This thread is dedicated to Cuda.

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Post by canibus »

Falling off a bit, Sammy? You used to Troll a lot better then this stubbed-toe of a thread. Both you and Cuda breast stroke in the cesspool of mediocrity together, all the time. Why thump your chest as if you or your posts are any better than his. Webster and Gary Colemen are both short. Nale Carter and Rosanne Arnold are both obese. Joe Canseco and Jason Giambi are both idiots and SG and Cuda both hit submit way too much when definite logouts are in order.

L8 it you?

Post by Guest »

Cuda wrote:
Samurai G wrote:My work here is done.
If by "work", you mean "looking every bit like an ass-sniffing, cum-gargling, no-take-having, ass-bandit, pole-sitting douchebag", I heartily agree. In fact, it was done before you even started; before you registered, even.

let's break this down, shall we?

ass-sniffing- used 100038 times
cum-gargling- used 483902 times
no-take-having- used 877364 times
ass-bandit- used 293875 times
pole-sitting- used 97463 times

wow, you're bringin tha ruckus, Cuda. How do you do it?

Are you busting out Advanced Search Google on us?
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Post by Cuda »

Oh, looks like Spamurai isn't done "working" after all. Feel free to continue to suck like a Hoover with a turbocharger. You go, girl!
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..

Post by Guest »

Cuda wrote:Oh, looks like Spamurai isn't done "working" after all. Feel free to continue to suck like a Hoover with a turbocharger. You go, girl!
i don't think you googled that one

that one was extra sucky, undoubtedly one of you own

you fucking weak cunt :lol:
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Post by canibus »

SG and Cuda are the same poster.


MA- Troll Detective it you?
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Post by Cuda »

How wonderful. The phrase "suck like a (name of vacuum) with a turbocharger" gets mentioned and look who steppen fetchit's his ass in here like Irie running over to a display case full of cocks: skilla

Oh, but don't be skeered, Shaquella, I ain't gonna drop any Blazing Saddles resets on you without giving Massa Harsh adequate time to hustle in here, register, and fluff up his skirt for you to hide behind.

Spamurai, you've bored me to the point that I have to go empty my bowels. You know the way out of here, don't you?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..

Post by Guest »

hey Cuda, i challenge you to drop some smack that is over 4 sentences.

Let's see what you've got. Prove me wrong, bro.

You see, i equate you with a career AAA infielder--not good enough to get to the big leagues but managing to stick around in the farm system. Your crap is WEAK. You have an overinflated sense of your skillz due to the security of your weak RTT cocoon, a fucking smack version of spin the bottle. You kissed enough ass with the quality posters over there, they eventually let you hang around, sort of like the RTT version of JTR. but shit, at least JTR has the nad to post his grille. You brand of smack is to state the obvious and present it as though it's fresh and rackable. But you know what? Without the occasional wicked, original blast, your "duh" style of smack rings hollow and pathetic. You're the Matchbox 20 of smack AND you're from canada.

Just saying, bro.
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Post by the_ouskull »

The execution of this thread sucks, but I believe in the spirit of it. Cuda brings about as much to this board (and others) as Milli and Vanilli brought to music, and in much the same manner.

Congrats, Wags. Good win.
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Post by Raydah James »

Samurai G wrote:Image

This fucking thread is still on page 1?

Post by Guest »

i see canibus is snifffing my dingleberries. How quaint. canibus, you're in the WEAK ASS SMACK HOF. for somebody with zero fucking skills like you, it's amazing you even showed back up in this bitch.

~swats canipuss away like a gnat~

damn, I'm not even trying and i'm running you fucktools anyway.

damn, at least present a challenge, tardlings.

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Post by Majkman »

Canibus.....Who the fuck is Nale Carter?? :|

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the_ouskull wrote:The execution of this thread sucks, but I believe in the spirit of it. Cuda brings about as much to this board (and others) as Milli and Vanilli brought to music, and in much the same manner.


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Post by Ken »

Damn, I was wondering what all these little white things were rattling around on my floor. Come here and sho 'nuf, cude's missin' a few teeth.

wtf, cudes... were you so busy browsing through trot's sifting for takes that you missed the memo that you suck like a 'turbo-charged hoover'? ~ooooh, your hoover blast was juuuust so damn original that I couldn't help but to use it myself~ Or was it when you were busy pm'ing jtr asking him to lend you some smack that you missed it?

Holy fuck, cudes. I saw the thread title and while clicking it thought... okay, this could be a good read. :roll: Thanks for taking a string of sausage links up the ass and back out yer mouth, bro. If I wanted to read a 'blast' containing ass-sniffing, cum-gargling, no-take-having, ass-bandit, and pole-sitting used as it's anchor, I'da... well... archived any one of your other hundred or so takes here. Fact is, I don't wanna read that style of shit. Nonetheless, I see you wilting like Christopher Lowell's dick at a party at the Playboy mansion. You suck.

Dammit, someone find a pic of a dick in the hopes that cuda can pop to attention and spooge something worthy in this thread.
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Post by lovebuzz »

i'm gonna have to go ahead and point out that apparently cuda has bode merely based on the excessive amount of words being typed at and about him.

isn't that how this shit works ?

in your domes, bode blah blah fucking blah blah blah.


Rack Me and My Personalized Pink Candy Hearts.

Post by Guest »

!zzubevol wrote:i'm gonna have to go ahead and point out that apparently cuda has bode merely based on the excessive amount of words being typed at and about him.

isn't that how this shit works ?

in your domes, bode blah blah fucking blah blah blah.


Rack Me and My Personalized Pink Candy Hearts.

I'm just kind of an observer on this one, buzzer.

I'd have to say that SG's getting over. Cuda's got a shot, but he needs to fight like a man......

Post by Guest »

shutyomouth wrote:I'd have to say that SG's getting over. Cuda's got a shot, but he needs to fight like a man......
no, he doesn't. trust me, Buttsy, i'm just chomping at the bit for a chance to unload 37 years of motherfucking hate on this fucklord. He's playing it smart by hiding like a pussy because he realizes that I'm not enough of a sadist to piledrive somebody who's taking a dive.

But you are right, I'm getting the fuck over.
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Post by bbqjones »

Samurai G wrote: i'm just chomping at the bit
everytime i use this phrase in front of one of my pompous ('sup dinsdale) pals, he informs me the correct wording is "champing at the bit". can anyone verify this?

im so confused
help me scrape the mucus off my brain
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

Coods likes to Pheasant hunt, so that sorta makes up for his lack original smackeese.

Now Sound Off like you gotta pair.


Full Metal Jacket Troll Circa 2000

Post by Guest »

bbqjones wrote:
Samurai G wrote: i'm just chomping at the bit
everytime i use this phrase in front of one of my pompous ('sup dinsdale) pals, he informs me the correct wording is "champing at the bit". can anyone verify this?

im so confused
whatever. if those fucks want to use the traditional limey spelling, that's their fucking problem.
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Post by tough love »

Rack !zzubevol and her Personalized Pink Candy Hearts.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Alkie »

tough love wrote:Rack !zzubevol and her Personalized Pink Candy Hearts.
You moron TL, buzz is wrong, Cuda's getting run, not in peoples domes. I thought you could tell the difference, or is that what you tell yourself all the times you've been run?

TL "I'm in their domes, BODE me"
Every-freakin-body else "Damn, TL just got run, AGAIN"
IndyFrisco wrote:I was really into partaking in the art of fellatio
Dinsdale wrote:rack Al.
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Post by Headhunter »

!zzubevol wrote:Rack Me and My Personalized Pink Candy Hearts.
Yep, you should be proud!

Dinsdale wrote:This board makes me feel like Stephen-Hawking-For-The-Day, except my penis is functional and I can walk and stuff.

Post by Guest »

I just want to RACK everybody who came in here to witness me beating Cuda the fuck down.

He put up a GREAT effort and had pretty much everybody coming to his rescue. :roll: x 99999999999999222291920198429383401
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Post by Luther »

Good one, HH.

You got to be quick to get the wytch-jobs in around here. I had similar thoughts but I'm losing out to the youth of the board. I think I could do pretty good on the wheezer boards.

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Post by lovebuzz »

HH - rack you, ya varmint. I'm laughing. I'd have to be getten some action though, to contract VD, and these days, i'm about ready to bust out my Flying Nun Habit.

Uncle Nevus - i haven't paid much attention at all, nor do i care who's smacking the hell out of who. i like SG and i likes cuda, lots too. my day didn't entirely suck because of thosee personalized pink candy hearts, that came from someone who i perceive as rather grumpy and also busy engaging in some dumber than dumb VD smack war. my big, black RACK ME was lost on you, apparently, but hopefully not on SG. he does that, and i find it humorous.

i pointed out the gay in yo dome/bode crap because thats what YOU HYPOCRITICAL FUCKHEADS are always crying to and about each other. i don't buy it, never did - am slightly sick of reading that lame shit tossed around.

besides, even if one was beating down the other, who cares ? i'm quite sure the smackers and smackees are entertained, therefore carrying on. for fuck's sake, it's still the internet.

alkie - i still haven't been run, but you still have been obliterated. you and i both fucking know that when shit does get thrown at me, i deal and alone ya fucking wussy. unlike you, i can handle my own stuff and damn well for a chick, at that. go back to fucking off and not posting to/about me. know your role. 'follower' suits you just fine.

RACK tough love, for being a good sport.
RACK SG - the boy is a riot.
RACK HH for his twisted wytches!
ETERNAL RACKAGE to Cuda, he knows why.
UNWAR peeps who take this far too seriously, day in and day out.

lighten up, jackholes.
consider smiling.

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Post by Alkie »

!zzubevol wrote: alkie - i still haven't been run, but you still have been obliterated.
Where have I been obliterated?
!zzubevol wrote: you and i both fucking know that when shit does get thrown at me, i deal and alone ya fucking wussy. unlike you, i can handle my own stuff and damn well for a chick, at that.
Who the fuck around here has my back, but you apparently have Cuda's back. Although I don't know how since he's taking one hell a plungering here, I imagine there must be a line.

Strike two, btw.
!zzubevol wrote: go back to fucking off and not posting to/about me. know your role. 'follower' suits you just fine.
Follower, who me. You suck the cock of half the posters in here, hell just read your last post. "I like blah blah blah, and blah blah blah." Dirty fucking skank, I bet the next STD outbreak originates in that cess pool of viral infestation you stick plastic objects into you. Hell given the choice Iraqi soccer players would rather be beaten and cut, then dropped into raw sewage rather than fuck your cavernous slime hole. Even with a condom their odds of survival are better with the raw sewage.

Just like you are in society where you're sucking off welfare, you are sucking off people here hoping to find anybody around that will actually likes you. Self-of-steam issues much?

The only reason I even post anything directed at you is cause you post the most stupid and inane things of any poster here. most of the time I bite my tongue and don't call you out on your stupidity, but sometimes you post something so stupid I can't resist calling you on your lies.

Now go ahead and tell me how you're in my dome because I typed out a post that was more than 2 lines.
IndyFrisco wrote:I was really into partaking in the art of fellatio
Dinsdale wrote:rack Al.
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Post by lovebuzz »

actually, you're one of the WORST offenders of the in-yer-dome/BODE ME bullshit.

you are also one of the brain dead sheep that post here and apparently believe everything you read. you don't 'get it' in any way shape or form and as always, i'm gonna have to go ahead and remind you that i care not. not enough to pass you a clue, anyway.

i would agree, not one person here has your back. or mine. the difference, my fliend, lies in that i can handle that and deal accordingly, you cannot.

as for me having cuda's back - i'm down with cuda. i don't defend him (don't need to), or know much about him other than msg bored bullshit and the ocassional pm. i get a kick out of him. i also laugh my ass off at SG baggen on him too. cuda apparently (like many others) finds little to no use for you or doesn't notice you. don't cry, dry your eyes.

further proof you don't get it ? i'm prolly more down with SG than almost anyone here, imagine that! i think he's nails, one of my favorites and eh shouldn't this be the part where you go crying off to him about what a blah blah blah i am and how he shouldn't talk to me?

ya fucking dimwit.

go find a jungle gym to tie yourself too.
i'll be there soon with chocolate in hand.
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Post by Luther »


Oh My God...people, stand back.

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Post by trev »

Buzzer, I think Alkie needs a hug.

:lol: Luther.
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Post by rozy »

!zzubevol wrote:actually, you're one of the WORST offenders of the in-yer-dome/BODE ME bullshit.

you are also one of the brain dead sheep that post here and apparently believe everything you read. you don't 'get it' in any way shape or form and as always, i'm gonna have to go ahead and remind you that i care not. not enough to pass you a clue, anyway.

i would agree, not one person here has your back. or mine. the difference, my fliend, lies in that i can handle that and deal accordingly, you cannot.

as for me having cuda's back - i'm down with cuda. i don't defend him (don't need to), or know much about him other than msg bored bullshit and the ocassional pm. i get a kick out of him. i also laugh my ass off at SG baggen on him too. cuda apparently (like many others) finds little to no use for you or doesn't notice you. don't cry, dry your eyes.

further proof you don't get it ? i'm prolly more down with SG than almost anyone here, imagine that! i think he's nails, one of my favorites and eh shouldn't this be the part where you go crying off to him about what a blah blah blah i am and how he shouldn't talk to me?

ya fucking dimwit.

go find a jungle gym to tie yourself too.
i'll be there soon with chocolate in hand.
You are absolutely the most unreadable pieza de caca that posts on any of these boards. Bar none.

At least moth keeps his insane drivel to 3-10 words.

John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by Cuda »

Samurai G wrote:hey Cuda, i challenge you to drop some smack that is over 4 sentences.
I challenge you to try staying off the computer at night. Good Christ, are you so devoid of life- so lacking in connection to the outside world that you can't let go of the internet for a few hours? When my workday is done, I do something you could never comprehend: I shut off my computer. Furthermore, I leave it off ALL fucking night. And you know something else: On Fridays at about 5:00 pm in the evening when I shut it down, It STAYS off pretty much ALL weekend.

I'm about to drop some pretty scary words on you, so brace yourself: Exercise. Social interaction. Family Life. Home Maintenance. I'm know all those things scare the living shit out of you, and how do you suppose I know that? Because you spend 20 fucking hours a day posting on message boards. That's 2 hours a day more than shutyomouth does. And don't try trolling anybody that you have a smaller ass than his either. How the fuck did you manage to conceive a child, artificial insemination? Or did you just have the milkman cum on your wife's shoes & let the flies to the work, like Buttsy did?

Spamurai, you walking Code Brown, you just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? You couldn't just limp away with just a bunch of plungers crammed up your man-canyon, you had to come back for a whole telephone pole. You just had to hit submit just one more time. You couldn't resist it anymore than Irie can resist sneaking a peek in a public restroom. Quantity over quality must be the words you live by.

Post by Guest »

Cuda wrote:
Samurai G wrote:hey Cuda, i challenge you to drop some smack that is over 4 sentences.
I challenge you to try staying off the computer at night. Good Christ, are you so devoid of life- so lacking in connection to the outside world that you can't let go of the internet for a few hours? When my workday is done, I do something you could never comprehend: I shut off my computer. Furthermore, I leave it off ALL fucking night. And you know something else: On Fridays at about 5:00 pm in the evening when I shut it down, It STAYS off pretty much ALL weekend.

I'm about to drop some pretty scary words on you, so brace yourself: Exercise. Social interaction. Family Life. Home Maintenance. I'm know all those things scare the living shit out of you, and how do you suppose I know that? Because you spend 20 fucking hours a day posting on message boards. That's 2 hours a day more than shutyomouth does. And don't try trolling anybody that you have a smaller ass than his either. How the fuck did you manage to conceive a child, artificial insemination? Or did you just have the milkman cum on your wife's shoes & let the flies to the work, like Buttsy did?

Spamurai, you walking Code Brown, you just couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? You couldn't just limp away with just a bunch of plungers crammed up your man-canyon, you had to come back for a whole telephone pole. You just had to hit submit just one more time. You couldn't resist it anymore than Irie can resist sneaking a peek in a public restroom. Quantity over quality must be the words you live by.
You post from work. Epic.

Post by Guest »

So Cuda - what do you call it when you're using all your shit trolls when you're not posting under "Cuda"? Is that your life and excersise? :D

Post by Guest »

i knew he'd melt

tards always do

it's only a matter of time
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Post by rozy »

shutyomouth wrote:So Cuda - what do you call it when you're using all your shit trolls when you're not posting under "Cuda"? Is that your life and excersise? :D
It's Cuda. Why would you go to a card you know to be bullshit when it is simply Cuda? You could face away from the computer and type with your big toes and make a fool of Cuda. So why go here? :lol: It's Cuda.
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.

Post by Guest »

rozy wrote:
shutyomouth wrote:So Cuda - what do you call it when you're using all your shit trolls when you're not posting under "Cuda"? Is that your life and excersise? :D
It's Cuda. Why would you go to a card you know to be bullshit when it is simply Cuda? You could face away from the computer and type with your big toes and make a fool of Cuda. So why go here? :lol: It's Cuda.
RACKS aplenty
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Post by Cuda »

I don't have any trolls. None at all. Don't need any.

When Larry deleted my nic on a3, I posted as Bokonon, and when Massa Harsh deleted that one for dropping a perfectly timed Blazing Saddles reset on Coonibus, I registered as ©™

Nope, no trolls. Sorry* you had to miss with that mighty swing of your purse, but you did, indeed miss

*not sorry
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by lovebuzz »

rozy - you are a mediocore, apparently gay cowboy who has no body hair. i don't know you, you don't know me. you make no sense, and have no personality, and no takes. you live to assume the Mod position and chime in on the heels of others, like Luther. i don't pay attention to you at all, and suggest you do the same. gay waxed cowboys are not my thing, you'd do well to remember that, hoss or i'm gonna have to go ahead and chew you up, spit you out and step on ya.

thank you, drive through.

Post by Guest »

if rozy had a real sense of humor, he would now change his title to "gay waxed cowboy"
