Whether it's a contract year, whether it's the first year after a contract, whether it's the third year on a four-year deal, I'm going to try my best to give everything I have regardless of the situation
Rack that! Too many atheletes have it in their head that they are bigger than the game and can do whatever the fuck they want. Well- fuck them.. they all need to take a page out of #20's book.
Modern players act out selfishly and greedily because the STRUCTURE of the league fascilitates such attitudes.
If you're a player and you are 'rented', and you perform under the constant threat that you can simply be CUT at the whim of your employer (with no money coming your way), what would your approach be ... ?
Are you going to bust ass for the uniform .... ?
Bust it to get as much as you can, as quickly as you can, for YOURSELF ... ?
Bust it because you have a lot of pride ... ?
I'd like to think that guys bust ass for reason #3.
I think most do so for reason #2.
If guys do so for reason #1 they just might have the mind of an 11 yr old.
poptart wrote:Modern players act out selfishly and greedily because the STRUCTURE of the league fascilitates such attitudes.
Yup. Keep hating the player and not the game. It's a different set of circumstances that only magnifies the assholism of these assholes. All this old school/new school shit is overrated, it starts at the top and trickles down.
Yet another reason why #20 is my favorite non-Texan and has been for quite while.
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.