Ken Lay assumes room temp

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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Sudden Sam wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: You guys don't think W was going to let "his boy" actually suffer, did you?
Is "W" the puppet or the puppet master ? Let's get a little bit of consistency with our conspiracy theories, mmm'kay.
He's definitely the puppet, but I'm sure he's able to arrange nice places for his convicted buddies.
Let's not forget that the puppet master, i.e., Cheney, was also one of Kenny Boy's buddies.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:Which adminstration prosecuted "Kenny Boy" again?
And who was President when Enron filed bankruptcy?
Oh yes, and which administration strong armed 3rd world countries into accepting shitty deals from Enron?
And which administration strongarmed your state into accepting shitty deals from Enron?
The only thing Dubya ever did for "Kenny Boy" was bust him.
Actually, Kenny Boy received his nickname from W. More importantly, Kenny Boy was W's first choice to be Secretary of Energy. And Cheney met privately with Kenny Boy during his Energy Task Force meetings. Kenny Boy was the only executive to receive that treatment.
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Post by Tom In VA »

And now ...

Oh my God, they killed Kenny ....


You basturds ...
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Rich Fader wrote:Okay, I'm officially confused now. I thought Chenrongoering was the real capo di tutti capi...


I'm fully awake, by the way. And I don't need to torch up a Superball-sized rock of crack every morning to do it. Unlike you.

Naw, Fader, I certainly don't do--or tolerate--cocaine, smack, or speed, for starters. But that's not the issue.

Like a lot of people, you're probably not aware of the development of the current cabal--as described by former under secretary of state Wilkerson as basically comprising Rummy, Cheney, the Chimp, and Wolfie and his pals.

Rummy was the original leader, entrenched in the Nixon administration, but as usual evading any prosecution. Note that it was Prescott Bush, former Nazi banker with Harriman, then a congressman, who first promoted Nixon into national prominence, grooming him for the presidency in '68.

Rummy, after Watergate, is installed as Ford's chief of staff. He then brings in young Dick Cheney, and in what has been called the Halloween Massacre of '74, he and Dick--get this--completely marginalize Kissenger, promote Rummy to Secy of Defense, make Cheney chief of staff, completely cut the ambitious VP Rockefeller out of the action, and appoint George Bush as new CIA chief. And all of these moves were conducted without ANY overview or public notice. A coup, really.

So, even though Cheney as emerged as the Lord of Darkness, it's actually Rummy who is the elder and leader in their vile consortium.

Got it?
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Post by Cuda »

Tom In VA wrote:
Is "W" the puppet or the puppet master ? .

Bush is the Gatekeeper

Chenron is the Keymaster

, btw
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Post by Rich Fader »

In that case, I, for one, welcome our new overlord.

Hail Emperor Donald the First!


By the way...
LTS B TRDS wrote:...he and Dick--get this--completely marginalize Kissenger...
...since when did you start thinking marginalizing Jews in power was a bad thing?


...and furthermore:


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by smackaholic »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:[Rummy was the original leader, entrenched in the Nixon administration, but as usual evading any prosecution. Note that it was Prescott Bush, former Nazi banker with Harriman, then a congressman, who first promoted Nixon into national prominence, grooming him for the presidency in '68.
I see. I guess his being picked for VP 16 years earlier didn't have anything to do with it? Or was a twenty something year old rummy behind that as well. Man, that fukkin' guy is good.
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Post by Rich Fader »

smackaholic wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:[Rummy was the original leader, entrenched in the Nixon administration, but as usual evading any prosecution. Note that it was Prescott Bush, former Nazi banker with Harriman, then a congressman, who first promoted Nixon into national prominence, grooming him for the presidency in '68.
I see. I guess his being picked for VP 16 years earlier didn't have anything to do with it? Or was a twenty something year old rummy behind that as well. Man, that fukkin' guy is good.
Okay, I missed that one. Go ahead and RACK that.

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Post by Rack Fu »

mvscal wrote:
Rack Fu wrote:his death has little bearing on the matter and cannot be sheltered by the estate.
Guess again, Gman. For all intents and purposes, his death vacates his criminal conviction. His estate is still vulnerable to civil suits, but criminal forfeitures are dead in the water.
I was not aware of the obsure precedent ruling. We got an email about it this morning. I'll be interested to see if the Enron Task Force/DOJ attorneys try to tackle this.
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Post by Schmeck »

Related to the topic.............

How a heart attack saved Enron's founder $43.5 million.
By Daniel Engber
Posted Thursday, July 6, 2006, at 6:36 PM ET
The unexpected death of convicted Enron founder Kenneth Lay may end up saving his family tens of millions of dollars in government fines. Lay's massive heart attack should keep prosecutors from seizing the $43.5 million in assets they had demanded last Friday. How come Ken Lay's estate gets to keep that money?

Now that he's dead, he's no longer a criminal. The principle of "abatement" lets a defendant off the hook for a conviction if he happens to die before getting through at least one round of appeals. If he doesn't get a chance to file an appeal, he's missed out on an integral part of the legal process, so he gets the benefit of the doubt. In other words, he's innocent until proven guilty, and then proven guilty again. Since Ken Lay died before he could appeal, the courts will abate his conviction and all the punishments he would have received.

A defendant doesn't even have to assert his innocence or file an appeal to score an abatement. If he dies within the 30-day window allowed for appeals, he gets his conviction abated no matter what. That means Ken Lay would still have had his abatement if he'd raced out of the courtroom and shot himself just moments after hearing the original verdict in his case.

Most states and almost every circuit in the federal system treat abatements the same way: A defendant's conviction disappears, and his estate can ignore any outstanding fines against him. (If the defendant had already paid some fines, the government gets to keep that money.) The 3rd Circuit provides the exception to this rule: There, a defendant keeps his conviction when he dies. His case freezes—there are no further punishments, but also no opportunities for appeal.

The federal rule of abatement can also have a big impact on outstanding civil suits. In general, a plaintiff can go ahead and sue a dead man by subbing in the man's estate as the defendant in the case. (This won't work for some kinds of lawsuits—a dead man can't be liable for defamation, for example.) But if the dead man's conviction had been abated, the plaintiffs wouldn't be able to use it against him in civil court. That means the plaintiffs against Ken Lay would have to argue the facts of the criminal case all over again in front of a civil judge.

There's a catch: Because Lay and Jeffrey Skilling may be named as co-defendants on the civil suits—and because Skilling is alive, well, and unabated—a judge might decide to let the plaintiff lawyers use the Skilling conviction without rearguing the case against Lay.
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Post by Derron »

Naw, Fader, I certainly don't do--or tolerate--cocaine, smack, or speed, for starters. But that's not the issue.

You could blame your rambling incoherent on the dope.

I notice you did not mention acid or weed. Admit to using one of the drugs and your stupidity can be explained. If you continue to deny the use of the drugs, then it proves your just a stupid fucking idiot.
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Post by M2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:It is with littlae solace that we learn of Lay's cowardly suicide. After all,
It was a heart attack, dumbfuck.

...and too think he didn't have a heart...

He cheated every single utility user in the State of California. I am only sorry that death cheated the justiuce system from extracting their due. In the new "Gilded Age" he will go down as one of the real swine. Too bad they haven't gotten his best buddy who called him "Kenny Boy", but that will have to be left to history.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Tom In VA wrote:According to the radio this morning, since he died before sentencing the family gets to keep whatever assets he had and all that.
I wouldn't be so sure about that part in bold. Yeah, the government won't be able to seize those assets, but I expect his estate will be tied up in litigation for years. And ultimately, his estate probably will be insolvent. I don't expect his family to see much, if anything, from his estate when all is said and done. And the estate may even avoid estate tax (unsure about this point, I'm not sure whether estate tax is calculated upon gross estate or net estate).

OTOH, assuming his real property and bank accounts were jointly titled to his wife, those will pass directly to her outside of the probate process, so it's not as though this whole thing will leave her exactly destitute.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:OTOH, assuming his real property and bank accounts were jointly titled to his wife, those will pass directly to her outside of the probate process, so it's not as though this whole thing will leave her exactly destitute.
Poor thing might have to sell one of her vacation homes and retire on the proceeds.
Couldn't agree more. Anyone accusing me of sympathy for this crew is quite obviously barking up the wrong tree.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

smackaholic wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:[Rummy was the original leader, entrenched in the Nixon administration, but as usual evading any prosecution. Note that it was Prescott Bush, former Nazi banker with Harriman, then a congressman, who first promoted Nixon into national prominence, grooming him for the presidency in '68.
I see. I guess his being picked for VP 16 years earlier didn't have anything to do with it? Or was a twenty something year old rummy behind that as well. Man, that fukkin' guy is good.

Wake the fuck up!!!

Are you truly so fucking ignorant that you don't know when Prescott Bush was a power-dealing Nazi in congress (today, as FZ would later quip)?

Prescott Bush was the primary mover and shaker that got the Quaker Nixon on the ticket in 1952. What, are you a total idiot?

And Fader--and what's yer other silly nic?--NOBOBY needs any drugs to see what a vile fear-mongering fascist cabal has been dropped by the neocons having fucked the evangelicals in the ass--to their mutual hee-hawing bliss!

The fact that they would throw Kissinger to the wolves--and Kenny Boy, and ANYONE else--reveals how there's obviously no honor among international war criminals and psychopathic traitors. Uh...excuse me, but are you in any way aware of what happened--in broad daylight, as it were--to fuckstain ZioNazi number one--brain dead Sharon?

He was admitted to the hospital with a minor stroke--no biggie. And the good doctors promptly administered him medication which rendered him brain dead--permanently. In any normal society, this would be the biggest malpractice suit of all time. But in the fevered, apartheid bunker scene that is Israel---well, let's just go attack the giant kennel called Gaza.

Really, asshole---just this once---TRY to wake the fuck up!
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Post by JCT »

Jesus Christ you're fucking dumb.
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Post by JCT »

And just to show how fucking stupid you really are. Prescott Bush was NEVER a Congressman. He was elected to the Senate in 1952. 6 fucking years after Nixon was a Congressman and then a Senator. Prescott Bush had NOTHING to do with Richard Nixon. Fucking retard. Bush's first political "office" was Connecticut Republican finance chairman which started in 1947. Nixon was already in Congress then, retard.
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Post by poptart »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Wake the fuck up!!!
Wake up. Wakey wake. Wake the fuck up!!!
yada yada yada ...........

I don't think I've ever seen one of your posts where you didn't yell at everyone to wake up.

It never dawned on you that perhaps it is YOU who is asleep, did it ..... ?

Go fuck yourself, asshead.
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

JCT wrote:And just to show how fucking stupid you really are. Prescott Bush was NEVER a Congressman. He was elected to the Senate in 1952. 6 fucking years after Nixon was a Congressman and then a Senator. Prescott Bush had NOTHING to do with Richard Nixon. Fucking retard. Bush's first political "office" was Connecticut Republican finance chairman which started in 1947. Nixon was already in Congress then, retard.

Okay, it was indeed Senator Bush who indeed got congressman Nixon on the ticket. Image

This small correction does not in any way change the fact that Prescott Bush was a director of the Union Banking Corporation, which the U.S. government took over in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corporation stock shares, all of which were owned by E. Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Prescott Bush.

President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the Thyssen family of Germany and/or Hungary, nationals of a designated enemy country.

Moreover, this act by the U.S. government made it clear that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corporation were in essence front men for the Nazis. By keeping news of this seizure quiet, the American government avoided the more important issue: in what way were Hitler and his Nazi cohorts set up, armed, and supported by the New York and London cartel of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager?


Ever wonder how someone like this sailed into a Senate seat?

Why "Wake Up?"

Because if you don't realize what's going on, then you're just a puppet. So waking up is just the first step? Now wake the fuck up! :wink:
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Post by JCT »

Okay, it was indeed Senator Bush who indeed got congressman Nixon on the ticket

Wow, you are indeed fucking stupid. How did "Senator" Bush get Nixon on that ticket when he was elected to the senate on the SAME day that Nixon (who was a Senator) was elected VP?

Mix in a basic history class.
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Post by JCT »

mvscal wrote:Prescott Bush has been dead for over 30 years. What the fuck does he have to do with anything?


Come on it's fun picking on the retarded.
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Post by Cuda »

mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:OTOH, assuming his real property and bank accounts were jointly titled to his wife, those will pass directly to her outside of the probate process, so it's not as though this whole thing will leave her exactly destitute.
Poor thing might have to sell one of her vacation homes and retire on the proceeds.
it's not easy feeding a family on $20 million a year, you know.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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