To the matter at hand --
Monen wrote:it makes some people uncomfortable
upsets their ideals/values/morals/whatever
and others just plain don't understand what drives someone to do something like post pictures of themselves naked
Now we're getting somewhere. But I think we have something in common here --
I really don't give a shit
BUT...that doesn't really serve my interests of maximizing my messageboard enetertainment value, now does it?
If posting pics of yourself wearing nothing but secretions makes you happy, then by all means continue, with my blessing(like you cared).
And it's likely I'll both compliment you and insult you for it...because that is how I roll. Then you can insult me in return, hopefully using some witty and creative variants of "you have a small penis," or something along those lines...
And then some other people will likely attempt to use statements I've made to that end against me as some sort of anecdotal evidence that I'm a "fag," and then some from the opposite spectrum will inevitably find cause to call you a "skank," a good time will be had by all, and then we'll log off and do it again tomorrow.
Good times.
Or alternately, you can post pics of your local dopler weather map, and I'm sure I'll figure out a way to make fun of you for that, too...all the same in the end.
So far I've been fairly adept at knowing where to post things like that and where NOT to.
Give me some time, and I'm sure I can eventually make you question this.
If people prefer to think I'm mentally "off" somehow, or that my daddy and his brothers surely poked their fingers in my ass on drunken benders when I was the ripe old age of 7, or that I can't possibly find worth in myself as a person and that I must certainly think nobody else can either, I can't do shit about that.
Oh, you most certainly can
encourage us. Makes for more lively internet banter.
Oh, and btw-you also get RACKed out of this deal. Not real familiar with you, but I've heard the name bandied about and seen a couple of pics. But you seem to have many of these dweebs whipped into shape. Then again, there's nothing like a few pics of a naked chick to draw the sexless losers like moth to a flame(oops, I meant "moth
or did I?).
For myself, it doesn't particularly matter -- you see, when I get to feeling a little randy, my first thought generally isn't "Fuck, I'm horny as hell...I think I'll sit down at my computer and log into T1B." I'm kinda funny like that, I guess. I try to find something to stick my peepee in something besides a well-used tubesock when I'm "feeling the urge," which apparently makes me abnormal around here ("ponderous" is an understatement).
And just kind of as a final thought...
Monen wrote:I'm mentally unstable.
So, if
you're mentally unstabe, then what,
exactly, does that make the rest of these placentafaces?
Anyhoo, take care, Monen. I feel we've really made a connection here, and come to an understanding. Hopefully, we can look forward to seeing some more of you(figuratively) in the future, at which time I reserve the right to call you derogotory names(like everyone else here) and possibly accuse you of harboring rodents in one or more of your orifices.
Been a pleasure, although I'm still having doubts about the integrity of your older male relatives while they were on amphetamine binges....I'm kinda skeptical like that.