Spread my ashes here, please

Oh Billy Billy Billy...

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Spread my ashes here, please

Post by Ken »

... and I'm serious.
I had the pleasure of stealing away from the shithole munis and public courses here in Pittsburgh and played a couple rounds at La Purisima Golf Course in Lompoc, CA the past couple days. W/out question, it is my favorite course in the whole wide world... and I've probably played something like 30 rounds there, which is never enough. Ohhh, something like 5 years ago, it was rated among the top 100 courses in the States, but has since dropped from the rankings for reasons completely befuddling to me. It is perennially, a very underrated course in Cali (perhaps the most underrated) and should me mentioned alongside the best Cali has to offer.

Given the relatively cheap green fees, course difficulty, conditioning, and ease of obtaining tee times and playing a round in 3.5 hrs, you'd be hard pressed to find a better course. As a bonus, you'll find that cart paths, the bane of many golfers and golf course designers, are almost nonexistent at Purisima.

I've shot a 79 at this course before, and I'm not ashamed to say a 100 too. You just never know what hand La Purisima will deal to you on any given day. You can bank on stiff winds fromt eh ocean most every day, for sure. From the championship tees, its slope rating is a 'meager' 143. Considerably easier from the blues :meds: with a slope of 136, which is where I generally play this course from. Anyways, Wednesday, shot an 87 which I'm relatively happy with at this course and Thursday a 96 :oops: .

A pictorial tour of a select few holes, pics taken by me:
Hole 1, par 5, 529 yds.
One of my favorite 3 holes at La Purisima. Obviously a dogleg left w/little chance of reaching in two, especially given a protected green. A good drive puts you somewhere around the swale on the left side of the fairway. Much further right and you start playing with some water. A good layup puts you at about 100-120 out to an elevated green which most first time, second time, third time.... players consistently underclub. After 10 rounds, I've finally learned my lesson. Add 1.5 clubs.

Hole 8, par 4, 405 yards
Also one of my favs. Dogleg left, downhill. From where I was standing, about 125 to the pin. If you get hold of your drive, and on the right line, you'll catch the downhill whereupon your ball will run and leave you with a half wedge to the green... somewhere just short of that 'carts' sign. Aesthetically, just a wonderful hole. I'd give my left nut to live in one of those shacks up on the hill that overlook this hole. Probably owned by some rancher. I think I've only birdies this hole once before and have found myself in the front left, deep bunker more times than I care to remember ('sup Wednesday afternoon). I've also had some memorable approaches here, that are usually the result of a fade, my favorite shot.

Hole 10, par 4, 438 yds.
#2 handicap hole. Long approach to a green as narrow as Michelle Wie's waist and tightly guarded on the right. Muir Graves at least left the front open so you can run a ball up on. I birdied this hole for the first time on Tuesday. 3 wood off the tee, 5 wood to 10 feet, downhill put. This pic taken from behind the green... just because at the time, I thought it was a cool, evening pic. I still think it's a cool pic :wink:

Hole 11, par 4 371 yards
Relatively easy par 4, wide open driving hole that favors a fade. Took this pic, just because, :wink: . If you look real lose, you can see a ball pin high, 8 feet right :wink: Missed the birdie putt :oops: . Oddly, the 16th handicap hole and I don't ever remember birding this hole.

Hole 15, par 5, 503 yards
This is where I want my ashes spread. Somewhere on the 15th fairway. No kidding. Absolute favorite hole at Purisima. Split fairway. From this pic, I'm stading toward the end of the first fairway with the 2nd in the distance. On your layup, a pull left is death. A fade right is death, especially given the slope to the right where you'll find your ball in the scrub, if not in the unforseen bunkers behind the scrub. Probably the most difficult putting green on the course too. It really is fun watching playing partners who are new to the course completely underestimate the break right and find their ball 10 feet below the pin for their 2nd putt. I could put together a hilarious photo album of exasperated faces if I actually took pictures of everyone's reaction to their sorely misread putt. While I yield to my experience on this green, I still have a hard time believing it breaks so much to the right. I just CAN'T see it. I pulled my approach left into the scrub and doubled this hole Thursday. Parred it on Wednesday.

Hole 16, par 4, 395 yards
Prolly my least favorite hole on the course... 'cuz it kicks my ass EVERY time. I don't think I've even parred this hole once. Very tight driving hole, uphill approach, into the teeth of the everpresent, stiff winds of Lompoc, CA. Always requires at least 1.5 more clubs than the yardage says. Oh, and did I mention how little error there is on this approach? Scrub oaks tightly frame the left side of the green and bunkers on the right... with scrub oak just right of those bunkers. I doubled it on Thursday. Just another day for me on #16. If my wife spreads my ashes on this hole, I swear I will fight her when she eventually joins me up above.

Hole 18, par 4, 387 yards
Another one of my favs at Purisima. It plays much longer than 387, again, due to the afternoon winds. This is a hole made difficult by a very large Eucalyptus tree that forces a fade into the green, especially if you're anywhere in the middle to the right side of the fairway. There it is in the distance, to the left of my waist in this pic. Pssssst... note the blue tee marker, dins.

Most difficult is that you are really forced to the right side of the fairway anyways given a bunker to the left in landing area distance.
This is a typical view on your approach, albeit about 75 yards closer to the green than most normally are. I simply took this pic as I was walking up to the green. The point still remains though... you must fade it in to the green... into the wind... good luck w/that. Almost an unfair hole.

So, into the wind with a fade. I was 160 out and pulled out my 5-wood on Thursday... and still ended below the hole on the green. Two putted from there for a par though.

So, that's a quick tour of my favorite course in the whole wide world. Have many more pics, but just pulled my favs... those holes that have no trouble taking my 5-iron and breaking it off and those that are just.... well, shooter's holes. If you ever find yourself anywhere in the San Luis Obispo to Santa Barbara area, you must play La Purisima. Trust me, you will not be underwhelmed. By pass all others including the overrated Sandpiper and play two at La Purisima. I count the days 'til I return to La Purisima later this summer.

Purisima was featured in the latest issue of Travel and Leisure Golf by the author of the book upon which the movie Sideways was based. Good read which echoes a lot of the above.
http://www.travelandleisure.com/tlgolf/ ... t-sideways
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Post by Derron »

Yawn.... what ever


at least 1/2 the golf courses in Oregon, Washingtonand Idaho.

Running Y
Sand Pines
Salmon Run
Sun River 1,2,3,
Eagle Crest
Eagle Ridge

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Post by Ken »

Derron wrote:Yawn.... what ever


at least 1/2 the golf courses in Oregon, Washingtonand Idaho.

Running Y
Sand Pines
Salmon Run
Sun River 1,2,3,
Eagle Crest
Eagle Ridge

I see ol' derron completely missed the point of the thread. State comparison thread? There's a unique topic for discussion. Ya' know what... I'm too tired. derron, call yourself an idiot and save me the trouble.

... oh, and if yer tryin' to run state smack on me like I'm yer little protoge` who needs a lesson on NW golf (or golf most anywhere in the country for that matter)... yer squarely talkin' to the wrong person. My clubs have traveled further than your mind is ignorant in this case... psssssst, which is saying a lot.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote:at least 1/2 the golf courses in Oregon

Actually, Kennyboy does Oregon, too.

I see he "insulted" the course by teeing up the blues.

Derron, played a new one yesterday. Vernonia has been a favorite amongst my golf buds (one of them a member at Pumpkin). No crowds on a saturday afternoon...nice.

Looking at that place...it shouldn't be hard...but daaaamn. Don't know if you've played there, but there's so many "threading the needle" shots, it crazy. And talk about paying dearly for errant shots. More hazards than an Afghani highway. Didn't find a bunker alll day, though. Found the woods...found several ponds...found the Nehalem River...actually found a green in reg after putting the teeshot in knee high grass(was pretty freaking happy about that one....absolutely anihiliated a 9 from about 130...hit some firm stuff up front, and rolled on to the green. Just about ripped my arm out of its socket getting the club through the long grass, though. Didn't think I had much of a chance, and figured anything longer than a 9 had some pretty low odds of leaving the deeeeeeeeeep rough.).

Vernowhere is possibly the "narrowest" course I've ever played. Bring your straightest shots, or stay home. Now I see why my hardcore golfer buds love the place...at least one hole is going to "get away from you." In my case, being new to the course, I think I had 3 "get away," but count on at least one of them going very bad. And I can't remember the last time I had to put the fear of Dins into a 3 wood to get a par 3...wtf is THAT? Oh, and no props to my buddies for not mentioning "oh, btw...there's white sticks just to the right of the green." Thanks, bud. And then these clows are teeing up drivers and 3 woods, and pounding them straight into the woods. Hello? The 150 stick is about 110 degrees to the right, right? "Watch THIS, dude!" And another "You only have to carry about 310, and you're on the green!" What the hell are you talking about....you want me to aim a driver at a hazard, on the assumption I'll carry it 310...you're fucking high.

Pretty fun little hacker-outfit. Good excersize, too. Don't see that place giving up particulary low scores, either. One of my friends averages 73 from the tips at Witch Hollow...I don't think he's ever cracked 80 at Vernonia. 20 yard wide fairways (after they open up) don't always make for low rounds. Lots of fun, though....or as much fun as you can have while having your heart ripped from your chest.

Might have to go to some wide-open hacker outfit to get my driver ya-yas out again soon, though. Hmmm.....maybe the cesspool known as Sandelie -- truly an atrocious course, that for some reason I always have a blast playing. Easy drive from home, too. And a veritable free-swingers paradise...not about who has the best wedge play...not about who brought the hot putter...all about who can wail it hardest off the tee...that can be a fun gig with a buzz on. The greens suck so badly, that finesse putting doesn't reward you like it should. But, pound one 300+ off the tee, and you're in fat city...hacker golf at its finest. And any course where our "gentleman's rules" allow for "fluff any ball you want, any time you want," even in summer...well, you know that's some high-class golf, right there. But, they let you drink till the point of motor skill impairment, and they let you (openly)smoke weed there, so it's all good.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ken wrote:who needs a lesson on NW golf (or golf most anywhere in the country for that matter)... yer squarely talkin' to the wrong person. My clubs have traveled further than your mind is ignorant in this case...

I couldn't give a rat's poo in this battle....but I will advise you, Brother Ken....you might want to back off of this avenue.

Just sayin'.

Or, continue with it....all the same to me...but I don't think it's going to end how you think it is.
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Post by Ken »

Dinsdale wrote:
Ken wrote:who needs a lesson on NW golf (or golf most anywhere in the country for that matter)... yer squarely talkin' to the wrong person. My clubs have traveled further than your mind is ignorant in this case...

I couldn't give a rat's poo in this battle....but I will advise you, Brother Ken....you might want to back off of this avenue.

Just sayin'.

Or, continue with it....all the same to me...but I don't think it's going to end how you think it is.
I'm at least peripherally familiar w/derron and what he does. Kinda beside the point though, eh? The one who's mind is prolly still riddled w/lsd, pulled state smack in the thread... which wasn't remotely the point of it.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ken wrote:pulled state smack in the thread... which wasn't remotely the point of it.


Not really a big deal, though.

He's just funnin' with you. And to fully understand why, one would need to be very familiar with the relationship between calis and Oregonians...one of the more dysfuntional relationships between neighboring states imaginable.

So basically, Derron ran state smack...because he could.
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Dinsdale wrote:So basically, Derron ran state smack...because he could.
The Cali folk out there can step into the batter's box and take their swings at that then.
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Post by Dinsdale »

All good, Ken.

I was just kinda hinting that if you're going to bust off "lessons in NW golf"....derron is the wrong tree to bark up. Dude's sporting a pretty goshdarn impressive resume when it comes to that.

Hope you get a few more rounds while you're there. How much were the fees?
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Naaaah, like I said, I have an idea of what derron's background is... nor would I ever try to school someone about golf in their own backyard. Anyways, to the topic at hand...

Twilight both days.
cart first day- $42 (or somewhere thereabouts)
walked second day- $30 (or somewhere thereabouts)

No more rounds for me.. flew back home on Friday. At the airport headed to Mississippi this afternoon, regrettably, the sticks ain't going with me even though the conf. center I'll be at also has a golf course. Oh well, can't win 'em all.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Sounds like a smoking deal for a course that you enjoy so much.

[derron light]I feel fortunate to have a few places that offer some serious bang for the buck like that.[/derron light]
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Post by Derron »

Its not state smack Ken... its golf course smack.

I did not miss your point....I think the course you posted pictures of is great, and will probably try to play it someday.

One of the things I have noticed in a lot of travel around this country, is that the worst, absolute fucking worst greens in Oregon, Washington, Idaho will kick the fuck right out of courses like Copperhead in FL, Barton Creek in TX, Torry Pines, Riveria, etc. It's a weather thing, but that is just hte way it is.

I stayed and played all 3 courses at Innisbrook and none of them could hold a candle to NW CONDITIONS. Hell, they painted they fucking greens to make them, well....green.

I look at these things from a couple of different ways....how the course plays is one, how easy / hard is it to keep those A1 conditions/ how tough the micro climate might be, how many rounds does the course get/ how many other courses in comparable conditions in the same local ??are the conditons sustainable more than 3 months out of the year??

I am not claiming bode on anything here, its just that when you have what I consider to be the best conditions and courses in the country, you tend to be a be fairly demanding in what is considered a good course. I have played well over 250 courses in probably 15 states, built 3.5 courses, and worked on parts of 10 others.

Come up to Oregon and if Dins can stay sober long enough to get a round in , we could show you some rightous golf.

Some of the crap that they get the tourists to play on in FL, Vegas, AZ etc would not make a good rough in the NW, or in the better tracts in CA either.

Vernonia frustrating ??? Never... blind dog legs ?? naw....Great course to have a few pops and whoop it up a bit on...

Narrow fairways ??? Try Skamina Lodge or what ever the fuck they call that course now....There's about a 3 foot rough and then its nothing but Cascade scrub brush....we blasted the fucking irrigation pipe trenchs because its basically volcanic rock 6 inches under the ground.

Langdon Farms has narrow fairways with those fucking jokes of hills. Like Heron Lakes newest 9. Its not because they look good, its because when the hackers hit the rough, they keep it fairly dry and the ball rolls right back down into the fairway. Speeds up play, that's why it's like that.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote:Come up to Oregon and if Dins can stay sober long enough to get a round in , we could show you some rightous golf.
I fell off the wagon for a day-btw. Kept it in semi-check, though. My fall from grace is inevitable, though.

Anyhoo, Kennyboy has actually played the course that I believe is the model for maintaining outstanding playability vs. traffic...Eastmoreland. I really don't know how they do it -- that place is packed from sunup to sundown, with all levels of hackers, even in winter(when it's damn-near underwater, and definitely not one of my winter faves), yet they somehow ,manage to keep it in OUTSTANDING shape. Same for Heron Lakes, to an extent. Whoever is in charge of that shit for the Portland Parks Department, should get a massive freaking raise. I'd like to shake the guy's hand, myself. Hell, I don't ever even see anybody even working on the place when I play there(if you don't count tweekers rummaging through the trash for bottles and cans, that is...there is THAT...welcome to Portland).

My same group of buds who pimp Vernonia also think Skamania is a course for the ages. Somehow, one of my friends gets really cheap rates there for early mornings...don't know if he knows somebody or what, but he seems to get the hookup. One of these days, I'll make it up there with them...sometimes, these dudes get worked into taking their OL's to Skamania, so I'll need to plan this carefully.

Vernonia frustrating ??? Never... blind dog legs ?? naw....Great course to have a few pops and whoop it up a bit on...
Definitelky a hoot...until you look at the scorecard. Fun, fun place...and it just doesn't look that hard...BWAHAHAHAHA. Good luck with those greens built into the mountainside...got a little break to them. Actually, I'd say the phrase I repeated the most out there was after I sized up a putt, and loudly inquired "What the fuck is THAT? Should I play this off that retaining wall back there behind the green, and let it trickle back down?"

Place is a blast...for $25, or whatever it was...dude punched our free golf punchcards about a million times after we paid...cool guy...you probably know him.
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dude punched our free golf punchcards about a million times after we paid...cool guy...you probably know him.
Yeah... he likes repeat players. They also own Tidewater Flats errrrrr......Seaside Golf Course.
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The lady working there turned out to be my golf bud's neighbor (they didn't know each other...live right next to each other in Rock Creek...a fine suburban track in its own right...when I sneak out for free, anyway. New hottie bartending-btw).

Yeah, after my friends mentioned that they enjoyed playing there over the winter, he started remembering them real quick-like, and that hole punch was a-flying.
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Post by Derron »

You ever play or hang at Rock Creek when that fucking Greek cocksucker owned it ??

His wife had a moustache that would make a cop sick.

That Greek bastard and his homies would sit in his office and gamble with about $ 1,000 out on the table. Nobody would work for those 2 pieces of shit more than about 3 months.

He fucked his kid out of some money, and then the kid fucked the old man back and somebody bought it for a song.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Never played there in the semi-private days.

But, I do know that the guys who "bought it for a song" have thrown some serious cayshe at the place, fixing it up. My bud lives about a good long drive from the clubhouse, and since he grew up there playing on his family's (cheap ass) membership, and since his folks are still members, and since he was given a membership by someone moving away...he buckies up every month.

Challenging course, for sure. The only knock I really have on it, is it's so badly overlooked by the houses...but welcome to golf in the city, eh?

None too short, that Rock Creek. And my friend tells me that when he was growing up, it wasn't nearly so narrow...some of them trees went and got big. Also said it didn't drain for a shit back "in the day."

Fairly tough. For some reason, I can't freaking make a par on the par 4s -- it either takes a par 3, or they have to spot me the extra stroke on the 5's for me to make par or bird out there...don't know why....lack of talent, I suppose.

I like playing there, though...because it means I didn't pay them, probably. As long as all the newby employees don't notice(I think the young guys who have been there for a while know what's up...but I think my bud supplies the underaged ones with booze, so...you know), and said friend's mom doesn't just happen to show up and bust us for it(she knows what's up, too)...it's pure, low-budget golf bliss.

Aaaaaand, as of the last week or so, they re-instituted Happy Hour....can't go wrong there. Cheap apps...(especially when my bud rattles off his folks membership number at the bar...funny stuff. which he definitely hears about a month later. Hopefully, his folks are drunk when they open their bill. RACK my friend for being like that...well past 35 years of age. Growing old is mandatory -- growing up is strictly optional).
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Post by Ken »

Derron wrote:Its not state smack Ken... its golf course smack.

I did not miss your point...
No, actually, you did. Not really up for discussion though.

The rest of your post is well and good, just not sure what in bloody hell it has to do w/mine 'sall. La Purisima is my favorite course in the whole wide world. Not sure why we're discussing green qualities of courses in Oregon. But since you brought it up... Yes, Oregon has a wonderful climate for turf ('sup turfgrass seed production out the whazoo), but that doesn't mean other's greens, or fairways for that matter, fall into the auto-inferior category... especially those along the coast of Cali. For what it's worth, Lompoc, CA, precisely where La Purisima is located, is a HAVEN for cold crop vegetables. Absolute paradise for items such as lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, etc, etc, etc... the very same climate so well suited for turfgrass (warm, bright days and cool nights).

Yes, the NW has GREAT course conditioning, and anyone would be hardpressed to find a region where it's as easy to maintain A-1 quality. So, as a region, you can claim bode. No argument from me... or at least major disagreement. However, downplaying any other fine courses such as La Purisima on the sole reason they do not have the fortune of being plopped in the NW is a bit silly. Your printed words claim bode, but I read it as being somewhat blind and shortsighted.
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Post by Ken »

Now, with all that said, I'd still like to experience even more Oregon golf. Will be out there in August...

Recommend a place or two EAST of Portland (driving an hour or so is fine).
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Post by Dinsdale »

You're still mulling the East Portland trip, eh?

Believe it or not, derron isn't always a jackass...he delves into the world of pleasantness about as often as I do...

But, I'm sure he can recommend some winners.

I will do my sincere best for you, too. BUT, I'm a devout Westsider(although still many miles east of derron), so I just don't get out east as often.

If you're staying Downtown or near the city-proper, and you have access to wheels...you're in fat city.

Close in, Glendoveer is in NE Portland. Like Eastmoreland, an excellent value for the dollar. I don't think they ever get you more than about $30 on weekends, or something like that. Not that it's any ringing endorsement, but it's where they play the state high school championship every year. Play Glendoveer East...much harder course. The West course (having a 36-holer right in town doesn't suck) is kind of a short "junior" course, although the back is much tougher than the front. But, for a visitor, I'd recommend the East, by far. If you're a real sissy, you might want to drive it -- lots of elevation changes. I know you don't like to play tips, but Glendoveer East will break your heart from the blacks...there's an uphill par 3 that pretty much calls for driver...don't see that very often. Good course, if you need to stay close to town. It's sort of a "semi-muni" sort of deal...leased from the city, run by a contractor...since about 1920 or someting. Some bigazz trees at Glendoveer, but not like the old-growth forest known as Eastmoreland.

Further east...fuck, this really isn't my forte. Ask me about the Westside, or greater Hillsboro area(sup derron). I'd rattle off yardages by heart...east...not so good.

I've never played Skamania Lodge, but everyone I've ever heard talk about it(including derron recently) has nothing but rave reviews. It's on my "to-do" list. I'm told the scenery is outstanding, and the course is very difficult. Depending on what part of town you're in, it might work out to more than an hour drive...but bear in mind you'll be driving through the Eighth Wonder of the World, the Columbia Gorge...might make it worth the extra bit of driving.

Never played the Resort At The Mountain, either(even though my bestest golf bud has a cabin up the road...ponderous). Around here, just known as "The Resort." Lots of "resorts," but only one "THE Resort." Heard good things about it, too...also on my "to-do" list. 27 holes there. Website, too -- http://www.theresort.com/. And the atmoshpere/scenery on the western foothills of Mt Hood is nothing to sneeze at, either(unless you have pollen allergies, the WATCH OUT!)

Hmm....I'm still tapping my brain for you...eastside...hmmm....

Mountain View in Boring (way southeast of Mt Hood) is a dump, but we used to hit it up on the way to the mountain, since they used to have a bitchin twighlight deal. Janky course, but it IS home to the Legend, whose pic I will reset until this forum shrivels up and dies --


Teeing off a cliff is always fresh. But, don't misconstrue what I say...the place is a dump, for the most part. They're trying, under new ownership, and it's been 2-3 years since I've been...but last I saw, it was still a dump. #12(above) just kind of leaves a lasting impression, is all.

And if you're more into the scenery, Hood River is more than an hour(probably not by tooooo terribly much...depending how you drive). YET ANOTHER on my "to-do" list, but I've heard the course is deece(I've actually heard differing opinions, but I can't offer one of my own). But once again, you get the additional bonus of driving through the Gorge, and Hood River won't cheat you out of any breathtaking scenery...this much, I assure you. Hood River is also the winsurfing capital of the world-btw. See some crazy fuckers out there on kiteboards and stuff...and you can grab lunch at Full Sail Brewery(a shodow of their former selves, but still a good place to grab a bite).

Ka-Nee-Tah is more than an hour, or even an hour and a half, but of you're looking for the "whole experience," rather than just the golf, this might be the drive to take...over the top of Hood, into the desert. I'm not sure I could think of a drive that better exemplifies the vast varied climate/vegitation zones of Oregon than that one. Catch is, that it's at a resort on an Indian reservation -- be prepared to grossly overpay for what you're getting, and remember that the Paleface/Indian Wars never ended in the U&L. I don't understand how those racist pukes stay in business, the way they routinely mistreat Whitey...probably because they are on one cool chunk of ground, right on the "backside" of Mt Hood. Altough...you're talking August...there is always that "wildfire" thing to worry about when doing the Dryside in mid/late summer...alomost got screwed into one HELL of a drive home due to fires, a couple of years ago...there is that.

Oh, and while we're on the subject -- don't know how your schedule shapes up, but if you're going to be on the east side, and can steal away for a while, I HIGHLY recommend sneaking out to the Edgefield for some chip-and-putt. Don't get me wrong, this isn't going to be your "go-to" golf destination...it's pitch-and-putt. BUT, as much as I depise par 3 courses as a general rule(I always just feel cheated), this place is all that and more. It's not so much about the golf(which is fun as heck), but about the overall experience -- it's pretty much an amusement park for grown-ups. Hell, if your accomodations are up for debate, and your business(which is none of mine) has you out on the east side, you can stay at the Edgefield. The course is known as The Pub Course, the place is called the Edgefield. I can't recommend this place enough, and I'd recommend it as a place to stay for out-of-towners without a second thought...if you can work it...I assure you, beyond any and all doubt, that you will be glad you did...if you never believe one other thing I post, believe that one. It's way out on the northeast corner of the PDX area, in Troutdale, at the mouth of the Gorge...probably won't even be too nasty windy there in August. Check it out -- http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=3&id=30

It's impossible to not fall in love with the place...wish it wasn't so far from me.

I'll ask my golf buds about eastside golf next time we're talking courses.

Until then, here's a good page for you --

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Post by Derron »

The Resort at the Mountain 36 holes I believe

Skamina Lodge - great location... one of the few course spotted right smack in the middle of the Cascades

Perssimmon in Gresham... I believe it it a public course now...

Indian Creek in Hood River... not a destination thing though...

second the Kahneeta Course... nothing fantastic, nice scenery, and a fucking casino...

I am a west side dude also....but how are you getting here ??

If your driving I can throw out a few depending on where you are coming from...
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Post by Dinsdale »

Derron wrote:Perssimmon in Gresham... I believe it it a public course now...
Never done that one, either. I've heard it's tough. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought it went the other way -- was public, is now private only? Could be wrong.

second the Kahneeta Course... nothing fantastic, nice scenery, and a fucking casino...
Yeah, if it were to be an all-day thing, there is the casino aspect. Yeah, the course is nothing to brag about (never played the back, I'm sure it's more of the same), but it's in one neat part of the world. It's like driving through a mini-Grand Canyon to get there. If Ken is placing value on the actual drive itself(I'll assume from his request, he'll have some wheels), then Kahneeta would be fairly money. Hope he likes rattlesnakes.

See, Ken? We're not quite the a-holes we pretend to be.
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Post by Ken »

I fly out there 1-2 times /year on biz. Clubs always seem to find their way into my luggage when I leave for Portland. Hmmm, fancy that. I generally stay at the Crowne Plaza, Lake Oswego and I rent a car. Biz takes me S, W, & E of the city, from Hillsboro/Cornelius to downtown, to Lake Oswego, to Albany/Jefferson. So getting somewhere to play ain't that much of a prob. I just schedule an extra day for effing around on a golf course... or two, if I'm lucky. Hell, if there is a place worth playing nearby one of these locations, by all means, recommend and I'll simply stay the night nearby there. Otherwise...

There's a reason I'd like to play somewhere east of Portland... it's that little thing called scenic mountains. For that reason, Hood River sounds like a possibility. Ka-Nee-Tah sounds good also, but for some reason, "grossly overpay" just doesn't sit well. Not sure what about that phrase makes me uneasy.

Hmmmm.... Hood River.
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Post by Dinsdale »

Ken wrote:I generally stay at the Crowne Plaza, Lake Oswego
Then you're probably working out of "the Other Downtown," I would guess -- absolutely none of my business...I just live very close to there. About 5 non-rush hour minutes from there.

If you're in Hillsboro, there's nothing really earth-shattering...but you can do that non-earth-shattering golf awfully cheap...awfully cheap...but I'd have to say there isn't really a "vacation destination" in the bunch, unless you're going to play the public side at Pumpkin(which ain't cheap, and ain't exactly in Hillsboro...but I have no idea what your golf budget is like, either. If I am out of town and making a day of it, I don't mind spending more for "nicer" golf, but around here, for myself, keeping the expenses down means playing more...that simple).

Oh, and as far as Hillsboro -- if you ever find yourself looking to play around...don't let any local yayhoos convince you that Merriweather is nice...it ain't. I don't care of Jack played the first round ever there -- if you can't take a leaf blower to the greens at least a couple of times a week, then go do something unspeakable to yourself, and don't charge me $50 to clean off your freaking (shitty) greens for you.

Anyhoo...Now, we're getting somewhere. You're placing value on the scenery, and are into checking out the mountains.

Never played Skamania, as mentioned, but the firsthand reviews I've heard are quite deece.



The Resort At The Mountain has a freaking webcam, goota love that --


As an aside, I'm leaving for a campout further up the mountain(quite a bit further) in a couplafew hours here. Deece, since I see that this is the weekend that The Resort hosts the big international croquet tourney....don't know if any of you hacks play croquet, but when you can't hit the links...backyard golf will have to do. If'n I'm not mistaken, the Resort Tourney is the only event in the USA on the international croquet circuit...fwiw. Whoop-de-do, but I'll check it out on the way by...driving right past it.

The Resort has 27 holes-btw. While you're there, it might be worth it to go grab a brew or some grub up at Government Camp or even up at Timberline. Once the warm mountian weather comes, the "talent level" of the snowboarder chicks is on pretty good display...if you catch my :winkwinknudgenudge:. But, if not...what is a must-do in that neck of the woods (and I do mean "neck"...mostly tourons, but don't piss of the locals 'round there...not a good idea), is the Streamwatch thingy they built at Wildwood. Right next to the Resort(pretty much), and they built this absolutely SICK stream viewing thing. They kinda put windows below grade in a salmon spawning stream. It's pretty freaking cool. If you(or anyone else) is ever up that way, it's pretty much a "must-see."

I know one of my golf buds has done the Hood River thing. Next time I talk to him, I'll see what he has to say. Once into the depths of summer, Hood River becomes quite the party town. Very few Oregon plates on cars, lots of canadian ones. Hood River can get pretty hot and windy in summer(the "windy" part is usually a given, hence that whole "windsurfing capital of the world" thing...they used to(and maybe still do, depending on sponsorship) have the windsrfing World Championships there every year, right about that time of year(maybe a week or two sooner?)). You're not "in the mountains," but you're looking at them in just about every direction. Cool town...been there a bunch, for myself....in contrast to The Dalles, which is about 25 miles further east, where it's routinely 100+ degrees with a 60mph wind...the Dalles sucks ass in summer...but that's not important right now.Hood River is "Dalles Light" weather. Any time a city name starts with the word "the," one should always be leery.

Kahneeta -- OK, maybe I made it scary. I don't think the greens fees are more than about $50-60...nothing out of contraol or anything. Don't know what rooms go for, either.


There's a photo gallery on that page, but I don't really thing they do it too much justice. Good scenery there, too.

Tough call. Driving over Mt Hood to Kahneeta is going to offer some pretty epic scenery, but so is driving through the Gorge. With the Gorge, you're not going to get the full-effect...a through-the-Gorge drive (Troutdale to The Dalles) is pretty awesome(I'm assuming you've never done it). A major interstae runs through there(on the Oregon side...rural highway on the Washington side). You go through the area that they tell me has the most waterfalls-per-acre of anywhere on earth. And in about a 60 mile drive(give or take) you go through 5 distict climate and vegitation zones...not something you can see too many places. You start out (on the Portland side) heading through temperate rainforest, and 50-60 miles later, you're in arid desert...like flicking a switch...pretty cool(although generally when I make that drive, it means I'm probably going to be stuck working in some desert shithole...although I don't do much of the "road life," like I used to).

The climate change going to Kahneeta is a little more "in your face." Don't know if you've ever really spent time in the "Old West," but that's a great place to start. My only qualm is with the Indians(Kahneeta is, once again, on a huge Indian Reservation), who can be a little....moody. Stopped in the little store at Warm Springs(near the turnoff to Kahneeta) while heading "over there" for work, and the Injuns running the store wouldn't give me the key to the bathroom(or even acknowledge I was there), but my coworkers, who were both of Hispacic/Native American descent were treated like royalty. Maybe my case is isolated, but that left an awfully bad taste in my mouth. Lotta "paleface haytin' " going on around there. The again, I've had people tell me how they've been treated like royalty there...so take it for what it's worth.

But -- as far as impressive sights...for me, driving over Hood to the Dryside (what we U&Lers call Central/Eastern Oregon...unless there's a nasty thunderstorm, I will give you my personal assurance it won't rain on you in August, once you pass the crest of the Cascades...I promise...I won't promise that it won't be crazy-hot, though) ... amazing...but so is the Gorge. To be honest, if you're into the sightseeing, you're not going to go wrong either way.

But if you go the Hood River/Gorge route...do try and check out the Edgefield...it won't disappoint, either. If for nothing else, the grounds are worth checking out. If you do it on your way home in the evening, they'll have music for you, too...maybe even someone good. I believe their course is a little torn up at present, since they acquired the old jail next door, and I believe they're putting in even more golf, but sacrificing the "lower holes" to build an amphitheater. Cool place.

Oh, and if you do the Gorge, make sure and stop at Multnomah Falls for a pic with Goddess.
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Post by Dinsdale »

And while I'm thinking about it, Ken -- there's also "mountain courses" in Washington. I've never played Tri-Mountain myself, but it's at the base of Mt St Helens, pretty much. I believe the "tri-mountain" stems from having views of three different volcanoes from there...not a long drive from Lake NoNegro.

I guess shortly, I'm off to My Hood, to go terrorize fish here --


So, I guess what I'm saying, is...sucks to be you, rulezorz to be me...as always.

Oh, hey...that's why I posted...on that site, http://www.oregongolf.com , if you know ahead of time what your schedule is, you can book some fatty deals online. You never know which courses are going to pony up specials, and you generally only get a few days or less advance warning, but some of the "special tee time rates" or whatever they call it are pretty nice deals. I think Skamania ponies up a lot of them on there. I'm pretty sure I've seen Indian Creek on there quite a few times...maybe even Kahneeta every now and then...check it out. Might save you some bucks, depending on timing.

But, I think you're styling. There's a freaking reason us Webfoots put up with the absolute doom-and-gloom suicide weather for 3-4 months...because August freaking rocks. Hell, April through October(and sometimes even November) freaking rocks.
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