Halloween party + Alcohol + Hot-bodied freshmen girls wanting to impress older guys = Fuck, I wish I wasn't so old.
At one point in the evening, I was standing in the front yard of a house party when I saw the living room blinds open. I looked up to see what was going on and saw 4 girls, one of whom had asked me for my number not 15 mintues prior, dancing in front of the window... almost completely naked. (They had call come as Victoria's Secret models, complete with JUST bra and panties, and the little angel wings, so lowing bras and panties wasn't too difficult.) What made it even more amazing was the fact that they were all grinding on and feeling up each other, and the other girls in the party were either indifferent, or were actually getting out $1's for them... Normally, that's the kind of shit that starts a fight. Tonight, it was just Viagra. (Which, ironically, is also the name that I entered this girl's number into my phone under...)
And there is a moral to this story: For those of you still in college.. fuck up. Stop going to class for a semester or two. Keep enrolling, just stop going. Just party for a while. Then, get re-admitted, and do marginally well. Not so well that you graduate, but well enough to stick around. Change your major a lot too. That always helps. Trust me on this. As much as you appreciate hot, naked girls lezzing out and acting like complete Paris Hilton's NOW... you will appreciate it 100x more when you hit 30. Or, quoting Roadtrip...
My life usually sucks. Tonight is NOT one of those nights... other than what the weather is going to do to my knees. God bless college. Norman is so much more fun when OU is winning..."Pretty soon we're gonna be 30 and we're gonna have to pay for chicks like this."