I had the pleasure of stealing away from the shithole munis and public courses here in Pittsburgh and played a couple rounds at La Purisima Golf Course in Lompoc, CA the past couple days. W/out question, it is my favorite course in the whole wide world... and I've probably played something like 30 rounds there, which is never enough. Ohhh, something like 5 years ago, it was rated among the top 100 courses in the States, but has since dropped from the rankings for reasons completely befuddling to me. It is perennially, a very underrated course in Cali (perhaps the most underrated) and should me mentioned alongside the best Cali has to offer.
Given the relatively cheap green fees, course difficulty, conditioning, and ease of obtaining tee times and playing a round in 3.5 hrs, you'd be hard pressed to find a better course. As a bonus, you'll find that cart paths, the bane of many golfers and golf course designers, are almost nonexistent at Purisima.
I've shot a 79 at this course before, and I'm not ashamed to say a 100 too. You just never know what hand La Purisima will deal to you on any given day. You can bank on stiff winds fromt eh ocean most every day, for sure. From the championship tees, its slope rating is a 'meager' 143. Considerably easier from the blues

A pictorial tour of a select few holes, pics taken by me:
Hole 1, par 5, 529 yds.
One of my favorite 3 holes at La Purisima. Obviously a dogleg left w/little chance of reaching in two, especially given a protected green. A good drive puts you somewhere around the swale on the left side of the fairway. Much further right and you start playing with some water. A good layup puts you at about 100-120 out to an elevated green which most first time, second time, third time.... players consistently underclub. After 10 rounds, I've finally learned my lesson. Add 1.5 clubs.

Hole 8, par 4, 405 yards
Also one of my favs. Dogleg left, downhill. From where I was standing, about 125 to the pin. If you get hold of your drive, and on the right line, you'll catch the downhill whereupon your ball will run and leave you with a half wedge to the green... somewhere just short of that 'carts' sign. Aesthetically, just a wonderful hole. I'd give my left nut to live in one of those shacks up on the hill that overlook this hole. Probably owned by some rancher. I think I've only birdies this hole once before and have found myself in the front left, deep bunker more times than I care to remember ('sup Wednesday afternoon). I've also had some memorable approaches here, that are usually the result of a fade, my favorite shot.

Hole 10, par 4, 438 yds.
#2 handicap hole. Long approach to a green as narrow as Michelle Wie's waist and tightly guarded on the right. Muir Graves at least left the front open so you can run a ball up on. I birdied this hole for the first time on Tuesday. 3 wood off the tee, 5 wood to 10 feet, downhill put. This pic taken from behind the green... just because at the time, I thought it was a cool, evening pic. I still think it's a cool pic :wink:

Hole 11, par 4 371 yards
Relatively easy par 4, wide open driving hole that favors a fade. Took this pic, just because, :wink: . If you look real lose, you can see a ball pin high, 8 feet right :wink: Missed the birdie putt

Hole 15, par 5, 503 yards
This is where I want my ashes spread. Somewhere on the 15th fairway. No kidding. Absolute favorite hole at Purisima. Split fairway. From this pic, I'm stading toward the end of the first fairway with the 2nd in the distance. On your layup, a pull left is death. A fade right is death, especially given the slope to the right where you'll find your ball in the scrub, if not in the unforseen bunkers behind the scrub. Probably the most difficult putting green on the course too. It really is fun watching playing partners who are new to the course completely underestimate the break right and find their ball 10 feet below the pin for their 2nd putt. I could put together a hilarious photo album of exasperated faces if I actually took pictures of everyone's reaction to their sorely misread putt. While I yield to my experience on this green, I still have a hard time believing it breaks so much to the right. I just CAN'T see it. I pulled my approach left into the scrub and doubled this hole Thursday. Parred it on Wednesday.

Hole 16, par 4, 395 yards
Prolly my least favorite hole on the course... 'cuz it kicks my ass EVERY time. I don't think I've even parred this hole once. Very tight driving hole, uphill approach, into the teeth of the everpresent, stiff winds of Lompoc, CA. Always requires at least 1.5 more clubs than the yardage says. Oh, and did I mention how little error there is on this approach? Scrub oaks tightly frame the left side of the green and bunkers on the right... with scrub oak just right of those bunkers. I doubled it on Thursday. Just another day for me on #16. If my wife spreads my ashes on this hole, I swear I will fight her when she eventually joins me up above.

Hole 18, par 4, 387 yards
Another one of my favs at Purisima. It plays much longer than 387, again, due to the afternoon winds. This is a hole made difficult by a very large Eucalyptus tree that forces a fade into the green, especially if you're anywhere in the middle to the right side of the fairway. There it is in the distance, to the left of my waist in this pic. Pssssst... note the blue tee marker, dins.

Most difficult is that you are really forced to the right side of the fairway anyways given a bunker to the left in landing area distance.
This is a typical view on your approach, albeit about 75 yards closer to the green than most normally are. I simply took this pic as I was walking up to the green. The point still remains though... you must fade it in to the green... into the wind... good luck w/that. Almost an unfair hole.

So, into the wind with a fade. I was 160 out and pulled out my 5-wood on Thursday... and still ended below the hole on the green. Two putted from there for a par though.
So, that's a quick tour of my favorite course in the whole wide world. Have many more pics, but just pulled my favs... those holes that have no trouble taking my 5-iron and breaking it off and those that are just.... well, shooter's holes. If you ever find yourself anywhere in the San Luis Obispo to Santa Barbara area, you must play La Purisima. Trust me, you will not be underwhelmed. By pass all others including the overrated Sandpiper and play two at La Purisima. I count the days 'til I return to La Purisima later this summer.
Purisima was featured in the latest issue of Travel and Leisure Golf by the author of the book upon which the movie Sideways was based. Good read which echoes a lot of the above.
http://www.travelandleisure.com/tlgolf/ ... t-sideways