poptart wrote:Whatever the 'master race' may be, one thing's for certain.
It is made up of males procreating with females.
Btw, Bushice, you didn't answer my question before about homosexual 'couples' adopting children.
Are you in favor of it ... ?
I have no problem with it, because I've observed they make good parents. They don't "encourage" the gay lifestyle with kids, they have just as much concern for the childs welfare as hetero parents. And the kids don't grow up with the prejudicial burden of despising those who are different, like you have.
It boils down to what sort of society we want to have.
Society deems some things acceptable and other things not.
You're well aware that we just can't do whatever it is we want to do, right .... ?
There are things that society says NO to, despite your own strong urges and desires.
Smoking dope may be cool in a lot of circles, but society has said NO to it.
Society hasn't said no, the government has. pot enjoys widespread use in society, underground. Same thing as booze in the 1920's. the government said no, society said yes.
Are all the dope smokers being discriminated against ... ?
No, there are some dope smokers who are responsible and upright, yet still, society has decided that on a large scale, we are better off without sanctioning that activity.
More particularly, the stuck up religious right, who thinks it's bad to smoke pot and have premarital sex but perfectly ok to cheat in business and rip off the public.
Most folks believe that men marrying other men is not right.
Funny how gays have such a high exposure on TV, in entertainment, in film, and, oddly enough, in congress. You would think "most folks" would object.
That being the case, society certainly ought not sanction and bless them with marriage just because they want it.
Sorry, this argument is just weak. You're incapable of stepping outside of your own religious shackles to accept a reality that does not fit the picture of the way YOU want things to be. IF homosexuality was so abhorrent to americans, will and grace would not be on Tv and been as successful, barney frank would not have been re-elected as many times as he has been , and Elton John would not have become the international star that he is.
IF you can, explain why "queer eye for the straight guy" became a successful show if "most people" find that type of behavior unacceptable.