poptart wrote:RF, I challenge you to find any post I've ever put up in which I spoke on behalf of lesbianism.
SG's post is a good one.
Not really. What he said is that people get married to get money from the government, and that since marriage is for procreation of children, we should exclude gays.
THAT is about as narrow minded and ignorant as you can get.
This is an issue where folks have staked out their positions and really won't easily be budged from them.
If fags want to fag around, fine.
If they want to redefine marriage, not fine.
Seriously, where do they get their balls big enough to think they can do that .... ?
Fuck them.
The next step following, of course, is fag adoption of children.
Very very uncool.
The standard set for marriage is man & woman, and that is an appropriate and GOOD standard for society.
The people believe it to be .... overwhelmingly.
Much is made of the divorce rate.
50% is horrible -- not NOT good.
If you think that number will do anything but go up up up UP if sodomites are allowed to marry then you're a very dim bulb.
There is NO compelling reason at all to radically redefine marriage .... NONE.
It's a double standard,like women reporters in the locker room.
I don't think they should be allowed in, unless their male counterparts are also allowed in womens sports locker rooms .
You say "gays can do whatever they want, they can be couples, but they can't be married. Why? because you say? because the bible or the dictionary says?
If the government uses marriage as a means of defining how people - individuals and couples - pay taxes and reap benefits, and you are taking a small segment of the population (gay couples) which you allow to exist under your rules, and you're saying they aren't allowed the same benefits hetero couples have just because they are gay, well isn't that discrimination? Set aside your disgust at the gay activities they partake in (because there are ass fuckers in the hetero world, too), and take a look at the broader picture. They are working, paying taxes, and yet they are denied the benefits other couples get.
IMo You either have to redefine the way the government uses the institution of marriage as a benchmark for distribution of benefits to citizens or you have to allow all "couples", regardless of their sexual proclivities to be able to have access to those benefits.
If you form a new religion - and called yourself "The Tartists" - and the government decided that your religious practices did not meet the standards under which marriage was defined and they denied you access to beneifts you would have a right to if you belonged to an accepted religion, would you accept that as fair?
In the past history of this country at various times, blacks, women, and indians had no rights or limited rights.
Even today in india the lowest caste of people - the untouchables - are treated worse than the dogs that people born into the upper caste keep as pets. Hardline muslims treat women as inferior, yet without them the race would cease to exist.
At what point will we as humans be able to grow past stubborness and ignorance into acceptance of others who live differently when the activities of those who are different have no negative affect on our own personal lives?