mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:First, when Stubbs was found to be boning a page, both he and the page appeared in public to declare that it was consensual and noe of anyone's business.
Oh...OK. That makes all the difference. Actually buttfucking the kid is much better than sending dirty IMs.
In the case of Foley, his was a PREDATORY relationship with a page who was disgusted at the congressman's behavior. Got it?
Your desperation is noted.
What's that? You say "wrong" concerning the predatory nature of Foley's sexual solicitation of the page? Perhaps you're not familiar with FOLEY'S OWN LAW. The FBI sure is, and let's see what they say.
The desperation noted, however, is Limpdick's fevered gnashing. And SERIOUS desperation is noted in the entire GOP leadership as the FBI closes in on the NASTY e-mails sent by the six-term GOP poster child for family values. Your curious insistance on burying this affair is duly noted, as you obviously recognize its full potential--to swing both the house and senate., it's not going away (though Foley sure is, and Hastert too), nor should it. The true nature of GOP hypocrisy has forced itself upon the American people, and we as a people must now deal with it. Are you ready to deal with the essential GOP hypocrisy, babs? I'm not sure you're ready yet.
Just keep squating and taking it up the wazoo, as it were. You've earned it and you're going to keep taking it for a good long multi-tag-team session.