Listen up assholeLTS TRN 2 wrote:So, Whistler, you're hearing disturbing things from Olmert's brother? But....of course you couldn't actually form an opinion--on anything. Typical.
Face it, Israel is a race-state experiment that has caused 55-years of dreadful international geo-political instability. There is no reason whatsoever the Arab world--or anyone else, 'cept the guilt-wrapped Germans--should accept this bizarre apartheid bunker state. The millions of Palestinians--regardless of your ignorant bigotry--deserve their land back and a LOT of reparations. Fuck you.
You and your ilk have no interest whatsoever in my "opinion" on this subject as it is not the same or even similar to yours. Don't pretend otherwise. It doesn't matter how often or how loud you scream "race state", the State of Israel has every right to exsist where it is and there's nothing you and your kind can do about it. If your precious Palestinians had an ounce of brain between them, they would have accepted the UN resolution put forth 60 yrs ago and lived in harmony with Israel. Instead they decided to roll the dice under the thumb of some Arabs who didn't then nor now, care one shit for the Palestinians. They gambled, they lost, tough shit. Fuck you to!