... a 14,000 footer that is. (Mt. Evans) the bad boy of the "Rockies".
The "truth"... made his bad ass up this monster... and found out the bad ass was the mountain and that's the fuckin' "truth".
Today was the first day they opened the road for this bad boy... it's closed for 8 months a year. I headed off for this this freak early today with a hangover in hand.
Unreal... this bad boy is up there. I drove on a mellow grade(less than 7%) felt like I could see Kansas. I parked at a little over 14,000 feet and walked another 130 feet to the summit. There's a reason trees dont grow up there... there's no fuckin' air!!!
Anyways... cool trip and saw some mountain goats and shit.
m2, you are always telling us how much jack you rip down...can't you peel off a few benjis for a digital camera? Can't you take a few pics of the amazing shit you tell us you see? Short of that, hey...we all have google too. You needn't bother searching for pics and linking to them here.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
Driving up the road, pulling over to the side of the road, and walking 130 ft while you gawk at goats doesn't mean you "pulled a 14er". It means that you walked 130 ft. Granted, probably more exercise then you get in 10 hours of debating "Narnia vs Harry Potter", but it still doesn't count.
There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.