So, this past July, the Curtis Cup was held at Bandon Dunes(whoop-de-doo). Apparently, beforehand, Arnold Freaking Palmer shows up out of the blue, unannounced, shortly before the tourney. Said something about wanting to come support the lady ams, and said had heard nothing but world-class reviews of Bandon, but had yet to go there. So, he decides to take a little roadie. Apparently, after taking a good look around, Arnie says something to the effect of "this course is amazing. I'm going to have to play a round, since I'm here."
And clubhouse dude gives him the long look, as Arnie waits for a response.
"Yes sir, Mr. Palmer. That'll be $250."
Arnie pulls out the plastic without blinking an eye, and enjoys his round. Afterwards, he reportedly said "you know, that's the first round opf golf I've paid for since I was 17 years old."
So, if YOU owned/ran a really fancy course, would you actually charge Arnie to play there?
I don't think it's a money issue for either side(since Bandon sends out foursomes at $250 X 4, all day long, for most of the year), but...
Isn't it an honor for Arnie to make an unannounced roadie, just to come play your course?
I mean, Bandon gets mention on this board every now and then. Don't know if you guys read the golf magazines ever, but it's hard to get through a whole issue without seeing a discussion of Bandon. Seems like if they're trying to boost their reputation as a world-class golf destination(Bandon is about an airport and a few hotels away from being pretty bigtime. It's a hodunk town, but it's just down 101 from Coos Bay, which is a big/deece enough town to take care of any other needs of the traveller).
Seems like it would be beneficial to suck up to one of the true legends of sport. Remember, he was the first television sports icon this country ever knew.
Just seems petty. I realize Arnie can afford it, but I also realize Bandon could, too. And Bandon had a lot more to gain out of the deal than Arnie did.
And one of these freaking days, I'm gonna gets me some Bandon. If this crazy fall weather holds up, I might have to see about it in about 3 weeks(ain't holding my breath). I was told that winter rate starts in November, and that ugly $250+caddie goes down to $50, and you can play unaccompanied.

Freaking sick.
I'm sure I would have gone and stunk it up there by now, except Bandon, OR, ain't exactly right up the street from me. About a 5 hour drive, give or take. Actually, it's not a whole heck of a lot closer to me than it is from the SF Bay area, really...OK, somewhat closer, but not much. Just seems strange to build a course of that caliber in a place with no hotels, no major airport, and a long long way from any major population centers. But then again...if you build it, they will come.