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Post by War Wagon »

Page fucking 9...why the hell not? Ridiculing a midget lawyer with a miniscule cerebral cortex is rather FUN.
Mike the Lab Rat wrote: I believe firmly that man landed on the moon, that the Earth is round...

Don't bother, I won't acknowledge it's veracity anyways.

Good to see that you've bought into this garbage without a shred of evidence, science boy.

You are a dumbass.


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Post by Rack Fu »

Wasn't there actual footage of that plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11?

A video surfaced a couple of months back... so why are we having this discussion with TinfoilhatV0?
WASHINGTON — Conspiracy theorists may or may not be disappointed Tuesday when they see footage released from the Pentagon showing two angles of American Flight 77 hitting the western wall of the building on Sept. 11, 2001.

The Department of Justice released the videotape after a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog. The request was made to quiet claims by some that pictures from that day never showed an airplane, only the "alleged" impact of the plane. Those claims spawned theories that the U.S. government faked the crash at the Pentagon.

"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks."

One of the tapes is from a security camera that was used to produce five still shots on that day. That video, which takes pictures in half-second increments, shows the nose cone of the plane clearly entering the picture, then a blur and then a fireball.

The other camera shot that hasn't been seen before shows more of the plane before the fireball.

Several other cameras throughout the years supposedly caught part of the attack on tape, but none of these leads have panned out.

Tom Bortner, a Pentagon attack survivor, said he thinks the speed of the plane is what prevented the attack from being captured on more surveillance cameras on the premises.

"I think it's conclusive that plane hit the Pentagon and I don't think the tape really adds or detracts from that," Bortner said.

American Airlines Flight 77 left Dulles Airport outside Washington, D.C., around 8:51 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. On its way to Los Angeles, the plane was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. EDT; 184 people died in that attack.

Three other planes were hijacked that day. Two hit the North and South towers of the World Trade Center and one — United Flight 93 — believed to be headed to Washington, D.C., was stopped by passengers who fought the hijackers. The plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pa. Nearly 3,000 people died that day as a result of the attacks.

"I think it's appropriate that the American people be reminded from time to time about the horror of that day, be reminded about the fact we need to remain vigilant, we need to take the rest of the steps the commission recommended," James Thompson, the former Illinois governor who sat on the Sept. 11 commission, told FOX News.

A dramatic film, "United 93," is currently in wide release depicting that day. The film borrows heavily from taped phone conversations that passengers and crew had with their families and air traffic controllers before the fight for control of the plane.

Judicial Watch first filed the FOIA request in February 2004. It received a letter from the Pentagon in January 2005 that it possessed a videotape responsive to the request but wouldn't release it since it was "part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui." Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in February 2006, arguing that the Defense Department had "no legal basis" to withhold the tape.

Moussaoui, the only person formally charged with his role in the attacks, was recently sentenced to six consecutive life terms in prison.
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Post by socal »

You rang?

We know, we know TVO...the footage is a hoax. Save it for the SLO Bar.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.

Post by warren »

Jsc810 wrote:MS, your legal education is working against you here. If this was a criminal trial where Bush had to prove what happened beyond a reasonable doubt, then yeah, your approach might make sense.

I understand. That is what you do. But this isn't a criminal trial, and you cannot win this argument by continuously changing topics, nitpicking, and other obfuscation.

Those who do not wear tin foil hats believe that the damages of 9/11 were caused by the terrorists.

Although you have asked many questions, you have yet to provide any answers. If it wasn't the terrorists, then what happened? Did Bush, Rove, or members of the Trilateral Commission conspire with Osama bin Laden? Did the CIA plant bombs in WTC 7 or the Pentagon?

I believe 9/11 is accurately explained in The 9/11 Commission Report, and that no agent of our government was involved. What do you believe?

Just plain RACK this guy and his consistantly clear headed approach to a word some are known to call "thinking."
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Post by poptart »

The sheer scope of cover-up necessary for 9/11 to have been anything other than what we all KNOW it was prohibits it from being remotely rational to consider.

Hell, the cover-up needed would make the cover-up of the Bush election theft look like total baby shit.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote: Nice going yourself, there, shyster boy - you seem to have forgotten that we already did this entire go round on this very topic many moons ago, and YES I did read the "science" as you call it and I agree with the official reports.
1st-So called science? Just because you don't like where it leads does not make it junk.
2nd- You are such a lying sack of shit. You NEVER took it seriously or ever showed how what I posted was bunk.
Your nitpicking obscure points at that time showed an appalling dependence on conspiracy site interpretations...which then get debunked by various sites people put up.
Another lie. No one ever explained the 'magic plane theory.' Why? Because the science isn't there to do it.
I'm no fan of GW. I think that Dumbya is perhaps the single stupidest person to ever draw breath in the Oval Office. In my opinion, Cheney and Rove leave a trail of slime wherever they go. However, I don't for a frigging second believe in some wild, unsubstantiated fantasy that has those guys deliberately having Americans die by the thousands for some sinister end.
Who said that? I never said that. YOU lump me in with people and say I said what they say. That is a fallacy of the worst kind.
For all I know AQ slammed a missile into the pentagon and the Bushies are covering up that fact so as to not worry the American people further.
Try and learn how to read what I type you moronic fuck.
Unfortunately for you, one of the ways in which I (and probably many others 'round these parts) judge the "message" is by looking at the "messenger."
I have never once posted a fallacious argument. You do it in every post. Messenger what?
You haven't exactly helped your own case, insinuating that people didn't really die in that plane that hit the Pentagon - what, are the people in some super secret "holding cell?" Have they all been given new identities like mobsters in a witness protection program? Were they whisked away by frigging aliens?
Fucking LIAR! If you could read you would know that I never said they are not dead.
I already know your usual response: "Have YOU seen the bodies?!?!?! Has anybody?!?! Give me the names of those who have!!!"
Name one person.
You know what? I believe firmly that man landed on the moon, that the Earth is round, that the Freemasons are just a bunch of old dudes who wear funny clothes and get drunk a lot,
Another fallacy. Poison the well much?

You can't explain the 'magic plane theory' or the pancake theory or any of a number of theories that your position relies on because the science isn't there. You can say you have but we both know that is a lie. You go straight to the science card on ever other occasion, but not now. Why is that? Because the science isn't there to explain them.

How did WTC 7 fall again?

Go fuck yourself.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:...when you reach the first point that you disagree with, please identify it.

Thank you.
You can start with the first word. I don't believe the report, but I will play anyways.

"At 7:15, a pair of them, Khalid al Mihdhar and Majed Moqed, checked in at the American Airlines ticket counter for Flight 77, bound for Los Angeles."
Really? How do we know this? And how is it relevant to the issue at hand? If true does that really make it more likely that 77 hit the pentagon? How?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Rack Fu wrote:Wasn't there actual footage of that plane hitting the Pentagon on 9/11?
That is your evidence? Have you seen the footage? Click socal's link and then tell me that proves anything about 77. Gawd your side of the aisle is full of tards.

Show me how that is 77.

19 people pulled it off but the U.S. government couldn't?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Not so fast. You never ruled on my relevancy objection. How is it relevant? I know your position would be that you have to get the hijackers on the plane for your theory to work, but that doesn't make it more likely that 77 hit the pentagon only that the plane was hijacked.

If you do rule against me my next bone of contention would be the next line. "Within the next 20 minutes, they would be followed by Hani Hanjour..." This is not Hani Hanjour.


I know your side says it is but it isn't. This is HH.


Those are not the same person. Notice the hairline and the long face of the real HH.

I know I know. The Dulles security video was released 3 years AFTER 9/11, and DOES NOT have a TIME/DATE STAMP. Making it useless and inadmissible in court, but I think you can work with me on that right? You did just say we know the first two boarded because the video says so right?

You might want to review the evidence before you post a rely, because I know more about this than you might think and will catch every little slip up you make.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

I'll stip to the other 4 boarding. I don't think they did but I will stip to it to move this along.
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Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Moving Sale wrote:2nd- You are such a lying sack of shit. You NEVER took it seriously or ever showed how what I posted was bunk.
Now, now, you Lilliputian legal dimwit, calling me a "lying sack of shit" just shows your frustration and inability to handle the truth. I tried taking the stuff you posted seriously, albeit with a grain of salt (which cannot be helped when the preponderance of experts disagree with YOU). What I found did not convince me that I should cast my lot with you and the other conspiracy nuts.

I read it. It didn't convince me. Get over it.

Resorting to name-calling just shows your desperation.
Moving Sale wrote:For all I know AQ slammed a missile into the pentagon and the Bushies are covering up that fact so as to not worry the American people further.
"For all you know?" Nice dodge. And nice of you to then toss in some more idiotic, paranoid possibilities.
Moving Sale wrote:I have never once posted a fallacious argument.
You are a walking, talking, posting fallacy. You do absoultely nothing but spew ad hominems, try to throw the burden of proof on others when YOU are the one with that burden, you make utterly ridiculous, endless requests for layers of proof (prove that people died?). You have done prcisely nothing to either prove your case nor undermine the official story (which is all you are attempting).
Moving Sale wrote:Messenger what?
Sigh.... Let me explain it this way - you are widely perceived as an imbecile, and therefore, even if you were to somehow correctly present the solution to world peace, the cure for cancer, and cold fusion, no one here would give it any credence because YOU, TheVapidOne, presented it.

It has gotten to the point that even your correct responses are given a "blind squirrel/nut" or "broken clock right twice a day" acceptance. It sure as hell will never be due to any keen incisive legal manuevering on your part.
You haven't exactly helped your own case, insinuating that people didn't really die in that plane that hit the Pentagon - what, are the people in some super secret "holding cell?" Have they all been given new identities like mobsters in a witness protection program? Were they whisked away by frigging aliens?
Moving Sale wrote:Fucking LIAR! If you could read you would know that I never said they are not dead.
In your own words:
MovingThe GoalPosts wrote:No proof they are dead. No proof, if they are dead, that they died on 911. No proof, if they are dead, that they died when '77 hit the pentagon.' Just a list of 64 people that may or may not be dead. Try harder next time. if you are claiming that there's no proof they are dead, then what ARE you saying? Either they are dead or alive, and you on record as saying that there is "no proof they are dead."

Your fucking words.

It's now out there for all to see. You are the liar.
MtLR wrote:I already know your usual response: "Have YOU seen the bodies?!?!?! Has anybody?!?! Give me the names of those who have!!!"
Moving Bowels wrote:Name one person.
One person who died? One person who SAW a dead body? One person who did the forensic analysis?

And then, you'd ask for proof of THEIR existence, training, etc.

And then you'd question their credentials.

All you are attempting to do is make the burden of proof so onerous through demanding endless layers of proof and endless links (which you then offhandedly dismiss and request MORE...). When your opponent finally realizes the futility of trying to appeas your endless requests, you'll wave those itty-bitty biceps in the air and squeak "SCOREBOARD!"

You couldn't be more transparent if your head was made of glass.
Moving Sale wrote:You can't explain the 'magic plane theory' or the pancake theory or any of a number of theories that your position relies on because the science isn't there. You can say you have but we both know that is a lie. I know that I read those paranoid pseudoscientific screeds and gave them no acceptance on my first reading. You just don't like that I disagree with their validity and have to resort to name-calling.

Once again, that's your m.o. In your "small, small world," anyone who disgarees with you is a 'dumbfuck' or is committing a 'fallacy.'
Moving Sale wrote:How did WTC 7 fall again?

Go fuck yourself.
Nice bit of legal argumentation right there, you half-witted homunculus.

BTW, since you keep whining about wanting more links, here you go:



THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.
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Post by OCmike »

I don't know why anyone is still trying to convince TVO about anything regarding flight 77. Anyone with the ability to reason and form rational thought knows exactly what happened. At this point, he's either just playing stupid because he's bored, or he really is that dumb.
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Post by socal »

Moving Sale wrote:socal,
Show me how that is 77.
Here's your cover up, Otter Pop:
What Really Happened. Honest wrote:The Pentagon Force Protection Agency were mystified when they came upon a smoldering hole in the side of the western wall along the outer ring. The metal debris resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it turned out to be the vaporized remains of an automobile. The make of the vehicle was unidentifiable at the scene.

The folks in the lab finally figured out what it was, and pieced together the events that led up to its demise.

It seems that a former Air Force sergeant had somehow got hold of a JATO (Jet Assisted Take-Off) unit. JATO units are solid fuel rockets used to give heavy military transport airplanes an extra push for take-off from short airfields.

The sergeant took the JATO unit into the Washington D.C. desert and found a long, straight stretch of road. He attached the JATO unit to his car, jumped in, accelerated to a high speed, and fired off the rocket. The facts, as best as could be determined, are as follows:

The operator was driving a 1967 Chevy Impala. He ignited the JATO unit approximately 3.9 miles from the crash site. This was established by the location of a prominently scorched and melted strip of asphalt. The vehicle quickly reached a speed of between 250 and 300 mph and continued at that speed, under full power, for an additional 20-25 seconds. The soon-to-be pilot experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog-fighting F-14 jocks under full afterburners.

The Chevy remained on the straight highway for approximately 2.6 miles (15-20 seconds) before the driver applied the brakes, completely melting them, blowing the tires, and leaving thick rubber marks on the road surface. The vehicle then became airborne for an additional 1.3 miles, impacted the base of the Pentagon, and left a blackened crater 12 feet wide.

Most of the driver's remains were not recovered; however, small fragments of bone, teeth, and hair were extracted from the crater, and fingernail and bone shards were removed from a piece of debris believed to be a portion of the steering wheel.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Post by smackaholic »

Moving Sale wrote: How did WTC 7 fall again?
You fukking tell me TiVo. If you are making the inference that there was something more than a pair of jets that brought down 2 really fukking big buildings, don't you think that maybe, just maybe they would have been able to topple, #7 just as easily at the same time? But it didn't. It went down quite a while later and I'll take a wild guess and say that 2 really, really, really fukking big buildings a few feet away had some influence on it.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:Now, now, you Lilliputian legal dimwit, calling me a "lying sack of shit" just shows your frustration and inability to handle the truth.
Sorry I didn't read the rest of your rant... I was laughing too hard.

Carry on tard.

That makes sense if the building then falls towards the site of towers 1 and 2 but it didn't, it fell straight down in a few seconds. Way too fast and straight if the building wasn't pulled*. (I can post the science if you would like.)

*Remember the owner said he had it 'pulled.' How was it even ready to pull? It fell at 5:20. They rigged it to be pulled that fast?

Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

OCmike wrote:Anyone with the ability to reason and form rational thought ...
That leaves out most of the people on this board who tow the government line.

The 'magic plane theory?' I laughed.
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Post by RadioFan »

Moving Sale wrote: That leaves out most of the people on this board who tow the government line.

I was just abducted by aliens while listening to Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM.

I must say, MS, your buying into this particular conspiracy is strange, to say the least. Entertaining, but very strange. Either that, or it's a magnificent troll job.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

I would imagine that they had 'fixed' that 'mis-identification' by the time of the release of the report. So let's move on.

"About 20 minutes later, at 7:35, another passenger for Flight 77, Hani Hanjour, placed two carry-on bags on the X-ray belt in the Main Terminal’s west checkpoint,and proceeded, without alarm, through the metal detector."

Then why was he not on the AA77 manifest? Why was he not on the list released by the FBI as a suspect on 9-13-01? You know the one with 18 names on it? Who is 'Mosear Caned' and why was his name dropped from the list on the afternoon of the 14th (the list with 19 names including HH) after being added on the morning of the 14th (making him the 19th name on that list)?

Warming up in the on deck circle... How did such a shitty pilot fly such a hard fight path?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Deal with how he got a ticket and the inconsistencies in the lists and we'll see.

But I will stip that NOW there is a video of a guy that looks like him in Dulles.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

RadioFan wrote:I must say, MS, your buying into this particular conspiracy is strange, to say the least. Entertaining, but very strange..
I haven't bought anything, I'm still shopping. I can tell you that, more than anything else, the shit retorts I get from people towing the government line make me think the whole thing stinks. Mis-information, dis-information, flat out lies, fallacies by the boat-load, reliance on government docs to prove the government line. It is all very strange indeed.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

I don't think they are in the report. That is my whole point as to why one cannot rely on it for all the information one needs to understand what happened.

Do you deny that the FBI released three lists (one with 18 names, one with 19 names and no HH, and one with 199 including HH?) If not how do you explain them? Why was HH not on the AA77 manifest? Or do you deny he was missing from the manifest?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:Yeah, I'll stipulate that there was confusion the week after 9/11 and that the FBI had not established all of the facts at that time.
Confusion? That is rich. Are you saying he was not on the list because he used the wrong name? Is that name on the manifest?
Do you now agree that Hani boarded the plane?
To move this along, I'll stip to it for this thread only.

Next question. How did such a shit pilot fly such a hard flight plan?

On deck.... 36 missing minutes, phone calls and then lamp-posts
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Post by Van »

Jsc810 wrote:Ok, we've agreed that the 5 terrorists boarded the plane, great.

Where is the next part of The 9/11 Commission Report that you disagree with?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Chronologically? How about Mrs. Olsen's call? (I might have missed one or two but we'll just go with this for now.)

Her husband said "she was calling collect." (London Telegraph by Toby Harnden entitled "She Asked Me How To Stop The Plane" March 5, 2002.) What? In 2001? From a headset phone? They needed a CC to activate them at that time thus eliminating the need to call collect. Can you show how I am wrong here?

And why did Mr. Olsen tell CNN* about this story on 9-12-01?
How could it have been vetted so quickly? If it was not vetted, why would the Solicitor General give an un-vetted account to CNN?

And why is she not here?
The only Olsen to die on 9-11-01 was LEONA F OLSEN with a DOB of 08 Jun 1916. And nobody with her DOB (12-27-1955) died on Sept. 11, 2001. Not sure how that site works but I would like you to explain it to me if you can.

*"Ted Olson told CNN that his wife said all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers." (CNN September 12, 2001 at 2.06 am EDT)

Edit: Addressing the Supreme Court of the United States of America,  US Solicitor General Theodore Olson said it is "easy to imagine an infinite number of situations . . . where government officials might quite legitimately have reasons to give false information out." (Washington Post by Jim Hoagland entitled “The Limits of Lying” March 21, 2002, page A35)
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Post by Mississippi Neck »

The fact that some of you waste time on this idiot is more disturbing than his inane arguments.
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.
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Post by Mississippi Neck »

Well, if something good is coming out of this exercise, then I'm down with it. :D
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Jsc810 wrote:Plus I enjoy arguments, especially those that I win. :wink:
Yeah, but this one is like beating a special olympian.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

88 wrote: I thought we were talking science here.
He asked me a question. I'm answering it. We will get to the science part soon enough. WTF do you care anyways?
You are trying to create an issue using inadmissible hearsay.
That is manufactured horseshit that would never make it before a jury.
First off, The headset expert's testimony would not be hearsay, it would fall under FRE 701, and you know it.
As for Mr. Olsen's testimony that would not be hearsay it would be an admission by a party-opponent under FRE801d2e.

Second, I am not trying to prove the truth of the matter in many of these cases anyways. Most of it would be used to impeach using PIS.
And I know nothing about the content of the rootsweb database.
The things relating to 911 that you know nothing about could fill the hole at ground zero 100 plus stories high.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote: Your issue of whether or not she made a collect call is not addressed by the report, and therefore is not a point that I asserted.
That is a pretty shitty way to get out of it, but I can't force you to answer. I still say she did not make the call. The evidence points to her husband lying about the whole thing.
Please identify what part, if any, of the above quote that you disagree with.
If you are going to play the way you have been we might as well get to the meat. The next part I would mention is where it says 77 hit the pentagon. I don't think that happened. (I would have brought up the flight being hard to pull off for HH or the lamposts, but since the shit report.... errr 911 report does not mention that HH was the pilot or anything about the lamp-posts you would have just dodged them anyways.)
Neck, this process has been educational and interesting to me. I had only read parts of the Report previously, and this has been an opportunity for me to read the whole thing.
That you had not read the report was no suprise. Nice that you are educating yourself...after you made up your mind. What knid of crap is that?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote: I'd like to know whether he has a rational basis for that belief.
Then you might want to branch out and look at something other than the 911 report before you make up your mind.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote: What evidence are you talking about?
I can see how you missed the La bar the first time. The evidence is a report that Mr. Olsen said she called collect when that is not possible. As 88 tried to point out I have an FRE hoop or two to jump thru, but I would get there.
The entire world saw the evidence.
There you go again. That is not true. A few frames of video that is shit for quality? Come on.
You've agreed that terrorists boarded the plane. I look forward to seeing how you get from that point to a (rational) conclusion that 77 didn't hit the Pentagon.
Terrorists boarded 93 too and IT didn't hit then pentagon. How do YOU get from Kentucky to the pentagon?
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Mississippi Neck wrote:The fact that some of you waste time on this idiot is more disturbing than his inane arguments.
No shit.

BTW, Olsen called Ted on her cell phone and described how one of Satan's disciples cut the throat of a female stewardess. I remember that like it was yesterday.

Fuck you TVO you little gimped bitch.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Atomic Punk wrote: BTW, Olsen called Ted on her cell phone..
Then he is a liar? Or is it Harnden that is lying?

Or maybe you are full of shit.

88,Rat,Jsc... et al,
Great lot you have cast yourself with. One guy thinks a plane hit WTC7. One guy thinks Mrs. Olsen used a cell phone. One guy thinks WTC7 was next to the towers when it was on the other side of 5,6 from the towers and across a fucking street. Science guy is suddenly afraid of science. One guy doesn't know 77 was off radar for 36 minutes. One guy even said in a thread long gone that the wings were sheared off by the lamp posts. Jeez.
Get your story straight guys*.

*I know I know it's a fallacy. I'm trading them in at 15 to 1. You guys can now post 15 more. Shouldn't be more than 3 or 4 posts.
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Post by Atomic Punk »


I listened to Ted talk about the last few minutes with his wife. I remember this like it was yesterday. She called Ted on her cell phone. She was sitting towards the back of the plane on the left aisle side. She was very descriptive about how those monsters that are currently awaiting the "2nd Death" were behaving.

Damn dude, why do you have to be anti-everything good?
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Post by Van »

AP, solving the riddle of why TVO is a Raider fan, wrote:Damn dude, why do you have to be anti-everything good?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote: What happened next? Where do you disagree with The 9/11 Commission Report?
I told you, the part where it says 77 hit the pentagon.

I don't give a shit what your rum soaked brain thinks it remembers from 911.

The man said his wife called collect. You can't call collect form a cell phone or the headset phone.

Now THAT hurts. FYI- first home game is on 9-11. :eek:
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Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jsc810 wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Yeah, but this one is like beating a special olympian.
Not true, dude passed the CA bar exam, something that very few can do. Hell, I failed the La. bar exam the first time I took it, and I think he passed his first time. Props.

He's said he doesn't believe our government. I'd like to know whether he has a rational basis for that belief.

What, are you a joke?

A proper question might be, Why should anyone trust the malignant cabal known as the Bush Administation?

After all. they've started a catastrophic disaster of a thoroughly illegitimate invasion of a soverign nation--and did so on a concerted campaign of LIES, DISTORTIONS, SMEARS, and most of all, FEAR MONGERING.

What's wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report?

Basic problems concern an ALL-OUT effort by the Bush cabal to stonewall and dismiss the entire commission. Gee, Jsc, you silly Rove-parrot, are you TOTALLY asleep?

Specific problems quickly arise--

--NO mention of the inexplicible collapse of 7 World trade Center

--Harpers Magazine writer Benjamin DeMott stated, "The plain, sad reality — I report this following four full days studying the work — is that The 9/11 Commission Report, despite the vast quantity of labor behind it, is a cheat and a fraud. It stands as a series of evasive maneuvers that infantilize the audience, transform candor into iniquity, and conceal realities that demand immediate inspection and confrontation . . . At the core of all these failures lies a deep wariness of earnest, well-informed public debate."

--The Report did not include the testimony of FAA counter-terrorism expert Bogdan Dzakovic, who stated to the Commission, "We breached security up to 90 percent of the time. The FAA suppressed these warnings. Instead, we were ordered not to write up our reports and not to retest airports where we found particularly egregious vulnerabilities, to see if the problems had been fixed.

--The Report did not include key testimony by secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta which describes the situation in the Presidential Emergency Operating Center with vice president Cheney as American Airlines flight 77 approached the Pentagon on 9/11/01: "There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" (i.e., let it cruise in)

--Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, said "There are not many editors eager for writers to explore the glaring defects of the 9/11 Commission Report. One would think that if the report could stand analysis, there would not be a taboo against calling attention to the inadequacy of its explanations. We know the government lied about Iraqi WMD, but we believe the government told the truth about 9/11."

Basically, the pathetic Report offered by the 9/11 Commission is about as hollow and fake as the Warren Commision's similar effort.

As for your FAKE attempts to prop up any "official" line of this whole insane and criminal enterprise, consider your weak ass squarely kicked, your clenched hole WAKEY WAKED!!!
2014 JFFL Champion
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Post by jiminphilly »

Jsc810 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
Jsc810 wrote: What happened next? Where do you disagree with The 9/11 Commission Report?
I told you, the part where it says 77 hit the pentagon.
Let me see if I have this right. You agree that:

1) On 9/11, terrorists boarded 4 planes, AA Flight 11, UA Flight 175, UA Flight 93, and AA Flight 77.
2) AA Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the WTC.
3) UA Flight 175 hit the South Tower.
4) UA Flight 93 crashed in southwest Pennsylvania.

Yet somehow AA Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon.

Is that what you're claiming?
I think you confused him, Jsc. Good job.
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote: Is that what you're claiming?
Jump ahead if you want to, but I have not addressed 93 (which is addressed after 77 in the 911 report.)

I have reasonable doubt that 77 hit the pentagon.

Would you care to deal with that at some point?
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

Of course I need to lay a foundation before the reporter's testimony of Mr. Olsen's hearsay statement would come in. YOU might not think I can do that, but I think I can.
88 wrote:{If} Ted Olson is available to testify.
If I get him on the stand he is toast. As for as not being able to use extrinsic evidence of a prior inconsistent statement. Huh? 613b clearly say I can bring in EE to impeach using a PIS as long as "the witness is afforded an opportunity to explain or deny the same and the opposite party is afforded an opportunity to interrogate the witness thereon..."
Not sure where you got the idea that EE could not be used to impeach using a PIS, but you are waaaaay out of bounds.

I will stip, for this thread only, that 5 people YOU call terrorists boarded 77 on 9-11-01 and that 77 dropped off radar over Kentucky, or there abouts, at around 9AM eastern.

Your turn.
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