No prob, Whistler, it is indeed a real hoot--Sharon checking in for a mild stroke, and then getting first rate treatment (from Netanyahu's doctors, apparently) which quickly renders him brain dead. You can't make that up!
And of course, true belly laughs are attained as totally white Russians roll into Tel Aviv indignant that filthy Arabs are on their Holy Land. :D
Mild guffaws often attend the bulldozing of impoverished homes as the Nazi-like IDF stand by ready to shoot anyone who interferes. :P
Sheer glee is on display as careful plans are drawn up to divide the West Bank into a series of giant holding pens--keeping all the water and decent farm land for "Israeli security purposes."
Jubilation flows when Israeli officials decide to punitively turn off all electricity to entire Palestinian cities :)
And yet there are weird, lockstep supporters of the ZioNazi Race State Experiment like you who go through your daily piddling paces singing Jerry Garcia tunes! YOU'RE FUNNY!!! (but not "funny ha-ha")