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Post by Atomic Punk »

Term limits keeps getting beat down and those in power won't let it happen. Well financed politicians makes sure it stays that way.

I am all for a Dinsdale elected term. Free Keystone Light sounds good to those of us non beer snobs.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:You know, there are service men and women in Iraq who are HONORED to get the opportunity to serve their country.
These brave and proud Americans do not look at it at all as being stuck there, as J. Kerry put it.

He slapped their face to try to gain political advantage.

He's a dumbass and a cunt.

Fuck him.
Give be a fucking break.

Seen the tooth fairy lately too?
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Post by poptart »

I KNOW of what I speak.
If you think otherwise you're just an idiot, Mikey.
No other way to put it.

You definitely wouldn't engage in this dialogue with proud service folks who are in Iraq.

Might end up short a few teeth.
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Post by Gunslinger »

poptart wrote:Dinsdale is right.

Kerry made a total ass of himself.
No spinning that, and yet the Dems come in and unabashedly attempt to do just that.

The same scenario would be played out in here if a Rep had just made a total ass of himself.

Kerry made a total ass of himself, EOS.

Next ... ?
Oh the old horseshit of a fucking argument that the Dems would be riled up about it if a republican did it.

Nevermind the fact that this ignorant shit isnt in the political zone. Nevermind the fact that this is being discussed on all AM radio stations nationwide. Nevermind the fact that you pointed out your ridiculous fucktard rebuttal to a message board that is hosting this on their main page.

Lets just be stupid fucking gimps for 10 seconds and point out how democrats wouldnt make this mainstream media.

Fuck off you fucking dickhead. Do you ever step away from a situation and look at it from reality or do you just jam a stick in your ear and let the brain matter that falls out guide your life. You have to be clinicly fucking retarded to not get this shit or suck as much cock as mvscal does on a daily basis to not understand this government is propagandanizing your ass you'll fuck a N. Korean dictator to give him nukes.
I fucking suck.
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Post by poptart »

The med'-timer failed to go off .... ?

Forget politics and just look at the comments made.

Those comments are indefensible.

Kerry OUGHT to apologize to our service men and women, even IF *winky winky* he didn't intend the comments as they sounded.

The republicans demanding an apology is gay too.

They ought to just let it go.

Go to bed, twat.
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Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:I KNOW of what I speak.
If you think otherwise you're just an idiot, Mikey.
No other way to put it.

You definitely wouldn't engage in this dialogue with proud service folks who are in Iraq.

Might end up short a few teeth.
I never denied that there were good and proud people serving in Iraq.
But if you think that everybody serving there is doing it because it's really what they want to do
then you're a blind fool.

But then based on 95% of your posts that I've read over the years, there's not much doubt about that anyway.
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Post by Gunslinger »

Dinsdale wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
and you'll be a message board god
Already am, thank you.
Go procreate NOW!! Life is passing you by!

Im sorry I'm stopping you Julias Ceaser! Go work your cock in mvscals ass and any ass you see to spread your man seed wherever its needed.


Your life is this?

I guess it doesnt get more glamorouis then a couple of binary codes on "suicidal haven" or any other fucking retarded message board you post at. God damn thats pathetic.
I fucking suck.
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Post by poptart »

Who said that EVERYBODY serving there is doing so because they want to ... ?
Not me, Mikey.
Don't spin that around now.

I said there ARE folks there who are honored to serve there, and you mocked that.

Kerry shit on those people.

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Post by Gunslinger »

poptart wrote:The med'-timer failed to go off .... ?

Forget politics and just look at the comments made.

Those comments are indefensible.

Kerry OUGHT to apologize to our service men and women, even IF *winky winky* he didn't intend the comments as they sounded.

The republicans demanding an apology is gay too.

They ought to just let it go.

Go to bed, twat.
Bush sending troops to fight Iraq instead of Saudia Arabia is indefensible you fucking pussy.

You go fuck off! Bin Laden is still alive and so is everyone else that funded 911. Fucking traitor!

No one is letting go of shit, now that you pussies had control of this country for so long, you awoken the average American that wants to punch you in the fuckin' mouth for what you did. You woke the Nascar dickheads, now you have awoken America and your welfare white ass is put on notice. STOP FUCKING POSTING THIS SHIT ON THE INTERNET FROM WORK WHILE REAL AMERICANS WORK FOR A LIVING YOU LAZY FUCK!!!
I fucking suck.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Gunslinger »

And im sorry but i have to work in the morning. I cant post more here, so the next time i get the chance from my busy schedule earning an income in this country ill check in on you wefare fucks.
I fucking suck.
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Post by poptart »

What you typed is not the issue here, you tiny little piss fart.

And I'm not part of the 'you pussies' you speak of.

I belong to no party.

Get a grip, fella.
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Post by Gunslinger »

Atomic Punk wrote:
Tourette's wrote:
Fuckin' awesome, go beat your dick off for that one.
I fucking suck.
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Post by Mikey »

poptart wrote:Who said that EVERYBODY serving there is doing so because they want to ... ?
Not me, Mikey.
Don't spin that around now.
You mean the way you and the Dittofarts are spinning Kerry's words?

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Post by poptart »

Dude, he said what he said.

Even IF one chooses to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he didn't intend the comments to sound as they did, he OUGHT to sack up and apologize to our service people for having his WORDS disparage them.

He's demonstrating no accountability.
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Post by Atomic Punk »

Gunslinger wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:
Tourette's wrote:
Fuckin' awesome, go beat your dick off for that one.
I was worried poptart would think that was directed at him. Good thing your remaining brain cell hit the synapse space and down the chimney to hit a reply.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Post by Luther »

Mikey wrote:...then you're a blind fool.
But then based on 95% of your posts that I've read over the years, there's not much doubt about that anyway.
After all these years of banging on these boards, I wouldn't have attributed the above quote to have come from Mikey. I could see Mikey saying it, but not about Poptart.

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Post by Truman »

BSmack wrote:
88 wrote:If a person wants to work, and has taken any initiative to develop some marketable skills, he or she can find a job. But if that person hasn't prepared himself or herself to be a productive, self-supporting, contributing member of society, that person has no one to blame but themselves.
Which is pretty much what Kerry was saying.
No it wasn't, Brian.

John Kerry said this:

''You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.''

Graduates of our military academies, by definition, have made the most of their education. They have studied hard, done their homework, and made an effort to be smart. Ninety-nine percent of America would say that these military academy graduates have done well. Yet it is a wonder, per Lurch's theory, that some of these graduates find themselves "stuck in Iraq."

John Kerry is a contemptuous fuck.

And so are you, B, if you attempt to spin this from anything more than what it truly is.
But hey, keep bashing away at Kerry.
Hanoi John is toast come '08. Which leaves you with Billary and Barrack Islama. Not happenin' in this century, B. Can you say, Four more Years?
It beats the hell out of having to explain the quagmire in Iraq,
Why, the daily harrangue of the Congressional Democrats and their Liberal media lapdogs already do a nice job of explaining the "quagmire" in Iraq - with photos and everything! Seriously, dude, what more do you want?
...the rigging of gas prices,
Bitchin' strategy, B! Let's drive up fuel prices over the summer, make a butt-load of cayshe, and really piss off the electorate! Then we'll drop prices right before the election and hope that the Libs and the media won't see right through our strategy! Now there's a winning formula for retaining power in both houses of Congress!

Black helicoptors over Michigan much, B?
...the corruption of the Congressional GOP leadership (Foley anyone?)
Sick fuck. What is he, 264 bullets away from assuming the presidency? Piece of shit oughtta resign immediately!

Oh wait...

Meanwhile, Democrat Bill Jefferson (along with the 90-grand in cold-hard cash that the fibbies found in his freezer) seeks re-election in Louisiana's 2nd District. (Glass houses, anyone?)
...and the 40% approval ratings the Dipshit in Chief sports.
...Which means, of course, that it's a stone-cold lock that the Dems will control 259 seats in the House while boasting a 10 seat majority in the Senate. Whatever, dude. Might wanna keep that shower rod from last week's loss at Oaktown handy after next Tuesday... :wink:
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Post by Mister Bushice »

poptart wrote:You know, there are service men and women in Iraq who are HONORED to get the opportunity to serve their country.
These brave and proud Americans do not look at it at all as being stuck there, as J. Kerry put it.

He slapped their face to try to gain political advantage.

He's a dumbass and a cunt.

Fuck him.
You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

That, Kerry said, was meant as a reference to Bush, not troops. Kerry said it is the president who owes U.S. soldiers an apology — for "a Katrina foreign policy" that misled the country into war in Iraq, failed to adequately study and plan for the aftermath, has not properly equipped troops and has expanded the terrorist threat.

"I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes," he said. "It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did."
So lessee. Go to college, and you don't go to war. With a high school education, no money for college, nothing but minimum wage jobs available that won't hardly pay for gas, rentfood, etc. What to do?

Hey!!! join the military, get a free education.

But first you have to go to iraq.

And when you finish your first tour, you have to go back, even if you weren't supposed to be doing so.

And when you are done your service time, you will have to be called back, because we don't have enough troops.

So yeah, I'd call that "stuck".

Was what he said worded well? No certainly not, but it was an off the cuff remark on the campaign trail, followed up by more targeted shots at the president, not at the troops.

Do I want him to be president in 2008? No fucking way.

Are the republicans trying to turn his own words on their heads to use against him? yes indeedy.

Just more of the same old shit from glass house living people tossing rocks. Nothing new here.

What with all of the misstatements by Bush over the years, you'd think the bushites would not shit in their hats over this one.

carry on.
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Post by Mikey »

Luther wrote:
Mikey wrote:...then you're a blind fool.
But then based on 95% of your posts that I've read over the years, there's not much doubt about that anyway.
After all these years of banging on these boards, I wouldn't have attributed the above quote to have come from Mikey. I could see Mikey saying it, but not about Poptart.

Rip City
You mean about the guy who thinks God and GOD planted dinosaur bones in the ground just to fool us?
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Post by Mister Bushice »

Did he make disease, and the diamond blue?
If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —GWB Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.
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Post by Y2K »

Kerry meant to say:
''You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get free money, healthcare and food from the Government every month, You can knock up women at will and either have your women abort them or not and the government will pay for it either way. You can lead the life of being a worthless piece of crap with no dignity or respect for yourself or anyone else as long as the Taxpayers pony up when you need it. My collegues and I have been fighting relentlessly and creating excuses for years just so you people don't need reason to do anything honorable like taking entry level jobs, joining the military or working as many angles towards success like all the stupid people stuck in Iraq are doing, You think I would support their choice? Hell, we're just wasting money on that nonsense we could be spending on people stuck on welfare roles that really need it. We need to set our priorities straight. ''
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Post by BSmack »

Truman wrote:
BSmack wrote:
88 wrote:If a person wants to work, and has taken any initiative to develop some marketable skills, he or she can find a job. But if that person hasn't prepared himself or herself to be a productive, self-supporting, contributing member of society, that person has no one to blame but themselves.
Which is pretty much what Kerry was saying.
No it wasn't, Brian.
Yes it was you ignorant twat. Now, are you going to talk issues? Or are you just going to swing away at your strawman?
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Post by BSmack »

88 wrote:They are the best this country has to offer. Period. And that is no political dig at anyone or any party. It is just the fucking truth.
So you're saying that the millitary is made up of MIT, Cal and RPI grads? Or when you say "best this country has to offer", are you angling towards some kind of higher metaphysical truth known only to yourself?
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Post by Diego in Seattle »

88 wrote:
Mikey wrote:Your take shows mostly that your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired. Not only that, but your link does absolutely nothing to refute my take. You ought to try reading it. It's a survey of ZIP codes, not recruits.
Here is the entire GAO report, Mikey. The data reported in the report does not support your characterization of the demographic composition of the US military.

You don't know anyone who is actively serving in the US military, do you? You ought to spend some time with the regular Joe's who have been in Iraq. I do quite a bit of high power shooting (I have been an avid shooter since high school), and I have spent a lot of time talking with active duty enlistees and reservists. They are the best this country has to offer. Period. And that is no political dig at anyone or any party. It is just the fucking truth.
No argument there. Absolutely.

But you're freaking naive if you think that the upper middle class & wealthy are shouldering an equal burden of this country's military burden.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Mikey wrote:What Kerry said had a lot of truth to it.
The thing the Bush is spinning actually has truth. It isn't what Kerry was trying to say, but the glorified weatherman on Fox & Friends was blabbering while a graphic below him stated that 95% of military service folk ain't got a degree.
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Post by BSmack »

Diego in Seattle wrote:No argument there. Absolutely.

But you're freaking naive if you think that the upper middle class & wealthy are shouldering an equal burden of this country's military burden.
Best and brightest doesn't, and shouldn't mean wealthy and upper middle class. The use of the millitary as a tool for social advancement is a whole other issue.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Post by PSUFAN »

Kerry has done his fellows no favors with this. He learned very little from his own election if he thinks it's difficult for political hacks to spin something like this into gasoline for their candidates to use to avoid talking about real issues.

Kerry should try to be a good Senate representative of his constituents. His ambitions should end right there, and his "jokes" shouldn't be in play on the campaign trail under any circumstances. But, they are...and Dem strategists have only themselves to blame.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Post by Y2K »

PSUFAN wrote:Kerry has done his fellows no favors with this. He learned very little from his own election if he thinks it's difficult for political hacks to spin something like this into gasoline for their candidates to use to avoid talking about real issues.

Kerry should try to be a good Senate representative of his constituents. His ambitions should end right there, and his "jokes" shouldn't be in play on the campaign trail under any circumstances. But, they are...and Dem strategists have only themselves to blame.
Well said.
His reaction to the spin on this is pathetic as well.
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Post by BSmack »

Y2K wrote:Well said. His reaction to the spin on this is pathetic as well.
So, now that you got that out of your system, what do you think about the quagmire in Iraq, the out of control federal budget deficit and Kim Jong Ill throwing Bush the finger?

Or would you rather get your panties in a knot about nothing?
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

—Earl Sinclair

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Post by Bizzarofelice »

88 wrote:Personally, I place the citizens who provide service as members of our armed forces at the top of that continuum.
What a tool. Soldiers are pawns to America's imperialism. They stick a gun in the face of those who might be a speed bump to our GDP. They only way they defend us is with their sheer size as a deterrent to aggression against us.

America would be a better place if it was populated with more engineers and philosophers and less soldiers.
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Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Mikey wrote:What Kerry said had a lot of truth to it. You assholes really ought to stop fooling yourselves because it's blind idiots like you who are enabling the Republitards to run this country into the ground.

Sure there are a lot of quality people in the military. People who want to be there. Who have wanted to serve and have the intelligence to do it. RACK them. But there are also a lot of people who are there because it's the job of last resort. Don't kid yourself into denyinbg this. It doesn't mean they're stupid, it just means that there aren't any other jobs available in our wonderful surging economy where a high school graduate (or dropout) without a college degree can make a living wage. Even people with college degrees these days aren't guaranteed a decent job. And who can afford college any more anyway?

You keep hearing about how the income gap between rich and poor is growing wider. You think this is happening in a vacuum? You think the neofucks really want to do anything about it? This phenomenon is NOT unintentional. The harder it is for low income earner to make a living wage, the more attractive the military becomes. How else do you think they'll be able to recruit their cannonfodder without a draft? Hunnnnhhh? They've lowered the standards as far as they can already.

And you think it's confined to the unwashed, undereducated masses? Think again. College tuitions going up faster than healthcare costs. They're making government loans and grants for college harder and harder to get. How are we going to afford college? Gee ever heard of ROTC? Wow we have a vast untapped source for training young officers who would never have considered the miltary in the past. Who would have thunk it?
Rack every single last word of that.

Only difference of opinion I have with Mikey is that imho, this has been going on a bit longer than he seems to think. I was in precisely the position of his last paragraph in the 1980's.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

88 wrote:It doesn't surprise me to see the lefties on this board take the positions they take.
The scale isn't two dimensional, tard.
They do not respect the military.
Tell us why I should, and how much respect do they deserve?
They do not appreciate the service and sacrafice.
You've been brain-washed. That may have helped you get through a traumatic childhood, but you're a big boy now wh oshould think for himself.
In their mind, anyone who would serve in the military is an idiot or someone without options.
If you are willing to die at the whim of spotted and unconstant politicians, you are an idiot.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

mvscal wrote:
Bizzarofelice wrote:America would be a better place if it was populated with more engineers and philosophers and less soldiers.
Of course you are none of the above.
You are correct.

Was that s'posed to be an insult?
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Post by Y2K »

Or would you rather get your panties in a knot about nothing?

Are you fucking serious.....
This dickhead Kerry is a Republicans best friend. Dude is a bonafide idiot.
Anyone who voted for Kerry and calls GWB stupid brings irony to a level few have acheived.
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Post by PSUFAN »

In their mind, anyone who would serve in the military is an idiot or someone without options. Very sad.
I agree, this is a very arrogant and unrealistic attitude. Kerry's problem is that his joke makes it easy for folks to attribute this attitude to him. The worst part of it is, in my opinion, I wouldn't be surprised to find that it is his true position. That can be my only conclusion about his apparent willingness to tread this thin ice so close to Election Day. This gaffe reveals the true extent of his disassociation.

I don't agree with assigning blame for policy to those who serve in our military. I might disagree with the policy, but as far as supporting troops and citizens who serve would go, I see that as a separate matter.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Y2K wrote:[Anyone who voted for Kerry and calls GWB stupid brings irony to a level few have acheived.
completely disagree.

kerry blew the election. kerry blew this stupid joke.
dubya sounds 100% stupid every time he opens his mouth. lest you forget "fool me once..."
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Post by PSUFAN »

I'm no Bush fan...but at least he was smart to associate himself with people who could win a few elections. Kerry was not that smart. Kerry overplayed the intelligence hand. He might sound erudite at a cocktail party, but he blew a very winnable election, and I call that dumb.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Post by Y2K »

dubya sounds 100% stupid every time he opens his mouth. lest you forget "fool me once..."
In my opinion both bulbs are pretty dim, If the Demo's don't tell Kerry to shut the fuck up and dissappear like many Republicans did to Dubya, it will once again look like the blind leading the blind and whatever gains they make this election will vanish fast. Pretty funny stuff.