that particular moment. But sometimes when I'm playing shitty, I bust out the old scorecard.

On my 21st birthday, I met a couple of my buddies on our hometown golf course. I got there late, so I had to drive out to the 3rd tee box-- a 180-yard par three. First swing of the day, I knew I hit it good. It bounced up on the green, but because of the glare I couldn't see where I ended up. Drove up to the green, didn't see it... looked in the hole, there was my Titleist.
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Post by Dinsdale »

L45 -- You, sir, are the FREAKING MAN!

Don't let anybody tell you any different.
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Post by L45B »

poptart wrote:Bullshit...
... is the word I would use to describe the rest of my round that day. Despite the ace, the pressure to shoot a good score was too much to overcome.
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Post by indyfrisco »

Gotta add another to this list.

This weekend, was playing in a 3 man scramble at the CC. Hole #8 is about 340 yards. Basically, most hit their driver off the elevated tee down into a valley and there is a 90 degree dogleg right up to an elevated green. The dogleg is about a dozen Sycamore and Maple trees about 90 feet high.

On a day with a slight breeze, you can attempt to hit it over the trees on the dogleg onto the green. I actually flew the green on Saturday playing from the whites (270 on the fly to reach the green). Yesterday, however, in the scramble, we were from the blues. It is about a 310 on the fly very high to get over the trees onto the green. I used my new driver witht he extended shaft and blasted one. We get up to the green and it is sitting 4 feet from the cup. I sink my first eagle on that hole and my first eagle on a par 4 in about 6 years.

On the back 9, I went for it again. This time, the ball landed about 5 yards left of the green and rolled down the hill a bit. We still got up and down for the bird. All in all, I'm a mid 80s golfer, my bud is a 90 golfer and my dad is a high 90s golfer. The 3 of us scored a 66 in the scramble. Not bad on our little course.
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Post by Dinsdale »

IndyFrisco wrote:my first eagle on a par 4 in about 6 years.

I've never putted in for eag on a par 4. Chipped them in, but never hit a putt after getting a green (not that that happens very often).
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Post by MuchoBulls »

Played yesterday for the first time in months. I didn't expect much in terms of scoring well. My round was about just under bogey golf for 11 holes. Hole #12 was a 410 Par 4. I hit my drive in the left bunker and had about 170 yards to the hole. I used a 6 iron and caught the ball clean. I hit the ball on the line I wanted to left of the hole to let the slope take it toward the hole, provided I hit the ball long enough. I saw the ball bounce on the left side of the green and then take a right turn, I could't tell how close the ball was to the hole until I pulled the cart up. I was about 2 feet away. Birdie that hole and 2 of the 6 after that to end up with an 87.
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Post by Dinsdale »

MuchoBulls wrote:I was about 2 feet away. Birdie that hole and 2 of the 6 after that to end up with an 87.

A tap-in bird after 1 was sitting on the beach 170 out?

Sick...absolutely sick.

I don't think I want to play with you, you freaking showoff.
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Post by BSmack »

About a week ago I was playing a 180 yard par 3 at my home course. Duffed the tee shot just past the ladies tees. Pull out my 7 iron and drilled the ball to 1 foot and tapped in for par. Nothing like a 150 yard up and down to make the round. ;)
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Post by Degenerate »

There are two for me, both at times when I was just about ready to give up the game. Ken, you can stop reading now.

First was when I was 17. I'd been playing since I was 12 but for various reasons i was about ready to shun it all so i could spend more time lighting doobs, jerking off, you name it. Anyways, i'm playing with a good friend of mine who was probably better than me 8 days out of 10 but for some reason every time we went head-to-head in stroke play, I ended up taking him.

So it's the last hole at our favorite muni in suburban Kansas City (which is closed down now - worst course i've ever played on, btw), he's up two shots, and I'm approaching on the Par-4 from the right rough - which is no worse than the "fairway" - about 130 yards. Not sure what iron i used but I skied that bad boy over a tree, it hit the fringe on the front side, bounced again, kicked sideways, and made a beeline for the cup.

Best part was that my buddy never saw it. He didn't believe me, so i stood in the same spot where i made my swing, told him what ball i was playing and that he could find it in the bottom of the cup. Eagle 2 and he bogeyed. I took him again.

The second wasn't quite as dramatic. I caddied a couple of summers in a row at Congressional C.C. in Potomac, MD, the two years before it hosted the '97 Open (E. Els won, i think). I knocked it around every Monday only because i could play it for free and because all the brothaz who caddied were the funniest mofos i've ever socialized with.

18th hole, a wicked par 3 (yes, the course ends with a Par 3)
with water short and left and suicide if you play it long. Pin was front-left and i hit it to the right, even further right than the bunker, so i'm looking at 80 feet with an elevated lie. Took out the wedge and hit it so softly it's like i dropped it out of my hands two feet above the green. It landed 20 feet shy and crawled to the hole before dropping in.

When Tiger holed out that epic shot on 16 at Augusta last year, this was the first thing I thought of.
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