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Captain Haddock
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Post by Captain Haddock »

In defense of Fatso.. I'm always surprised he has enough cardio to type on the keyboard.
Lily-livered bandicoots!
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Post by drummer »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At all the responses here ...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

At the lack of responses from the posters on this thread on this board , at the board you people are constantly perusing .

There is really no more to be said about it , because the proof is in THE pudding right there .
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Post by Luther »


Mr. Drummer is talkin' bout puddin? He's telling us that the proof is in the pudding. Looks like he's calling no joy and backing out of this thread. Mr. Drummer, what exactly is in your puddin' recipe? Mr. Drummer seems to know all the ingredients for either a good poster, or a legitimate board. Have we seen the Drummer types before? Oh hell yes. Until this year, I didn't know squat about your name. So Mr. Drummer comes in and is trying to tell posters from way back on what it is. Meester Drummer, not only swings from Old Country Buffsprays sack, but now he's going to school us.

The only reason you have nothing more to say HERE, is because you don't want it thrown back in your face. You're an errand boy, an ass kisser, a pot stirring unfunny mope. Go get your shine box, Mr. Drummer and then come back in and start to polish. You're good at polishing knobs, ain't ya?

And you had the audacity to give shit to some of the other .net types that came over and tried to run smack. You'd still do your stupid errand boy routine, stir the pot crap and repost the stuff from here, and paste it back over there, didn't ya? You are like the little fucking dork who runs off the playground and tells the big old bully that so and so called him this, or called him that. Then you'd sneak behind the trash bin to watch the fights, drawing a woodie and wondering who you'll slobber on next. HAHAHAHAHAHA

I guess if T1B let you down, ShineBox, then we are all so sorry to see you leave. I used to be the parting gifts guy, but I just don't have anything that could make you happy...unless...would a nice horse hair brush help you out in your next sack polishing adventure?

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4. Forums. If you don't like it, leave. It is that simple.

OK, bye.
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Post by drummer »

Luther , just to point out something you said earlier ...

You don't have to , or want to , post at Spray's board .

But you HAD to post about it here , and carry on with it .

But you can READ my response to Spray .

And you can tell me what you think about it , here .
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Post by Luther »

drummer wrote:Luther , just to point out something you said earlier ...

You don't have to , or want to , post at Spray's board .

But you HAD to post about it here , and carry on with it .

But you can READ my response to Spray .

And you can tell me what you think about it , here .
This is a sole thread about the transgressions of b.s. and his downfall. I've never been a mod or an admin, so I have had nothing to do with any of the penalties. On the other hand, do I agree with them? Yessiree bob. I'm posting about it here because mvscal started a thread about it. Typically, we've had errand boys like you post the same shit over at the bat, and I've basically responded with, "We don't want to hear it."

I read your response to US from YOU, HERE. I told you what I think about your errand boy, shit stirring crap you've been enjoying for the last year or so. Am I lying about it? He's banned from here, there and basically everywhere because he deserves it. He's been hammered at every forum I've been on. Why the fuck would I want to go over and register at his forum to tell him shit we've been telling him for YEARS?

Are you dense, boy?

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Post by drummer »

Luther wrote:Why the fuck would I want to go over and register at his forum to tell him shit we've been telling him for YEARS?
You don't fucking have to register .

That's the point .

Posting about a ran poster , where he can't respond , is a chump move , especially when you can find that poster , and not have to register there to do it .

Simple .

And guess what ? romper room doesn't have a multi page thread like this one .

Fuck , maybe you should just go ahead and wytch a picture of fukken Ringo , or something .
Raydah James
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Post by Raydah James »

drummer wrote:
Luther wrote:Why the fuck would I want to go over and register at his forum to tell him shit we've been telling him for YEARS?
You don't fucking have to register .

That's the point .

Posting about a ran poster , where he can't respond , is a chump move , especially when you can find that poster , and not have to register there to do it .

Simple .

And guess what ? romper room doesn't have a multi page thread like this one .

Fuck , maybe you should just go ahead and wytch a picture of fukken Ringo , or something .

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

The day most of us register or post at that sig whoring shithole is the day you learn proper fucking punctuation when you arent cutting multiple lawns and freeway flower peddling.

Besides, I just caught one his various melts over there (first and last time i'll hit that link)............needless to say, its funnier watching the Mint Chip sweating porkrind sqeal himself into oblivion like a whiny 3 year old throwing a tantrum while nobody pays any kind of fucking attention to him.

The dumbfuck brought it on himself by acting like a douchetube. He now has a whole internet community laughing at him. The End.

RACK Luth.......again

Lock and R-Khyve this beauty.......
Last edited by Raydah James on Sat Aug 26, 2006 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luther »

No, the point is are really a DENSE son of a bitch. I don't care what Buff says about me, you or anybody else. If we liked what he had to say, he'd still be over here. He'd still be at the .net or at the bat or wherever.

You've said this shit for a year now. Shut the fuck up already. I want to know why you're such a pissant errand boy, shit stirrer? Nobody wants to post at his stupid fucking racist, CRYING, bitching, complaining board. Go over there, you little pipsqueek.

I didn't think it was possible, but you've become worse than Rick in Salt Lake, or Irie. At least they didn't whine...they got beat down all the time, but they took it. YOU? You simply don't understand that most of us here don't care what buffy has to say about the bat, or t1b or TT. I mean, have we heard it a bazillion times before? Oh yeah. Then to compound it, we have your shit assed posts, the errand boy (Here is what blah blah blah had to lookie people, here is what PSU said about you...or here is what blah blah blah said.)

Shut up, Edith.

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Post by M2 »


l to r. dummer and Buffspray.
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Post by drummer »


Look Luther , I don't think much about you , and obviously , you don't think much about me . I don't fukken care . So just in case you didn't get that part , I thought I would clarify it , so now you can take all those weak ass Movie Gangsta/shine box/Old trolls smack attempts , and just throw that shit in the garbage . It's really old shit , and doesn't mean a thing because ....

You know BS can read this board ....

You posted a wytch of him .....

You NOW know you can do that there , without registering .

So really , your borrowed tough routine doesn't ring true .

An added Bitch quotient is the word filters . Fuck if that isn't the gayest shit on a fucking message board .

So what do ya got next dude , some borrowed Brokeback movie shit from some other board ?
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Post by Dinsdale »

Drummer's Buddy wrote:Besides - I really wanna try the word filter.
drummer wrote:An added Bitch quotient is the word filters . Fuck if that isn't the gayest shit on a fucking message board

I think I see what's going on here.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Post by Luther »

Shine boy, you made it past 8 th grade, eh? What part of filter did you fail to recognize? how does that pan out, errand boy?

I read some of his ramblings...RACK now is supposed to be filtered as "I lost my penis" or something??? It has been a game between the net and t1b for a long time. I think it is funny. There are stupid word filters all over the forums, you litle kid. You think it is gay, and I suspect you will publicly denounce it at the net, resign your lackey, errand boy, shinebox job and stomp on out of there. Then you'll weakly call BODE (:stifle giggle:) here, leave in the dark of night like you did at TT and then saunter on into your last remaining working udder; Buffy's board.

So how is that working out for you, Shine?

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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Dinsdale wrote:
Drummer's Buddy wrote:Besides - I really wanna try the word filter.
drummer wrote:An added Bitch quotient is the word filters . Fuck if that isn't the gayest shit on a fucking message board

I think I see what's going on here.
It took you this long to figger this out? You may have to turn in your genius hat.
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Post by drummer »

Word filters are gay on every board .

So is this thread .

And the wytch .

Got anything else Luth ? Because you really are reaching here .
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Post by Luther »

You've broke yourself down to four paragraphs, all one sentence long. Outstanding!!! So now is it down to the one wytch of him in the straitjacket? He used to love to be wytched, and he was very profuse in racks over the years on the ones I did of him. He was indeed a good sport. NOW, you don't like my work.

For years I had this snitch that I paid some pretty choice bucks. Oh, I had to sign him up, give him a bogus name, fingerprint him (again) and then constantly keep a log on his work. I really hated to deal with him because he was a "sneak around little snake," much like yourself. He'd try to get by with as little information as possible, and I'd have to badger his ass to get the truth out of him. On occasion, he gave me some great info that lead to some productive work that your great tax dollars paid for.

But you are kind of like him. You haven't even refuted any of the errand boy smack yet, have you? Why? Because you KNOW you've been doing everything that I've said you've done for the last year. I just watched you do it, ALL the time. I don't go over to the net and troll...I don't go over and try to stir up any cross board shit either.

You are just a simp, a weenie who likes to swing from someones sack...a laughable little nobody, neither funny nor insightful. One redeeming value you have is that on occasion you have some football knowledge. I don't care if you don't like my wytches, or for that matter; wytching in general. Sometimes if you develop the wytch correctly, it will speak volumes, and it eliminates a ton of written material. I don't nail it all the time, but for the most part, and from the responses I get, I think I should continue.

Why have you become the errand boy, snitch, shinebox boy of the Jim Rome offshoot boards?

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Post by drummer »

LOL Luth , something you don't get ....

I'm not running errands here .There are so many things that you're not really aware of , so that errand boy bullshit doesn't fly.

You guys have already taken bait from a ran poster . This thread just proxies itself from that ran poster .

My point isn't really isn't about BS , but about the hypocracy that is rampant here .

I don't need to break down your posts , because its a bunch of bullshit .

It's easy to think highly of one's self here , having your nutsack licked , by just staying @ One Board.

Now that I've pointed that out , and I don't think there is anymore left here to do , if you still want to discuss this bullshit , or any other bullshit you think you have left in the tank , you can find me @ my regular hangout .

I'd post the name of it , but again , word filters are gay .
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Post by Chyna Doll »

drummer wrote:
Captain Haddock wrote:He was absolutely right when he described his board; "This is not a smack board"

It's a melt & melt some more board. A true abortion

Notice how no one who registered is actually posting. No one wants to step into that pile. Image
I did .

Spray has a point about all this shit .

Look, the credo is , that anybody that posts about somebody here , where they can't respond is a Bitch move .

Period .

His board is wide open , and this thread is 5 pages , complete with wytches .

You fukkers are complete pussies , and he has BODE because you don't have the balls to burn his shit down .

Especially when he opens the door for ya .

Now look , if you read his board from the beginning , you would see that he has a problem with me .

So fukken what .

If you read the board now , you would read my fukken thread .

Fuck you .

This is THE reason why these boards have become fragmented . Because this little piddly assed shit got you all crosswired , due to you couldn't fit a FUCKTARD into a ten page thread about deck screws .

T1B will always suck shit . Because of this thread alone .

And what would anyone have to gain by posting at Psychospray's board? Having their ip posted, perhaps?
Let's face it, Looneyspray isn't worth the effort to proxy up and post in that abortion he calls his latest board.
And how would you like it if he used your ip/email addy to contact YOUR place of work and/or a crazy ex??
Would it be all fun and games then? I'm thinking you wouldn't be defending him had any of that happened to you.
The man has gone completely shithouse rat crazy, there is no reasoning with a nuttjob like him, even on his sanest day-and let's face it folks the sane days are long gone(if they ever really existed in the first place).
Sorry, Drummer, I can't speak for anyone but Katy and myself(she's on the phone with me now, she has PC problems),
I think we are all done with his melting, contacting ex-husbands, taking message board drama and making it affect someone's real life, and then laughing about it all and saying he's just "FUNNING" with us.
Talk about been there, and done that. It's beyond old, and rather sad.
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Post by M2 »

Chyna Doll wrote:
drummer wrote:
Captain Haddock wrote:He was absolutely right when he described his board; "This is not a smack board"

It's a melt & melt some more board. A true abortion

Notice how no one who registered is actually posting. No one wants to step into that pile. Image
I did .

Spray has a point about all this shit .

Look, the credo is , that anybody that posts about somebody here , where they can't respond is a Bitch move .

Period .

His board is wide open , and this thread is 5 pages , complete with wytches .

You fukkers are complete pussies , and he has BODE because you don't have the balls to burn his shit down .

Especially when he opens the door for ya .

Now look , if you read his board from the beginning , you would see that he has a problem with me .

So fukken what .

If you read the board now , you would read my fukken thread .

Fuck you .

This is THE reason why these boards have become fragmented . Because this little piddly assed shit got you all crosswired , due to you couldn't fit a FUCKTARD into a ten page thread about deck screws .

T1B will always suck shit . Because of this thread alone .

And what would anyone have to gain by posting at Psychospray's board? Having their ip posted, perhaps?
Let's face it, Looneyspray isn't worth the effort to proxy up and post in that abortion he calls his latest board.
And how would you like it if he used your ip/email addy to contact YOUR place of work and/or a crazy ex??
Would it be all fun and games then? I'm thinking you wouldn't be defending him had any of that happened to you.
The man has gone completely shithouse rat crazy, there is no reasoning with a nuttjob like him, even on his sanest day-and let's face it folks the sane days are long gone(if they ever really existed in the first place).
Sorry, Drummer, I can't speak for anyone but Katy and myself(she's on the phone with me now, she has PC problems),
I think we are all done with his melting, contacting ex-husbands, taking message board drama and making it affect someone's real life, and then laughing about it all and saying he's just "FUNNING" with us.
Talk about been there, and done that. It's beyond old, and rather sad.
You two "Looney tunes" are as fucked up as the fatman...

If you don't see it... then you'll just have to stay in your trailers and think about.

Come back... when you figure it out.
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Post by Chyna Doll »

m2 wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:
drummer wrote: I did .

Spray has a point about all this shit .

Look, the credo is , that anybody that posts about somebody here , where they can't respond is a Bitch move .

Period .

His board is wide open , and this thread is 5 pages , complete with wytches .

You fukkers are complete pussies , and he has BODE because you don't have the balls to burn his shit down .

Especially when he opens the door for ya .

Now look , if you read his board from the beginning , you would see that he has a problem with me .

So fukken what .

If you read the board now , you would read my fukken thread .

Fuck you .

This is THE reason why these boards have become fragmented . Because this little piddly assed shit got you all crosswired , due to you couldn't fit a FUCKTARD into a ten page thread about deck screws .

T1B will always suck shit . Because of this thread alone .

And what would anyone have to gain by posting at Psychospray's board? Having their ip posted, perhaps?
Let's face it, Looneyspray isn't worth the effort to proxy up and post in that abortion he calls his latest board.
And how would you like it if he used your ip/email addy to contact YOUR place of work and/or a crazy ex??
Would it be all fun and games then? I'm thinking you wouldn't be defending him had any of that happened to you.
The man has gone completely shithouse rat crazy, there is no reasoning with a nuttjob like him, even on his sanest day-and let's face it folks the sane days are long gone(if they ever really existed in the first place).
Sorry, Drummer, I can't speak for anyone but Katy and myself(she's on the phone with me now, she has PC problems),
I think we are all done with his melting, contacting ex-husbands, taking message board drama and making it affect someone's real life, and then laughing about it all and saying he's just "FUNNING" with us.
Talk about been there, and done that. It's beyond old, and rather sad.
You two "Looney tunes" are as fucked up as the fatman...

If you don't see it... then you'll just have to stay in your trailers and think about.

Come back... when you figure it out.

Windchime salesman/ren-faire fairy faggot freak said WHAT?
Bwah! Weren't you a big Buttsy knob-polisher at .net?
Correct me if I'm wrong, sweetcheeks.
And what are you doing posting here on a saturday night? Isn't this the big D&D night that you host in your mom's basement?
Enjoy your fresca and chain maille wearing fellas, fag. If you're real nice, the boys may show you their "swords" later.
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Post by Chyna Doll »

Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
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Post by RadioFan »

Chyna Doll wrote:Windchime salesman/ren-faire fairy faggot freak said WHAT?
Bwah! Weren't you a big Buttsy knob-polisher at .net?
Correct me if I'm wrong, sweetcheeks.
And what are you doing posting here on a saturday night? Isn't this the big D&D night that you host in your mom's basement?
Enjoy your fresca and chain maille wearing fellas, fag. If you're real nice, the boys may show you their "swords" later.
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Post by Luther »

drummer wrote:Now that I've pointed that out , and I don't think there is any ass left of my snitch ass, but if you still want to spank me, or any other orifice you think you haven't plungered, you can find me @ my regular hangout .
No, you just scamper on away. I hope some of the people you castigated for poor showings over here decide to yard your little ass up for all to see. Remember how you used to critique their showings here? I'd like to see those same peeps treat your little errand boy ass. What are you going to cut and past now, sissy boy?

Did you leave cupcakes and nacho's for the boys in our NFL forum, or are you just going to kinda stay quiet over there, and be subservient?

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Post by M2 »

RadioFan wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:Windchime salesman/ren-faire fairy faggot freak said WHAT?
Bwah! Weren't you a big Buttsy knob-polisher at .net?
Correct me if I'm wrong, sweetcheeks.
And what are you doing posting here on a saturday night? Isn't this the big D&D night that you host in your mom's basement?
Enjoy your fresca and chain maille wearing fellas, fag. If you're real nice, the boys may show you their "swords" later.
Classic... :lol:

... the tards really have "freaky" skillls. 8)
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Post by TenTallBen »

I haven't read much, if any, of this thread but...

All of those who pound out paragraph after paragraph on their keyboards about this stupid BS drama are no better than him regardless where you post. You might call him a loser but yet you spend just as much time calling him a bigger loser for melting over the boards he has been banned from. Does that really make you any better? Doubt it.

Once you realize that the size of your post total equals how pathetic your life is, maybe you all, as well as BS, will rip the internet connection out of your wall and go meet some real friends for a drink or something...
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Post by M2 »

TenTallBen wrote:I haven't read much, if any, of this thread but...

All of those who pound out paragraph after paragraph on their keyboards about this stupid BS drama are no better than him regardless where you post. You might call him a loser but yet you spend just as much time calling him a bigger loser for melting over the boards he has been banned from. Does that really make you any better? Doubt it.

Once you realize that the size of your post total equals how pathetic your life is, maybe you all, as well as BS, will rip the internet connection out of your wall and go meet some real friends for a drink or something...

Do you drink... a bunch?

Seriously... "a bunch"?
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Post by Chyna Doll »

TenTallBen wrote:I haven't read much, if any, of this thread but...

All of those who pound out paragraph after paragraph on their keyboards about this stupid BS drama are no better than him regardless where you post. You might call him a loser but yet you spend just as much time calling him a bigger loser for melting over the boards he has been banned from. Does that really make you any better? Doubt it.

Once you realize that the size of your post total equals how pathetic your life is, maybe you all, as well as BS, will rip the internet connection out of your wall and go meet some real friends for a drink or something...

Chyna Doll
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Looks like it's high time you stepped away from your 'puter, dude. :lol:
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Post by Y2K »

Chyna Doll wrote:Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
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Post by M2 »

Y2K wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
Jack... you can just call her a slut.

She digs it.
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Post by Chyna Doll »

Y2K wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
Nah, smack is run here, just not by you, lamer. Come to think of it, You don't run smack at any board you post on, Milquetoast.
Now run along and make sure your wife puts some Calgon in your bathwater, ya big vagina, you earned it after completing that mile long honey-do list she left you-pussy.

Repeat after me: YES, DEAR!!
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Post by Chyna Doll »

m2 wrote:
Y2K wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
Jack... you can just call her a slut.

She digs it.
Or we could just call you a dick sucking faggot. Rumor is you really like that.
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Post by TenTallBen »

Chyna Doll wrote:
TenTallBen wrote:I haven't read much, if any, of this thread but...

All of those who pound out paragraph after paragraph on their keyboards about this stupid BS drama are no better than him regardless where you post. You might call him a loser but yet you spend just as much time calling him a bigger loser for melting over the boards he has been banned from. Does that really make you any better? Doubt it.

Once you realize that the size of your post total equals how pathetic your life is, maybe you all, as well as BS, will rip the internet connection out of your wall and go meet some real friends for a drink or something...

Chyna Doll
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Looks like it's high time you stepped away from your 'puter, dude. :lol:
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You've posted more in this thread than I do in a week. Obsesseddddd loser.
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Post by M2 »

Chyna Doll wrote:
m2 wrote:
Y2K wrote: I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
Jack... you can just call her a slut.

She digs it.
Or we could just call you a dick sucking faggot. Rumor is you really like that.

Rinse and repeat...

the tardland posters... are all the l/same.

the truth
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Post by tuff gong »

Luther wrote:shine boy...errand boy...errand boy...errand boy....shine boy...


Rip City
That's telling him.
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Post by Luther »

Oh this is so rich. Thank you Gong Tuff. Don't let this just be your 5th total post and all...and the first in two months. C'mon sweetie, is this you meester Snitch? Bwhahahahahaha


Make sure you bleach the white flag, 'k?

Rip City
T1B Rules of Operation:

4. Forums. If you don't like it, leave. It is that simple.

OK, bye.
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Post by Y2K »

Chyna Doll wrote:
Y2K wrote:
Chyna Doll wrote:Anyone else want to step to me?? :lol:
I'm sorry but we don't run smack here.

or so it's been said..............
Nah, smack is run here, just not by you, lamer. Come to think of it, You don't run smack at any board you post on, Milquetoast.
Now run along and make sure your wife puts some Calgon in your bathwater, ya big vagina, you earned it after completing that mile long honey-do list she left you-pussy.

Repeat after me: YES, DEAR!!
Man that hurt

You have truely been trained by the best
You don't happen to know a couple dudes named Beantown Basher or ElGrande Peehole do you?
I bet you do ya silly vixen..

I shoulda fucking known it was coming, those cocksuckers bailed outta here just to unleash a new breed of Interwebsmack Ubertard.
Those two fuckers were always up to some form of bullshit

It really is hard to point out all the devasting verbiage, maybe is was
lamer or vagina and stuff but this 'Milquetoast' shot was the one that sold me.
Fucking Peehole was always a Closeted Cajun Cocksmoker so maybe that was the hint.
The "Yes Dear" was all Beantown and I've probably seen Cuda Control-C it around a few boards and it always seem to amaze me. This is always the
devastating final blow and I for one was done at that point.


I feel like a Pet Shop Owner and someone's been fucking with my favorite Parrot. This sucks.
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Post by Chyna Doll »

You really suck elephant dick, you do know that., don't you?
You are the proverbial wet rag when it comes to smack.
Do yourself, and everyone at these boards a favor and stick to posting at B.S.'s big Tardfest.
I'm, sure there's a nice wet blowjob from Buttsy in fer ya, if not I'm sure there is at least a courtesy reach-around in it for you.

Now go, go on, you don't want to pass that up now do ya? There's a good boy, you run to your master*pat*pat*.
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Post by JCT »

You know what's good? Prunes. They have a bad rap as being nasty etc. I mean WTF, they're plums, what kind of a child molesting hippie commie faggot doesn't like a plum? I'm telling you get a bag of sun sweet prunes. They are a GREAT snack. 5 of them little thing have more fiber than and apple and twice the the potassium of a banana. I bought a bag at Vons this morning and I've had at least 3 handfulls today. Sure I'll be on the can tomorrow with the ass pisses but that's also because I had a big salad for lunch and another salad with dinner. Dinner was a perfectly grilled rib eye. I have mastered then steak cooking. Perfect diamond char marks. Also made some perfect roasted potatoes. The secret is to par boil the potaotes before roasting. THEN season them up with some olive oil, salt, pepper and some garlic powder. Then blast them at 400 degrees until crisp. Then you microplane some parm over them and that is some GOOD fucking eating.
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Post by Y2K »

ya knows theirs so real talent in Chyna's posts.
I've never seen a queef molded into sentence structure.
Hell if Crowntard could do that he would be the next Bill Shakespeare.

We may be seeing precident set here.
Last edited by Y2K on Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by M2 »

Chyna Doll wrote:{{{{Yawn}}}}
You really suck elephant dick, you do know that., don't you?
You are the proverbial wet rag when it comes to smack.
Do yourself, and everyone at these boards a favor and stick to posting at B.S.'s big Tardfest.
I'm, sure there's a nice wet blowjob from Buttsy in fer ya, if not I'm sure there is at least a courtesy reach-around in it for you.

Now go, go on, you don't want to pass that up now do ya? There's a good boy, you run to your master*pat*pat*.
It looks like one of Tardland's... "puppets" has gone astray... :twisted:
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Post by JCT »

e wrote:unwar ass piss

Word. But sometimes you have to ruffage up or you'll get all Elvis'd up and die on the can.